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Posts posted by Iggy_lovechild

  1. Well, since that last post I've re-named the story "Buried Heart/Naked Soul". I'm not sure if it's any better, but I'm much more comfortable with it and it's very fitting for the subject matter.

  2. *wearily* Due to the shitstorm this has created, what with the deletion of "innocent journals" (fiction journals, fandom related material, and a couple major fuck-ups in the form of support/surviver journals), the powers that be at lj is unsuspending some journals and comms. They're looking at content now, rather than just randomly deleting shit. Actually, from what I understand the main purge was done by the higher-ups at lj and the Abuse Team has been doing the clean up job, I guess. Anyway, the mess is being cleaned up and hopefully the hysteria will die down.

  3. Yeah, shortly after I posted my original messege the TOS dissappeared. Guess they revised it. Tricky, tricky.

    On the deletion of any stories on Fanlib, I'm not entirely clear on what happens to any copies that were distributed. All I know is that Fanlib can no longer use that content after it's been deleted.


    Scarier still: In case ya didn't notice, they accept original fiction as well.

  4. Yeppers.

    rolleyes.gif I'm just gonna stick with my poor little ol' non-mainstream sites, kay thanks. Still, this is just a shit storm waiting to happen. I feel bad for any writers who sucked up the smoke that Fanlib blew up their asses.

  5. Seems like Fanlib has been making a few waves so I decided to check it out. It's bright and shiny US Magazine layout is just exaborating my headach. It's so...cold and professional. Anyway, to the important shit:

    Fanlib's TOS

    It's sounds great until you get down here, and then things start getting...uh, strange.

    Section 8. Your Rights to Material you Post

    At FanLib, we expect you to post the content you create ("Your Content") on the website. You keep any and all rights to Your Content. FanLib does not own any rights to Your Content. However, when you post Your Content, you are giving FanLib the right to use, reproduce, distribute and publicly display Your Content on the website or through its services (such as email notification and RSS feeds) free of charge.

    FanLib also wants to be able to promote Your Content on FanLib.com. As a result, FanLib may create summaries or descriptions of Your Content to promote and/or showcase Your Content. You authorize FanLib to make, reproduce, distribute, and display these summaries or descriptions on FanLib.com or through its services but not for any other purpose unrelated to FanLib.com. If you mark any of Your Content private, we will not promote and/or showcase Your Content.

    Another part of FanLib's service allows other people to use Your Content on the FanLib Website. By putting Your Content on the FanLib website, you are granting each FanLib website user all the rights you have that they need to use, copy, distribute, or display Your Content on the FanLib website.

    Hmmm... unsure.gif I don't really know how comfortable I am with having my work so...freely available for distribution. Especially since this is fanfiction and it ain't like I'm getting money of it....

    Now I've heard that's exactly what Fanlib wants, to make money off fanfic writers. It's a complicated system from what I've been told, and I haven't dug around enough to get the full picture. Of course, like a lot of fanfiction sites, they are not responsible for anything you post. I mean, they are hard core with the whole "we-shalt-not-be-sued" business. Makes me nervous, to be honest.

    Anyway, the fanfic browse sucks too. Every available fandom is listed and there are no seperate catagories or sub-cats either.

    And sorry, I don't trust any fanfiction site that put little pitures beside the story summaries and in the FF7 section there's a story about Reno with Rufus's picture in the caption. dry.gif Stupidity is such a turn-off.

    Check it out for yourself, maybe I'm just easily spooked: Fanlib

    Friend of mine sent me a link with more info on Fanlib, the important shit that we as fanfic authors need to know.

    Everything you Need to Know About Fanlib

  6. *sighs*

    I'm gonna sound like such a fucking prick for saying this but here goes:

    Now I'm going to straight up say that I'm not too fond of incest and under-age sex has become a bit of a squick of mine. Now I understand the concept of free spech but I also understand that this is a hot button right now. If lj dosn't want to host that sort of thing, then they don't fucking have to. Simple as that. And anyway, it's not like it really matters in the end. Once this little snit has blown over, new journals and comms devoted to such things will pop up and folks will be able to find their jollies once more. I don't know, for some reason that entry just seemed a bit absurd to me.

    Although, it should be noted that lj was pressured to do so and that no one seemed to give a flying rat's ass before whatever the fuck went down at fanlib. I'll be checking out more about fanlib too. From the sounds of it fanfic writers need to warned.

  7. Actually the impact of LKH's divorce on her writing is parially why there's so much sex now but mostly earmarked by the introduction of Micah and the total villification of Richard. So the rumours go, Micah is based on her wonderful new boyfriend and Richard was based on her ex-hubby. I've also heard the rise in her novels' smut factor has to do with one of her editors or publishers going, "hey, maybe you should cut down on the sex scenes."


    Read the new fae book. Nothing happens...except for Sholto getting his groove back. That was pretty sweet.

  8. Yes but the point is she doesn't even make a goddamn effort to change up her schtick. I get a lot of reviews that are just as brief, often from the same person but no two reviews, not even two sentence reviews are the same. That's why we're pissed off, not just because she's lazy.

    Admittedly, I may not always leave meaty reviews but I at least try to tell the author why I liked it so much. tongue.gif

  9. Eh, my actual taste in men runs pretty wide physically. I like the typical underfed waif-y goth boy look just as well as someone with a solid set of muscule (though generally I don't go for muscular types. I guess I associate them too much with the jocks that made my teen-age years a living hell). Aesthetically, I most prefer someone with a sleek, elegant musculature. Definition without an extreme amount of bulk. Jude Law comes to mind...or Christian Bale before he bulked up for "American Pycho" (though he was still pretty hot).

    Ehh...personality wise is pretty much a wild card...though I usually seem to gravitate toward interesting, unique personalities, which pretty much means I'm ending up with crazy people. laugh.gif That's okay, I'm none too sane myself.

    Great hair is a must thought. I have a thing for hair. I don't mind it long or short (though I prefer long), just as long as it's nice, touchable, and pleasing tot he eye.

  10. See so I've been experimenting again. *sighs* I wanted something perfect because it's such a pain to size down to 300x150...seriously, yo. Anyway, I think this is gonna be it for awhile.

    Um yeah, so it's the close-up on Rufus's eyes right before Diamond Weapon blows up his office. I think we all know why I added the text. laugh.gif When I played the game again after seeing AC, I wasn't the least bit surprised that he'd survived. That look....

  11. While I'm thinking about it, you four five, what yaoi pairings are you looking to see for FF7, anyway?

    Well...other than my main ships that I already mentioned...



    I'd also really like to find VincentxTseng, but I'm a little afraid that one only exists in my head.

  12. I may not be a big hugger and a bit distant at times, but I'm seriously more comfortable in this forum than some others. The only place I'm more comfy is on my lj, where you'll find all manner of weirdness and babble.


    So maybe it ain't much different than here....

  13. *waves arms*

    Um, hello? I write some Reno/Cloud fics! Oh! You should read this one:Conversations on the Phone

    It's set pre-game, before Last Order when Cloud was still a cadet at Shinra  smile.gif

    unsure.gif I had no idea! I've searched both parts of the FF7 section. I might've skipped it because I generally avoid fics involving Cloud so...um, young.

    I may be making too broad a generalisation here, but... I rather suspect that the majority of Final Fantasy 7 fans that write fanfic on this site are...


    Rabid yaoi fangirls.

    Of the obsessive, creepy kind.

    So it's not that surprising there's so much crap out there.

    You're not generalizing at all. *points at current nametag* I wish that were more of a joke than it really was.

    Seriously though, while I've found a few good fics on AFF, the bad severely outweighs the good. Ah well, I guess that's why I tend to write so much. It's partially a matter of an author trying to placate their own desires. Sadly, it's just not the same.

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