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Everything posted by polywolly

  1. I think so. Trae?
  2. 4699 (Go on... )
  3. Not guilty. I am the youngest. g/ng: Has been jealous of a sibling.
  4. Not at this moment. Trae?
  5. *calms self* No. That's a bit over my head. Unless, of course, I had Redsliver to do all my work for me. I have never been to a movie alone.
  6. 4697
  7. you'll be having sex in the Hogwarts dungeons! You're right at home among the whips and chains... Why am I not surprised? It looks like it'll be pretty crowded down there. We'll have to learn how to take turns.
  8. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am sorry to have to leave the forum so soon. I am not liking this going back to work thing one little bit. I am saying good night to Daz and anyone else who's shown up while I was wandering. I am missing you all!
  9. ^ Underestimates <. < Has been drinking ^'s share of coffee for a number of years, as well as ^^^^^^'s, <<<<<>>'s, and probably VVVVVVVV's. V Will not go back to any vices given up during their pregnancy.
  10. 4672
  11. Not guilty. I never donated blood because, when the opportunity presented itself, I didn't weigh enough. I think I might weigh enough now, but now I'm too damn lazy. g/ng: Has thought about doing something charitable but flaked because of some variation of laziness.
  12. ^ Loses psychic points. < Drinks tea black and coffee with cream. Will drink coffee black, or really any kind of coffee, except that designer stuff that gets collected from monkey shit. < Draws the line at Monkey Butt Coffee. V Has drawn lines just to step over them.
  13. Fidel Castro
  14. 4670
  15. On a monthly basis at my place of employment, the powers that be give awards to those people who do great work, provide quality leadership, or generally perform at an average level while refraining from inserting profanity between every other syllable. The nominations for these awards come from anyone who decides to type out a comprehensible paragraph about themselves or someone else and click the submit button. Although these are oftentimes very eloquent, a recent one desperately needed a proofread. It included a sentence that nearly made me wet myself. Of course, the name has been changed to protect the innocent. “Steven does great for us. He exenterates every quality that is expected of a manager.” Exenterate means “to surgically remove organs”. I think they were shooting for exemplifies, but I’m afraid they missed. While I'm thinking of it, and while we're sort of on the topic, there is a specific misuse of a word that drives me up a wall. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me for some reason. "Donald supposably put away the porn, but my parents found it anyway." It's supposedly! Supposedly! Supposably is not a word. I repeat, not a word!
  16. Don't breed any of those for me! I have enough as it is and none of them will stay in their damn cages! I love how no one can imagine Snape sending an eloquent note along with something thoughtful, like a lovely bottle of wine or whatever, to someone special, even on such a commercialized holiday. He’d probably do it anonymously, to preserve his reputation and all, but I can still imagine it.
  17. polywolly

    I Am...

    I am still thinking about Nanaea's muse and just what she plans to do with it. I am on my way to the caption thread to take a gander at this photo.
  18. I am no longer allowed to inform my husband that the snow is just going to drift again after he shovels it. Apparently, that isn't very constructive. Practical, rational perhaps, but not constructive.
  19. Guilty. There are not nearly enough reasons to buy crap, I mean stuff, within the current 365 days. g/ng: You think this is cute.
  20. Ralph Fiennes
  21. 4633
  22. tax
  23. bag
  24. I haven't yet. Haven't used Vista yet. Who really knows. I have never been homeless.
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