^ Likes certain words because they're, and I quote, "Pretty."
< Took up heresiology just to fuck with her neighbors on Sundays.
V Winks at priests but not at reverends.
I am no longer allowed to listen to Harry Potter movies from a different room lest I read something into the dialogue.
"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it, and grip it tight. You don't want to be sliding off the end."
Since I'm not usually squeamish, I click on most links presented to me.
The first was just... How does that happen? I now know someone who needs under wire underwear.
The second... Oh. My. Sweet. Fucking. Merciless. God. That retirement home must have a very interesting pamphlet.
I am trying to decide which is worse: staring at the blinking cursor or staring at the blank sheet of paper.
I am quickly coming to the conclusion that staring at the TV is better than all of the above.