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Posts posted by Fhelly

  1. Kylee: Sorry for the confusion! Yeah, I'm jumping back and forth between perspectives, so Leila doesn't know about it, but Logan now does. THANK YOU THANK YOU for reviewing! It really does mean the world.

    Ashleigh_hunter: Haha, yeah.. secrets are no bueno! But might have to wait a bit longer to see angry Leila! I'm SO sorry for the long wait. It's really hard to force it and still keep it decent! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the review! It realllyyy helps keep me going.

    Alex: THANK YOU my constant reviewer. I'm sooo sorry for the wait, I really have been trying. Rest assured, even if it takes me a while.. this story WILL be finished!! And yes, he does have a warm gooey center And yay! I'm so glad ya liked the lil flashback, hehe.. was wondering how that went over. So don't put me in the old unfinished fic file! I shall finish! I promise.

    Tagl: THANK YOU for the review!! I'm so glad you like it! And I'm so sorry for the wait, I'll try to do better in the upcoming few chapters.

    Lay: Thanks for kicking me back into gear! Even though it took me a while

  2. Hey guys.. I'm still here. I haven't given up. I went through a move, and the stuff I've been writing just.. isn't very good. Stress with work and school is high right now, but I'm kinda glad I didn't post, since I've been getting better ideas for the upcoming scenes. I hope it'll be worth the wait.. just need to get over this writer's block, having trouble getting it out of my head into type. Also.. whoever has been rating, thank you! You have made me start working on it again, I know I've kept you waiting, and I'm sorry.

  3. UGH! I'm in full blown writer's block now. Been stressed with school and work and home stuff.. it really kills the creativity. I apologize for the delay, I'm going to be trying to write more this weekend, hopefully I'll be over this lil snag by then.

  4. I really need to stop giving myself deadlines, cuz I suck at them. I'm still here, and I'm still working on it! I've been going back and forth between my two stories, but I keep getting stuck. Haven't been in the writing mood lately and it's really hard to force it. I'm sorry for the delay, I'll have it up ASAP.

  5. Just a little update.. I'm actually working on the Wilds right now. I got a rare bout of inspiration for it and I'm taking advantage.. hopefully it will be done with this chapter by the weekend then I'll start working on the next Blood Moon chapter (it's half-way done), I'm going away from my original notes for Blood moon.. but I hope you guys like the added action I decided to throw in.

  6. Kylee: Thank you for the review!! Hehe, glad you liked the idea :) Much cuteness awaits! I promise

    Learia: Thank you for the review!! I'm really happy you take the time to. And aww.. thank you so much for the compliment. It totally made my day! :)

    Jenn: Thank you for the review!! I am reallllyyy sorry for the long delays, I wish I could get them up every few days, but it just never works out that way.. lol I'll try to give you snippets here and there instead of waiting to fully lengthen the chapters. Maybe that'll work out a bit better in terms of wait time :)

    Elena: Thank you for the review!! I'm SO happy you commented on that! I always wonder how I'm doing in realism terms (I was hoping they'd feel like a family :) ) And thank you so much for the compliments! They made my day. I'm really glad you like it! And I'm really glad you find Leila likeable. I always wonder about things like that, since she's my lil baby, it's hard to know how others feel.

    Dark_Flower: Thank you for the review!! I'm sorry it takes so long! I know how frustrating it is when you check and there is no updates. I'm going to try to get them up faster by doing shorter chapters. And I hope I answer some of your questions with this chapter! :) I'm very glad you like my story.. I do try to balance the sex and plot in each chapter, hehe. Not always easy though!

    Ashleigh_hunter: Thank you for the review!! And aww.. thank you for the compliment! I'm going to try to update on a more regular schedule with shorter chapters. And YAY! I was hoping there'd be some Logan love :P I know a mama isn't supposed to have favorites.. but I'll tell ya a secret.. (he's kinda mine too! hehe) Anywho.. thankkkss for taking the time to review! And I'm very glad you like it! And yyaaayy for liking Leila too, and no need to worry.. you'll get some Leila-fighty action. You actually gave me an idea to stray a bit from my notes.. but it seems to be coming along fairly well! I never stray either o.o Hopefully I don't burry myself.

    Alex: And again.. THANK YOU for always reviewing. You are a real sweet heart for it. And I know.. I feel kinda bad doing it to em! But every story has to have tension! I'll work on something for em though.. :P

  7. kylee: Thank you for the review!! I'm so glad you took the time to :) And haha.. I honestly had no idea so many of you would get upset about that o.O But Leila pretty much fell into the pack mindset, so it really doesn't bother her considering they share everything.. lol Initially it did cuz she still felt her situation was temporary. Also, it wasn't really hers per say, it was stolen :P

    Kristen: Thank you for the review!! It means a lot! Hehe, I'm very glad you like it! I shall keep trying to get the updates up as quickly as I'm able.

    Franz: Thank you for the review!! I'm very glad you like it! Thank you for reading :) I'm working to get the updates up as quick as I can (without sacrificing my writing, haha), sorry about the wait!

    Sienna_McLaggen: YAY! Always happy to hear from you :) Thank you for the review!! I'm sooo sorry about the wait! It was a mixture of things, plus some writer's block. Sorry for the short chapter! I'm going to try to give ya a longer one next time, which hopefully will not be long.

    Alex: Thank you for the review!! Always wonderful to hear from you :P

  8. Okay so I know I promised you an update by the end of the month.. but having some SERIOUS issues with it. I'm really not liking it.. sooo I think I'm going to scrap a lot of it and re-work it. I'm sorry for the extra long wait.. but I don't want to post something I'm not happy with again.

  9. kain: Thank you for the review!! Hehe.. yuupp, Cade's got tact! And Mezley started out to be kind of a side-charrie.. but I dunno.. Lately I've been making lotsa changes to my notes.. You may or may not be seeing more of her! And yeaahh.. Logan's got a secret. You'll just have to wait and see how it's going to turn out. Need to stop spilling things in my replies! Hehe.

    Nuki: Thank you for the review!! Aww.. I'm really glad you like it :) Thank you so much for the compliment... and taking the time to give me a review. It's really really encouraging! I'm sorry for the long delay.

    Anon: Thank you for the review!! I actually was having some writer's block on the chapter before I started posting the boy's POV. I made a buncha out-line style notes of what was happening on their POV so I could make Leila's depictions as accurate as I could while writing Ch. 2.. then somehow, I just ended up typing it out when I couldn't continue forward with the story because I was stuck. So it wasn't really intended.. my mind just does weird things sometimes. Anyhow! The rest of it is posted :) I hadn't planned to continue further than that, but I will take requests if there is any particular scenes you wanted to see from their POVs! I'm so sorry for the delay.

    Alex: Yes.. yes he did :P Rest assured, you will see more sunken soufflés at a later date! Thank you for the review!! I'm always happy to hear from you! And again.. I'm so sorry for the delay.

    Jenn: Thank you for the review!! I'm SO happy you like it :) It means a lot to get reviews, so thank you for taking the time to give me one! I love hearing from new people. And I'm not a male.. lol but I grew up around enough of em. I hope I'm portraying them as realistic as werewolfy brothers can be :P

    L8RSBB: Thank you for the review!! Nope! It is indeed not the last chapter.. I'll probably have about 5-7 more I think.. depending on where I end up going with it. So worry not! I have more for you, if I can just find the time to get it out of my brain. I'm not sure about e-mail notifications on AFF. Maybe this board has one? I haven't had a chance to look into it, but if you find out, please let me know!

    claire: Thank you for the review!! I'm so happy you took the time to give me one :) It means so much. Please keep them coming! And I'll be adding 17 more pages worth of their POV. Hope you like it!

  10. Responses for my story.

    Ch. 4

    THANK YOU: Alex, kissedbymidnight, and littlemiss76 for reviewing! It made my day!

    Kissedbymidnight: This is why I love reviews! They show me where my weak points are.. I meant for Leila to want to meet up again, not go back home. I hope the beginning of the chapter will fix any misconceptions. Thank you again for the feedback! :)

    Alex & littlemiss76: Hehe :)

    Ch. 5

    Snow: :P hehe

    littlemiss76: You'll have to wait and see!

    missmiakay: YAY! I'm glad I make you excited lol Hope I don't disappoint :) And thanks for pointing that out.. I noticed it later. When you stare at things for so long, sometimes you don't catch it right away. I think I'm going to go back and do some tweaking when I have time. Thank you for your comment :) I loved the feedback!

    Sunni: Aww... thank you! And yes... yes they did.

    addiena saffir: Nope she won't! :P And you'll have to wait and see! Thanks for reviewing!

    Arche De Katze: Thank you! I'm glad you like it :)

    Alex: Thanks for the review! Yup, you'll see more of her one-on-ones in the next few chapters :) And as for the backgrounds.. you'll see soon! Little plot and a little sex, is what I'm aiming for, hehe

    Mrs. Monster: Being a nursing student, I totally feel for you on an entirely different level. I hope it's nothing too serious. I'm really glad I can serve as a bit of entertainment to you :) Haha.. I write as fast as I can! And thanks for mentioning my other two! :) Sometimes I wonder if anyone still reads them.

    Vixerism: Thanks for the review! And thank you for the compliment! I'm really glad you like it :)

    Ch. 6

    littlemiss76: Well yunno.. he was sorta surprised, or aroused, or something o.O Haha.. I changed it a bit after you reviewed. Thanks for the review! I realized I made it seem like she began to shack up in Logan's room completely.. but she's still making the rounds for the most part :P

    Shyann: Let me turn down the lights for you! And welcome! Thanks for the compliment! :)

    Alex: Mayybbeeee, and haha.. I think you must have read it after I tweaked! Cuz it was time-warp weirdness going on there. Thank you for the review!

    Kleool: Aww.. thank you! I'm glad I pulled you over to my.. side :P Thank you for the compliment! I shall attempt to keep the impatience-ness down to a minimum as much as possible.

    San59: Thank yoouu for the compliment :) It made me happy!

    Ch. 7

    Learia: Thank you for the compliment! :) I'm really glad you like it. Annndd.. you'll find out in due time!

    kissedbymidnight: Thanks for the review!! And that was what I was aiming for :P As of now, I was kinda leaving Logan more of a mystery on purpose. A bit later on when some stuff is revealed, it will change to being in the boy's POVs more, so you'll get a bit more of their thoughts and personalities... but right now their thoughts would give stuff away.. sooo you'll be stuck in primarily Leila's POV for a while longer.

    kain: Thanks for the review! I realize I overdid the time-skips that chapter, lol... but I think if I didn't use them at all, I'd have to shoot myself... and I'd also bore you all to tears! Since her days are pretty much the same, the ones I skipped over anyways :P But yes.. stories are usually better that follow one timeline. This one is going to likely go over a year though, so sadly, I will be using more.. I'll try to keep em to a minimum :)

    littlemiss: Nooo review allll you want! I won't change it anymore :P Thanks for the comment! And the daddy mystery won't be resolved for a while!

    Shyann: Eep, sorry! I ended where I stopped writing last week for time constraints. I actually didn't realize it was much of a cliffhanger, lol.. Thanks for the review! And sorry for the delay. If I post, it will usually be between Sat-Mon. If I don't get it up on Monday night, it will be another week before I have a chance to do anything. School dominates my week.

    San59: Thank you for the review! And haha.. I think it's more to pass the time then for their benefit :P No worries! Do you google translate my story? I'd be curious how that turns out! lol

    Alex: Thanks for the review! And.. silly me :P I'm glad ya like it!

    Luci Matsumoto: Aww.. thank you so much for the compliment. I'm actually really surprised at the reaction I've got from this story. I didn't really think it would go anywhere!

    Ch. 8

    Vixerism: Thank you for the review!! And yuup :P I actually really like Cade, I was wondering what people thought of him! Hehe. I love your story too! Been waiting for an update.

    Salaphina: Thank you for the review!! I’m really glad you like it and I’m going to try to get back into a habit of regular updates. My life is just so hectic. And yes.. I really like Aaron too :P Don’t worry! Everything will be resolved in the end… just not sure when that’ll be. As for the lack of enthusiasm, I was just trying to make them sympathetic to her feelings, since she wasn’t too thrilled herself :P I’ll probably end up going back and doing little edits here and there.. That’s why I love feedback! Shows me where I’m lacking.

    Shyann: Working on it! You are one hard one to please.. hehe

    Snow: Thanks for the feedback! I’ll work on that, and no offense taken. Please give me more! I’ll never get better if I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

    Anon: Sorry! I posted it but didn’t really like it. So I had to do some edits. Here it is :)

    Ch. 9

    San59: Thank you for the review! Here it is! :)

    Shyann: Awww that was super sweet! Thank you so much :) And Happy early birthday! Hope you like it!

    Luci Matsumoto: Thanks for the review! Here it is! :)

    flyingbando: It was all apart of the plan :) Thank you sooo much for taking the time to review!

    Alex: Thanks for the review! Sera will be explained more soon :)

    littlemiss76: Thanks for the review! You'll soon find out :)

    w: Thanks for the review! Here it is! :P

    Learia: Thanks for the review! Awww... thank you so much, it means a lot! :)

    exolove: Thanks for the review! I'm glad I can spread my love of fantasy :P And I'm glad Cade is getting some love!

    Ch. 10

    Shyann: Thank you for your compliment!! It was really sweet :) I’m really sorry for the wait.

    flyingbando: Thanks for the compliment! I'm sorry for the wait.

    exolove: Thank you for your review!! I apologize for the wait.. and I’m sorry! you’ll have to wait a bit longer to find out who the father is :) Though I’m curious who everyone thinks it is!

    Alex: Thank you for the review! Sorry for the long wait between chapters.

    Salaphina: No No.. Thank YOU for reviewing! I looovveee reviews! And I am EXTREMELY appreciative of them :) Haha.. yeah Cade was a meanie! But I hope I redeemed him. As for Logan, I haven’t done much in-depth characterization with the boys yet… so you’ll haveta wait and see! Sorry for the long wait!

    Sienna McLaggen: Thank you for the review!! I tried to come up with my own thing, but a lot has come before me! It’s hard these days to be completely original, but I like my little world :) And I think it’s my multiple plots that got me stumbling a bit, besides my being busy! I’m sorry for the long wait..

    RedQuill: Thanks for the review! I’m glad you find Leila likeable! I was wondering how her portrayal was coming across. And as for the grammar and wording.. I know I have trouble sometimes. And YES! It’s extremely difficult to not overuse phrases. It still needs a lot more edits and changes, and I’ll get around to it eventually.

    Anon: Thanks for reviewing!! I wish I had 125 reviews! Lol but 56 are more than I ever thought I’d get! I totally love it! You have to remember, Leila never had any problems with money her entire life, and nor has she ever worked a day in her life, so she doesn’t exactly have an attachment to money the way a normal person might… besides, it was pretty much stolen money, and she never intended to live on her own. She planned to meet up with her family again, so she was just going to live off it until then.. it didn’t have any irreplaceable value to her. Yeah she was angry about it, but it was more the principle of the matter for her. Besides, her grandfather was rather stingy on what he let them spend things on, so she’s used to living on what she gets. Also, they are part animal, with instincts. She's fallen into her innate pack mentality. So the fact they took what was hers doesn't matter anymore, since in a pack setting, everything is shared. Also.. the mating bond is absolute. She knew she was stuck with them either way. As for the five mate thing… and the five potential fathers, you'll have to wait and see. I have plans for it.. Interpret that as you will! But for now, she knows it’s unusual, and she’s not exactly happy about it, but she’s not going to dwell on things that she can’t do anything about.

    Ch. 11

    Sinfulmind: Thank you so much for the review! I'm very glad you like it! And awww.. thanks! And haha.. yup! She's a lucky girl :P And I do have it thought-out.. sometimes I just hit some bumps in the road! I have an ending though! Just need to get there :)

    Sienna_McLaggen: Thank you so much for the review! And yes.. Logan has a dark side, but I think we all do to an extent, hehe. And nope, two different stories, two different writers. I don't mind the similarities, I've read it. But thank you SO much for looking out for me! I only post my stories on this site, so if anyone sees them anywhere else, please let me know! I'm soooo paranoid about that.

    Vixerism: Thanks so much for the review! Gave a bit more background info.. or a lot, I guess :P Sorry for the long wait! And your story is fine. Thanks for asking :) I really enjoy your story.

    Alex: Thanks so much for the review! Here are s'more juicy details :P

    NA_Zeno: Thanks so much for the review! And thank you for the compliment. I'm sorry for the long wait! Here it is :)

    Pancreas: Thanks so much for the review! And aww.. I'm really glad you like it. I try to write well, but I know some of my sections are a little awkward.. but my running scenes are areas I'm pretty proud of lol. I know her college goal seems pushed aside for now, but it'll be brought up again soon :) I'm totally just making up my own pack dynamics.. sorta based off of actual wolf packs and tribal stuff. Thanks for waiting!

    Ch. 12

    Kain: Thanks for the review! I'm really glad you like it! As for the hunters, yes you will meet them, annndd most likely hate them.

    Salaphina: Thanks for the review! I know.. I felt bad doing it. Sorry for making you wait so long!

    Dru: Thanks for the review! I'm really glad you like it :) I guess I did jam a lot in there.. lol

    Raven: Thanks for the review! I'm sorry for the long wait.. I honestly don't do it on purpose. My life just sucks right now lol I do this as my stress-reliever, and haven't had much time for it. And yay for Cade having a fan.. I have fun with him lol

    Littlemiss76: Thanks for the review! And it was pretty much her only way out, so she took it.

    NA_Zero: Thanks for the review!! I've seen you updated, but I haven’t had a chance to read anything yet lol I'm going to try to get to it this week :)

    Jenny: Thanks for the review! I'm really glad you feel connected to it, it's what I was trying for! And aww.. crazy blood moon fan is awesome! Thank you!

    Alex: Thanks for the review! Lol that she has.. it's been about a month and a week and a half-ish according to be calculations :P

    Ae: Thanks for the review! Sorry to cut into your sleep schedule.. lol I'm reeaaalllyy glad you feel emotionally connected to all the characters. When I first started this I had no idea what a challenge I made myself with so many main characters. It's a lot easier with just two main characters and then secondary characters but because of the nature of the story, they don't really fall into that category. I'll be switching to more of the boy's POVs from here on out. Thanks again for the review!

    Ch. 13

    Aj: Thank you for the review!! Did you mean Mezley? Or the girl at the end? (Since that's Leila, just from the boy's POV) Sorry I know I confused some people.. but if you meant Mezley, rest assured.. she's just a once in a while thing :) Annnddd.. yes, you nailed it, hehe, you'll have to see what happens.

    pyonnn: Thank you for the review!! You are so sweet :) Sorry for the wait! Don't worry.. it may take me a little longer than expected, but I fully intend to finish it.

    DewHast: Thank you for the review! I fixed it in that last chapter.. I'll have to go back through the others. Lol I'm not sure why I used that word.. I just let my fingers do the story telling at times :)

    Kain: Thanks for the review! Haha no worries. I take full responsibility.. didn't make a clear distinction. But nope! She's still the only one in her pack at least! :P

    Alex: Thanks for the review! Hehe.. I intended it as a combination of them trying to hide it, and Leila not being observant.. but it's addressed in this chapter! I have a lot of plans for Mezley :P And you have great insight my friend.

    Sienna McLaggen: Thanks for the review!! I'm really appreciative of them :) I'm so happy you like it! And hehe, I like to hear who people prefer. Not getting much Logan love though! lol

    Jenny: Thanks for the review!! Yay! I'm glad you like it :) Sorry for the wait, I try to get them as quick as I can

    Ae: Thanks for the review! And YES! Be my grammar Nazi all you like! I'm terrible with grammar… lol My beta caught those too.. but I had some trouble copying from hotmail and I think I ended up using the draft before she edited on accident. Thanks so much for reading! I'm very glad you like it :)

    MrsMonster: Thanks for the review!!! I shall update now in fact.. haha. I saw your review and decided I may as well update what I have… even though I was gonna try to end on a higher note, but I know it's been a while. I'll save the rest for next chapter. I know I'm waaayyy behind on the Wilds.. I actually am stuck on two scenes that I just can't get satisfied with. But it's SOOO nice to hear people are still interested. Be rest assured! I shall get that story done. I have both this one and that one completely mapped out to the end.. I just need to take it out of outline form.

    Sly: I know you reviewed on The Wilds, but you mentioned you read this one too.. so I thought I'd respond here. Like I said with MrsMonster, I'm just kinda stuck.. but I haven't given up! Your review totally made my day.. I really loved those two stories, they were my first two real attempts at writing a story. Don't worry.. they won't be left in limbo. I just got into this funk with it, and nothing that I was writing seemed any good. I started on Blood Moon trying to get out of that funk.. but then I just ended up distracting myself. If I can just get those next few scenes done, the rest of it will be easy to do.. since I have them fully mapped out. After finals I'll be trying to work on both stories.. I can't promise you a time-frame since I'm not sure myself, but I'll definitely be working to get another chapter up. But THANK YOU so much for reviewing it. I can't tell you how much that means to me.

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