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Everything posted by Dean_Wax

  1. Whoops! Mine are all monsters. hash-tag-darkfic Re: OP - I don't know about the fandom section, but the Originals are literally categorised by sexuality or lack thereof within each genre?
  2. Hm. This whole thing is an experimental work in progress. Keep your eye on Flicker; you might like it. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105759
  3. Simpsons have done everything. Forget about them! This book is the future. And also, a copy will be my birthday present.
  4. It would only be stupid if that character then went on to act like a boring human without utilising the clear advantages of being part merman during events that unfold in the story. Given your description, I think you're safe from this. But too often is being half-a-something used as little more than a special-snowflake excuse to be young and pretty forever or some other boring bullshit. This idea has some cool potential. He could piss them off and they could cement-foot him into a river but naturally he can breathe underwater for long enough to hop his way to safety along the riverbed or something like that.
  5. How open to horror themes are you?
  6. YOU GUYS. Sequel to the Shining! I'm so excited. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Sleep_%28novel%29
  7. Oh! Sorry, I meant something like age-appropriate ratings. Where I am it is G, PG, M, MA and R but it depends on the country. To my memory Fictionpress has something like K, T and T++ but then the age of your profile doesn't stop you from accessing content you shouldn't.
  8. Yes. I've never written fanfiction in my life, but I find the ratings system dubious at best on fictionpress and on other sites like Writer'sCafe there is literally nothing stopping a minor from reading graphic violence, and smut including rape. Nope. Nope, nope, nope.
  9. I have one regular reviewer for my stories named Nine, and I always enjoy theirs because they are full of genuine excitement. Happy place.
  10. i think this makes more sense in humour... even if it is slishy-slashy. this is the most successful parody of this genre i have read so far... i assume it is a parody... it is certainly like no dean wax story i have ever read before!!!!! from Nine for Candy Hearts Bleed Forever I thought so too, but unfortunately the Humour category is a desolate wasteland. And the slash will be very frequent, for I will be shoehorning the unsolicited sexual harassment into each and every chapter. When it is done, I have been toying with the idea of injecting my other characters into the gauntlet that is Tropes Academy to see how they'd fare. And thank you for being the first reviewer to identify that this is satirical. Some genuinely written cliches will be in Seasons Burn I suppose, but I have been taking a break, so to speak (with CHBF) and am still very much focused on the TOAK arc. I am having a few problems with the plot plan for Seasons Burn anyway. I need to work out some major kinks.
  11. I am going to send you a message, in the interest of privacy.
  12. Copywriting at work, by me: "How to sue the Call-back feature" derp derp derp.
  13. I'm Dean! I like my prose purple and my gender and sociopolitical alignments ambiguous. Most of my characters are monsters.
  14. Every mother related to me in my generation has been overcome by some kind of furious determination at 38-39 weeks when they haven't gone into labour yet, going for walks up and down the beach etc. to try to trigger their water breaking because they were so fed up of being pregnant. Based on this, I can only assume the state of being heavily pregnant is very uncomfortable and/or unpleasant.
  15. I wasn't meant to start liking them! D: I have the entire discography now.
  16. I was testing some watercolours on a rough concept image for a graphic design diploma illustration project in 2011. I like to keep this snippet around because it reminds me a little bit of one of my characters, Aure.
  17. Is it cheating if you find them in Youtube comments? (For "Coin Operated Boy" by the Dresden Dolls, whom I now love. You did this, Rogue. You accurately suggested it to me as a song I should find exasperating and then I ended up obsessed with their discordance.) "Vibrators aren't batter operated." Well, it's true. Maybe they meant coin, though.
  18. I write a lot of these things, but it is rarely ever to arouse. I take a humorous enjoyment in disturbing and alarming readers with the themes and events in my stories. But on the same note, I am quite obsessed with weaving a world in which the people are bitter, violent, cheating and corrupted and to where be good is to be alienated or coupled with a mental disorder. I feel it is as valid as any construction where justice always prevails or sexual attraction always happens with smouldering stares between two people of vastly different social standing. It's fiction.
  19. Hooray! Thank you
  20. Ohhhh yeah, the red screen. I'll wait
  21. Am I merged?
  22. Wait. This old account is likely to have already been deleted. I just checked my email address I thought it was attached to and it's attached to my current account. So the old one must already be gone. *scuttles away*
  23. I would have gladly deleted it, but I lost access to that one too years ago. It should be under the name Dean_Times. If you send an email to the address it's attached to, I can still respond to confirm it's mine.
  24. Really? That's odd. I have another account that is about 5 years old, but it's on a completely different email address. Oh well. Please let me know when it's done.
  25. I bought a shiny new computer and I have just finished the gauntlet of transferring files/software/bookmarks etc over, but without my precious cookies I have forgotten the password to my account. I tried to use the password reset with my email address, but it keeps saying "unable to reset due to an error". How do I reset/recover my password? I am full of sadness.
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