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Everything posted by Dean_Wax

  1. All logged in now. Thanks for your help DG I would have been lost without it!
  2. I nuked my cookies. I cleared my cache and offline data. Restarted my computer. Went to http://www.adult-fanfiction.org/html-index.php# Tried to log in with my password (as far as I know) – nothing. No successful login, no error message, it just does nothing. Tried to log in with Defintely Not My Password or even a possible password (just 4 random characters) – still no error message. Reset password at http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php. Opened the email it sent me, clicked the link – no ability to reset my password, all I see is the error “This Password Reset is no longer Valid” There really doesn’t seem to be anything more I can do. Is my password blanked? Why is it impossible for me to reset? Is there a way to manually reset it from your end? Is it some kind of bug that the login box isn’t doing anything at all even when a wrong password is entered? I’ve been on the archive since 2012, I really don’t want to lose my account.
  3. Yeah, I cleared my cache the last times I tried it. I just tried it again, and no change. Given that I get the exact same thing in Edge and on my phone, I don’t understand how it’s a Firefox problem? I am using http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/reset.php, it sends me the email to reset my password just fine, it’s when I click on the URL the email gives me to reset it always says “This Password Reset is no longer Valid”. I must have tried about… ten times now? It can’t be a timeout issue – the email arrives and I click the link in under 60 seconds. At this point I’m not even sure what my password is any more (if I even have one) because I nuked the saved login from my browser’s password manager. The fact that it’s also impossible to reset is concerning to me because it’s effectively rendered my account completely inaccessible. I have no idea what’s going on.
  4. DG, can you please give me some more detail? Because I swear on my life that I’ve nuked all the cookies and restarted Firefox twice now, and I still can’t log in and every time I try to reset my password, it just tells me that the password reset link is no longer valid. I’ve combed through every inch of the settings in Firefox 51.0.1 and I’m not seeing any other settings related to what you’re telling me to do. How do I force a complete logout? I’ve also tried logging in using Microsoft Edge – exact same issue as I’m having with Firefox. Can’t log in, can’t reset my password. I’m getting a bit distressed now.
  5. I think I might have done the same thing as newkitty (i.e. reset my password to the same old password without realising it and now I can’t log in on any device) but now when I try to reset it again to something different, every email just says ‘This password reset is no longer valid’ even though I open it and click the link within seconds of the email arriving in my inbox?
  6. This article is the most Australian thing I’ve ever read. XD
  7. Thanks DG!
  8. Ahoy! I have a completed fanfic for Long Exposure that I’d like to post but it needs a home in the archive. It’s a webcomic, so I believe it would be Comics > Web Comics > Long Exposure ? Let me know if you need anything else to make this magic happen
  9. Thank you very much for your reviews! My eyes went all saucery when I read them. I don't think I can adequately describe the validation I feel when even just one person enjoys my stories, except maybe with that sentence. Also, never forget that I am something of a prankster and haha, oh man, you don't even wanna know how far down this rabbit hole goes. My house still hasn't started yet, though I was able to choke out some chapters over christmas, but once I have my own space I hope to write at the same pace I had in 2012/2013. Also, thank you very much for recommending Livide. I am going to save it for Sunday. Yes! Yes, actually. Some characters do lie. It's harder for the narrating ones to lie, but they do have biases that leads them to misinterpret events.
  10. It's a shame you feel that way, but everyone has different tastes. The construction is on purpose - Wailing is not a stable story and these are not stable characters. You might like Aure better (most people do) but eventually, by which I mean years from now, Wailing is going to have information required to understand how the events in the different stories link together, including Aure.
  11. Thank you for the excellent suggestions of what to add to Nathaniel's vocabulary in Candy Hearts Bleed Forever. I feel the next chapter shall have a lot of honorifics because he acts very Japanese.
  12. Thank you! Well, most of my characters are at least partially monstrous, but I have made it fairly easy to cut Aure some slack because his crimes and prejudices are products of his trauma. You'll see more of him, but not for quite some time because I probably won't pick up writing again until 2015. However, he is a pretty central character in the story arc and as I contuinue to flesh out more of his future in my notes, he is not as cruel as I originally intended him to be, although he remains quite cold.
  13. Ooh, you might not like the little hiatus note I'm about to put in the OP of thise thread. 2015 probably sorry
  14. Someone at work told me about Ren'Py today, and I got starry eyes. The website appears heavily targeted towards the anime crowd, but I'm more gaga for the fact that it's a flexible piece of software that allows you create visual novels with novice level scripting experience. And it's freeware? *whispers* I can make so many things *_* Definitely playing around with this on the weekend.
  15. I put it to you that if a female does dislike rape content in your stories, she has been socially conditioned not to state it in a review and to instead just abandon reading it without confrontation. This may be why it has not occurred yet - although I'm sure if you exposed it to a large enough number of females it would be inevitable that would would comment against it, but don't forget that all stories on this site are very clearly tagged and if a woman doesn't want to read rape, she won't.
  16. So, you're saying someone spends hours cultivating highly eroticised smut about smearing his semen on an infant (almost always writing in that the infant has feelings of acceptance/compliance/enjoyment on the infant's part) and then posting it on a popular site on the internet where it gains readership of other like-minded individuals, forming a peer group of paedophiles who enjoy sexualising exploiting one of the most defenceless examples of humanity. ... just so they don't do it real life. Sorry, but that reeks of excuse-making, and is lightyears from being accurate when you take into account that they have posted the work publicly on a site that houses masturbation material. When these people form online bonds they aren't commiserating about their mental illness or hypothetically discussing how not to violate a toddler (usually the exact opposite). They congratulate one another for their work, declaring it a unique fetish that's just so misunderstood rather than what it is, and what it is is disgusting paraphillic psychopathy. I have nothing but a callous contempt for these people.
  17. I drizzle misery pretty liberally onto my stuff, maybe sometimes a rape but when it comes to brutal content I think this woman may have me beat.
  18. Just picked this bizarre switcharoo up while proofing the first chapter of Creeps Empornium Peepshow: But if you’re an adult with cash or credit then I open you with welcome arms, my sweet. I can't decide whether or not I just want to leave it like that.
  19. Thank you! I am glad my constructions borne of bitterness can bring joy to others. ;D
  20. No that works if you follow these 3 steps: 1. Gather friends & liquor 2. Mute TV 3. Do your own dubs
  21. Yes, but I'm working on a Wailing chapter right now. I will get all of the things done, just... slowly. Right now, Aure knows as much as others have told him. He doesn't yet have the means to do his own investigating. Patience, my sweet.
  22. Pfff. Logging in before posting things. Who needs it, right? I think I've gotten rusty at How2Forum.
  23. I found this through a poem... it seems every story by this author has been replaced with "deleted" and I'm not sure why. It does make them rather "un"storyish, though. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296792478
  24. I hear Anne Rice fanfiction on Amazon is one of the signs of the Apocalypse.
  25. Exactly. So lists of either het and lesbian stories are readily accessible.
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