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pippychick last won the day on July 3 2023

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  1. Ok… I guess I will make a start on the next chapter. See if I can get it done for Christmas.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Add in a dash of zombie apocalypse with those hordes of shoppers, and you can have *both* a halloween and a holiday story.  :)


    3. pippychick


      If I ever get my hands on the dirty bastard who shoved a pint glass down the gents toilet, it’ll be a halloween story of sorts. But then, the same gang were thrown out the club, and kicked off a load of trouble outside. They were searching through the cctv for the police this morning, because they’d been throwing glasses at the takeaway next door and nearly hit someone. So maybe they will get prosecuted for a public order offence. We can hope.

    4. pippychick


      And… I’m not going to finish. Maybe Boxing Day.

      Went to the ASDA this morning. Picked up a monster turkey, free range, corn fed. No added chlorine…. yet. *sighs* *shudders* I may have to give up chicken if that ever happens, I kid you not. And I feel the same way about chicken as Clegane does. :( Maybe I could keep and kill my own. It’s a thought. Or just go vegan. Without chicken, there’s not much point in eating (or drinking) anything else animally.

      But the turkey… they greyhound has seen it. It’s as big as her. Her eyes nearly fell out of her head. I’d have got a smaller one, but they had three left and that was the smallest. :/

      Clegane, meanwhile, is just in the middle of being massaged into a gooey lump. But he’s about to spoil it by laughing, and he knows this, but it’s okay. Tormund has some plan to just carry on until he’s stopped resisting or something. I don’t know. It sounds more aggressive than it actually is.

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