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Aysha c.c.

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Aysha c.c. last won the day on July 20 2014

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  1. Where have you gone Aysha? 

    I’m still waiting for the next chapter of “The Truth Revealed”.

    Please let me know you’re still alive.

  2. Thank you so very much! It worked! You can officially close list thread!
  3. Thank you very much for responding to me. I have sent an email to the address you posted using my Gmail account. The message includes the original email account that my archive account was created under.
  4. Hello I am Aysha on the archive. I posted the stores Transformers Prime The Trutth Revealed, Ben Ten He Saw It, and a few others. Unfortunately it has been quite some time since I logged into my account, like over a year! I tried logging in, I tried changing my password, and I tried following all of the instructions for logging in. Unfortunately I have gotten nowhere! I hope you can help me because I would like to return to writing.
  5. The next chapter is really long,and is almost complete(25 to 30,000 words). Once it's finished ill have to proofread it, refine the details and figure out how to get it posted.
  6. Awesome! Thanks so much!
  7. Unfortunately not at the moment, my computer won't content to the Internet for some reason! I haven't given up on getting back to it, but i have no idea when that will happen.
  8. To be honest I don't know yet, I'm trying to figure out how to work them in. But that would be a long ways down the line. At the very least I would like to add a couple more fembots to the story, but I won't say who just to keep you guessing.
  9. I'm sorry I'm afraid I can't be more specific, I'm in the process of working, going to school, and getting ready to move to another state at the same time. So I'm only able to work on the story sporadically right now.
  10. Yes there is progress, not too much longer now! Thank you for your patience everyone!
  11. In response to your last post to me on this board, I will simply say that you and I see inner Moka in exactly the same way.
  12. I really want a story with X 23 or Eve as I have named her. I just think that the X Men evolution version of X 23 is really cute and sexy. I love her petite size, green eyes, skin and hair color, it all just makes her really hot and on top of that you add in her social inexperienced, and tough girl personality, and I think you could come up with a compelling story. I know you said you didn't like her because you thought they came up with her for the show just to put in a Wolverine type character for the other kids to play with, but as you found out she is a mainstream character from the comic books as well as Wolverine and the X Men. So you can overcome that right?
  13. By the way, personally I think Yukari orchestrated this little nightmare fest to teach Moka this very lesson.
  14. Some of us are still holding out hope that Moka will come to her senses and Tsukune will get to marry all the girls. I find it hard to believe that, if she realized what she was really asking of Tsukune, that she could actually be so cruel and callous to him and the friends she loves. The outer vestige of the Moka character is supposed to be the embodiment of kindness and caring. It is the kind caring bubbly nature of outer Momoka, the girl who would do anything for her friends and go out of her way to help strangers, that he fell in love with from the beginning. Later as he got to know her he fell in love with the inter persona of Moka when he realized that she would fight any monster or overcome any obstacle to protect the ones she loved but also I think when he realized that strength was a shield to protect her own emotional vulnerability. If the two of them would actually stop and think about the consequences of Tsukune choosing her and only her as she demands; they would realize that that choice would destroy Tsukune and her friends, the ones who actually survived it would despise her the rest of eternity. Not to mention the fact that Tsukune would eventually come to resent her. No! The only right way for the story to end is for them to all end up together, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness or in health. Lol
  15. Thank you for your hard work and dedication DG. I know it's hard to convey in text but in no way was I attempting to make you you feel pressured. I am aware that you don't have a mobile skin, as you say, for the archive. I simply wanted to let you know that the trouble I was having existed. I understand that you have a great deal of work ahead of you, and I patiently await the results of your work. Thank you again!
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