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Posts posted by Fhelly

  1. I'll try to get the next chapters up in a timely fashion, but I work nights now, and it's pretty hard sleeping all day and working all night to find times to write, especially with everything else that's happening in my life right now.. but I'm trying!

    And please please please! If anyone is willing to beta for me.. I'd REALLY appreciate it! I'm having some serious issues with some plot lines right now and would love to have some feedback.

    AE: THANK YOU for the review :) And glad ya liked em! lol It's getting harder the longer the story goes! And don't worry, the complications will just keep coming :) Again, I appreciate every single review you give me! It really helps keep me going.. and I apologize for the long waits between chapters. My life is super crazy.

  2. I'm so sorry it's taking forever for this next chapter. I am working on it! But.. I GOT ENGAGED! and I got a NURSING JOB!! FINALLY! So I am crazy busy... trying to plan a quick wedding since some older (very important to me) family members aren't doing so well/wrapping things up with my old job before I start my career. I also decided to start writing my sci-fi novel that I will try to get published.. so my time is even more divided, but I will finish all these stories. I promise.

    GlidingFingers: THANK YOU for your review!! And yup, definitely a change :) Bonds aren't the same for males as they are for females, males can bond multiple times in their lives without any problems.. even to multiple females at once if they wanted.. like Aaron's father had, because it's the female's side that carries the bond. The bond will be explained in greater depth once Megan's chapter rolls around! Don't worry.. I know I give you info in pieces throughout the story and with the time difference between chapters it's hard to piece things together. I'm trying to get them out faster, but life gets in the way! Sometimes not always bad though! lol Just never realized how much research goes into planning a wedding o.o. Most of my free time is going to this right now, since we are trying for an ASAP wedding since some older family members aren't doing so well. Anyways.. yes, the boys could bond again to another female wolf even with their bond to Leila, but their bond to her won't break (it takes some pretty extreme measures to break a bond, I'll go into depth in a later chapter about that). Again, I'm sorry for the long wait! I am actually working on it now :P got some inspiration soooo thought I'd take advantage!

  3. Ali: THANK YOU FOR REVIEWING! Always nice to hear from new people! :) I'm very glad you like it! And yay! Dislike that meanie all you want lol I'm also VERY glad you like the main protagonist! And funny enough.. I usually have that same problem! It's like.. 'you dumbass! why did you do that?!' lol. When I started writing I was intent on never making my main female characters do dumb shit.. but then I realized story progression is hard to do if they never make poor decisions! Writing is a lot harder then I ever thought it would be. It's both frustrating and relaxing for me, as weird as that sounds. I like getting lost in my thoughts, but when things don't go down in type right it's annoying. I usually just walk away and try to get back to it later. It's why it takes me so long sometimes to get chapters out.. it largely depends on my moods. I'm also glad you like them all! I never realized how hard it was going to be weaving this crazy web of relationships.

    And aww.. thank you! I dunno, if I ever did publish something, it would probably be this sci-fi story I've had in my head FOREVER, like.. since I was 15 but I've never had enough inspiration to get it down in type. After I finish my two stories here.. I think I might try to get it all out and see what happens. Again.. THANK YOU!


    I haven't heard from my beta in a while, and I'm not sure what's happening with her. I really need someone who can look over my stuff to both edit spelling/grammar and also serve as a bit of a sounding board for me... I'm having some trouble deciding on some major plot points and like to hear another's opinion. So if you don't mind finding out spoilers and are willing to deal with my constantly changing mind (i might have a few versions of chapters) Please contact me at rachelmaddie@hotmail.com or aim me at HBCinamon.

  4. Alex: Yay! I haven't lost you :P THANK YOU for reviewing! I'm glad you like them! Always nice to hear how they're coming off :) Part 2 is definitely going to get interesting! And yes, he did say they could visit, but you'll see what the conditions of it are in Part 2… so basically, as of now, they can't. And they can't even talk to them either, which is a massive source of frustration and anger. I'm not sure yet when I'll put out Part 2, still have some things to do on it.. and I decided to try to focus completely on the main story, so maybe in a few chapters.

    A: THANK YOU for reviewing! Always glad to hear from you! I'm glad you liked it! And yes, it's funny.. whenever I set out to do something, it seems they always become way longer then I originally intend.. lol But I am going to try to focus on getting the main story done in the next few months, so worry not! You shall see plenty of our leading wolf lady :)

    Gliding Fingers: THANK YOU for reviewing! I'm glad you liked it and thank you for the compliment :) My brain doesn't like to just make side characters.. lol I always have a full story laid out for each of them. Probably going to end up finishing some of the other's that I have in various levels of completion once I finish the main story. The ones I'm going to interject in (Vivian's, Lyndis's and coming soon.. Megan's) is because they will actually intersect at some point. I needed the readers to know what was happening, because it will ease the transitions. And yup.. Gaius is a sweetie! It's gonna kill me what I have to do in part 2 and yeah.. I also like Lyndis a lot.

    Haha sometimes I ramble! Sorry about that. I know everyone has their own opinions and will like who they want and I'm totally all for that!! I guess I was just surprised at how many people said they disliked him. I know he's kinda mean sometimes! So I guess it's all good lol. And yeah, I agree with that for Leila :) Though I think her adventuring days are over now!

    AE: THANK YOU for reviewing! Nice to hear from you! And sorry! I didn't mean for it to be a teaser.. was actually going to keep going but I had hit my allotted pages I try to keep each chapter and at that point I was having some writer's block. Nothing was coming out right. Definitely some emotional tangly-ness in this chapter! :) And I shall never stop writing! Not even after I finish the stories I have out lol still plenty of things rolling around in my head I'll need to get out! Thank you for your review!

  5. A: Thank you for the review! I'm very glad you like it :) and I shall continue until it's done, I promise!

    Sarah: Thank you for the review! Sometimes.. honestly, I wonder that myself! Haha.. there are so real in my heads, and bug me in my mind quite a lot in my real life (possibly should seek help for that). Though in all seriousness, just about every one of the characters is based on someone I know (their personalities anyways). Between my brothers, family and friends, every single one of them has at least a partial real-person reference. Joss in particular is pretty much my little brother in type (whoever ends up marrying him.. is going to get a real gem in a man. And if she hurts his sweet loving soul.. I shall murder her!) and then the temperamental male.. is just about every guy in my family lol They are all harmless.. but jeezes they have tempers. I guess that's why just about every male character I make has a temper o.O My boyfriend is the only mellow man I know (aside from the little bro, of course).

    Merely Truth: Thank you for the review! Yeah losing all that work sucks, and my boss was very unhappy with me for not backing it up.. but I've been able to re-build a lot of it by now, it just made my free-time a little more scarce. I'm the most bummed about losing my photos though. I had quite a few from my family Hawaii vacation I lost. I'm very glad you are hanging in there! I know I take a while.. I'm really trying to cut down on wait times between chapters, but when I get home from work I'm honestly too tired to write most times. Don't worry.. will make them have some fun too! :P

    GlidingFingers: Thank you for your review!! I'm very very glad you gave me some insight into some of the characters! I have them so laid out in my head, it's hard for me to know exactly how they are coming across in type. Some of my biggest struggles with character development are what flaws to give each characters but maintain a balance of likability.. because let's face it, everyone has flaws, and if they don't, then we don't have much of a story! Lol But I reaaallllyyy like to know how others perceive them. I LOVE that you got Joss as loving and innocent, hehe.. that's just how I wanted him to come across.

    Cade is one of my favorites to write.. lol I love the comic relief character in most movies I watch. I have fun with his dialogue.

    Aaron is one of the harder characters to write because when I see the story in my head, it's like a movie.. but in type it's really hard to portray a silent-type without making them sound incredibly dull in writing. There have been times with him that I struggled to figure out what he'd say if he had to speak since I kinda see him communicating more non-verbally, but since it's not in his POV you can't know what he's thinking. But I'm glad he's coming across how I want him!

    As for Quinn, I really do adore him. He's like.. the perfect man! It's how I intended him to come off. He's the 'caring' one, the one who keeps them all together. You'll see some interactions in upcoming chapters that will explain a bit more about what's going on in his head at present.. as well as Leila's when it comes to him. And with your wondering about the day at the docks.. I wondered that too! Since I did ALMOST decide to go a different direction when I wrote out that scene. I think if the story hadn't been well received, I would have done a re-write there and revamped the whole thing. But in all honesty.. I'm very glad I didn't.

    As for Logan.. I really do think I've done him some great disservice in his characterization! I've failed him as a writer, and I take full responsibility lol He's my favorite, but there is a lot of dislike directed at him. Aside from Leila and Aaron, he's the next hardest to try to portray. Outwardly he's harsh, yes, but it's because he struggles with a lot of internal stuff. I re-read the whole story in this past week trying to see why he's disliked the way he is, since I know it's been a few years since I started writing. I kind of see how he comes across now (being so long detached from those earlier chapters, I re-read them with a different mindset now, since as I write I see the whole picture usually, and how they truly are as opposed to how they are perceived in type). I'm not really sure how I can change it though, since outwardly.. he does come off that way lol. I nearly gave away a whole buncha spoilers in my response here! But after I typed it all out I was like.. oops! Lol Anyways.. I hope the next few chapters will make you understand/like him more.

    Then there is Leila. I can't tell you how much I struggle with her! I often wonder if my audience wants to strangle her..lol believe me, sometimes I'd like to too! But I think that's a huge fear of a writer's.. wondering if their main character is likeable, able to draw sympathy, and relatable. After this recent re-read, I do see how she can be annoying at times. I tried to give her reasonable flaws, but still someone you root for. But therein my dilemma lies. I have to make her act irrationally sometimes for the sake of story progression (if she was a compliant little thing.. not a lot would happen!), and again, make her a bit unobservant at times to allow me time to explain things. Though she's a very complicated character because she's both had a hard-life and a sheltered pampered spoiled life. She's a walking contradiction. It's also hard trying to figure out how a girl would react being pretty much 'married' to five men. She has feelings for all of them, which makes it more frustrating for her (and me! Trying to navigate their interactions). Also there is the fact that she's just 18, not fully mature herself and she has to deal with a whole slew of issues most normal 18 year olds don't have to face(being a shifter, arranged marriage, death in the family, multiple life-partners, pregnancy, to name a few!). She's also hormonal with pregnancy, which I'm trying not to overdue too much. But with impending motherhood.. there is bound to be some change in her maturity level. She also has her own Alpha blood that adds to her list of things she struggles with. I've shown her struggle with her alpha-gene on a few occasions, particularly not wanting to submit to her subordinates during sex.. yet the mated-female part of her wants to submit to her mate. I'm not really sure if the subtle stuff I've been putting in is working like I wanted it to.. I feel like I'm failing. Not meaning to give away any spoilers! It's just nice to talk out frustrations every once in a while.

    This story has got a lot more complicated than I ever thought it would, but I keep thinking of different twists and turns as I write.. and it's just got away from me.

    As for publishing… that scares me to death! I don't really think it's publish worthy. My friend who read it told me the same thing, but I just can't see how I could edit it to be publically accepted and still keep it true to what I had originally imagined. I mean.. I realize 50 Shades is wholly based on sex and made it in the mainstream, but mine would be a bit too taboo I think lol. (I think it would make a pretty funny Manga/Anime though! Hahahaha) Plus I'm afraid it's just not original enough. Supernatural stuff has been done so many times so many ways, and I feel like if I did publish and by some miracle it went somewhere, I'd just end up with a hundred lawsuits saying it's too similar to this or that since I did draw inspiration from quite a few places. I am totally into werewolf stories, as you can probably tell. (Wasn't much a fan of twilight though.. more of an Anne Rice fan) But I put in subtle little nods to other werewolf stories I liked. Vivian is named after Blood and Chocolate's Vivian, and even though I HATED the tv series, I did enjoy the books of 'Bitten' so I gave Vivian's Beta the name Elena. But THANK YOU so much for the compliment! It made my day!! :P And oh dear.. I've written you a novel. My mouth/typing fingers get away from me sometimes.

  6. Oh my goodness! I can't believe I missed your post. YES! Reply here all you like! I usually check this more, but I've been crazy busy this month (went on vacation, and got sick.. woohoo, fun times).

    Thank you for responding! :) And I think I will just die if you draw something! Please please please link it here! I think my e-mail is somewhere on my profile, but if it's not, you can reach me at rachelmaddie@hotmail.com.

    And I promise I will not give up until both are completed!

  7. I glanced through what's already here and didn't see this topic yet... so hopefully I didn't just miss it.

    All right, so I noticed something when I glanced at my story on my iphone. I wasn't logged in under my author's panel and beside my chapter drop-down list, it had a link 'Add chapter to story.' I thought this was strange since I disabled that feature (I put 'No' under the details on the story edit on where it says to allow other authors to add. I double checked to be sure and they all say no.) I thought maybe it says that on all stories and it just doesn't go through or something, so I checked some other stories and it's not there.

    I didn't test it or anything.. but it was concerning me. It shows up on all three of my stories. I checked on my computer too. I thought maybe it's because I was the author so I made sure to log out but it's still there even after I'm logged out. When you click it, it brings you to the Add Chapter page and a warning at the top says after you add a chapter the author can edit it.

    Anyways it's just a concern since I don't want anyone messing with my stories. Maybe it's just a fluke or something.. I don't now. But I thought I'd ask just to settle my nerves.


  8. Sarah: Thank you for the review! It means so much to me to get them. Haha yeah.. and to be honest, sometimes their relationships makes my head hurt! Lol I never realized what a complicated story I started o.o

    Anshell: Thank you for your review! OMG! I think I'd love you if you drew them! More than just think, I WOULD love you! That would be awesome! Lol I wish I could draw.. it's a talent I admire greatly.. but have none of myself. As for Mezley, it's funny actually.. in my initial story notes she wasn't supposed to have a large part.. but my mind gets away from me sometimes and I think she wiggled her way into my endearment too, since I decided to go a different direction with her and give her a slightly bigger part and a much happier ending then I originally planned. She'll be around! Worry not. And yeah.. no Logan love seems to be a common thing. I know I must have screwed up his characterization somewhere along the line. Hopefully you'll like him more as the story progresses! The boys will get more air time too, it's just been kind of a complicated road writing the last few chapters and deciding whose POV's I was going to concentrate on. I'll do more POV jumping in later chapters. And I'm glad that scene showed their heart ache! I was hoping to bring that across. And nope, bonds don't break like that. There are only a few things that would break it, but those are for discovery in later chapters! Plenty of Cade smart-assiness upcoming too :P

    Alex: Thank you for your review!I try.. I really do. But life seems to get in the way sometimes! But I have a burst of writing inspiration here and there. I'm glad Logan has a fan! Lol was getting worried there!

    AE: Thank you for your review! I'm sorry for keeping ya up! I know.. the length is getting out of hand. To be honest, I never thought it would go this long. I'm up to 250 pages in word, narrow margin single spaced o.o As for a balance.. you'll be seeing some of her efforts in later chapters! Also.. I have been really developing that story you mentioned out :) even have a few chapters almost ready for posting.. but I promised myself I'd finish the ones I have up now before starting any new projects. I don't want to be neglectful! But I'm glad I'll have a reader on that one!

    Anon: Thank you for your review! I'm very glad you liked it :) I'll try to get the next few chapters out faster.

  9. Yunno that 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me' saying? Kinda feeling it full force. Within hours of my last post here, I was finishing up that next chapter.. when my entire external harddrive decided to become corrupted and silence itself forever (Wasn't dropped.. wasn't even a year old.. I treated it well! Be warned my fellow earth-dwellers.. technology is a double edge sword!). And guess what? I didn't back it up.. AGAIN (atleast.. not since the last 6 months). I had my life on that thing.. and you would think I should have learned my lesson the first time when my file corrupted.. but no, nope.. I didn't. Not only did that chapter die, so did my next chapter in Wilds.. and the several later chapters of blood moon I had done. GRAH! Only saving grace is I had about 6 months of un-backed up graphics work on it.. so my work is paying the ridiculous amount of money to get it data recovered. Still waiting to see what I get back.. hoping everything, but since then my writing libido took a massive face-flopping dive. Trying to get it going again.. but having to redo writing that was already done is more then frustrating. I'm sorry for the long wait.. nursing job searching and maintaining a full time job in the meantime sucks as well.

  10. Since my friend had some questions about the bond and how it works, I decided to lay it out here.. since I don't think I fully explained it well enough in the story.

    Firstly, once bonded.. it's for life. Nothing but a few things can break it (to be described later), but none of those few things involve either party's feelings. For instance, just because Leila now has a preference, it will have nothing to do with her other bonds.. except for the fact that there will be a discrepancy in the strength of them.

    Bond strength in a numerical value (1-10)

    First bond + prior attachment = 10

    First bond + no attachment = 7

    First bond + forced = 3

    Second bond + prior attachment = 9

    Second bond + no attachment = 5

    Second bond + forced = 1

    Third bond + strong prior attachment = 8

    Third bond + no attachment = 3

    Third bond + forced = 0

    Fourth bond and so on = Non existent

    Hopefully that will clear some stuff up for you. Since Leila mated with her boys all at the same time, she has five first bonds. Also, after the initial matehood, and if either person develops feelings for the other, those scales can still climb after the fact as the bond strengthens. For instance.. Leila's for Logan started out at a 7, but is now up to a 9.

    I'm being harassed now on a daily basis to get chapters up by my buddy.. so I should hopefully have the next one up this week sometime.

  11. Angel: THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW! I'm glad you like Vivian! I wasn't going to post those scenes.. but I figured why not! I wrote em.. eventually I thought I might get around to making a companion story with Giles, Mya and Vivian, but that's kind of doubtful since I have so many projects going.. so little glimpses into their past life will have to do. I think I might post the ones with Teo and Sera and Geoffrey and Marion (but.. obviously, those will be sad!) sometime later in the story too. It's hard to have a character tell a story in dialogue and give it justice, at least to the way I have it in my head.

    Sarah: THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW! It means so much! I love baby Cade.. just wanna eat him up lol. I'm glad ya like Vivian too, I wanted her story told before she entered the main story, since the boys' didn't know what happened all the time, and obviously, you hear mostly from Logan whose view of her is one-sided. I think I might have one more chapter involving her sometime later too... depending on how much inspiration I have to write out the scenes in my head.

  12. Anatyne: THANK YOU FOR REVIEWING! And I'm very happy you like my story! I know how you feel.. even though I'm the writer I kinda feel guilty and sorry for my characters sometimes.. lol And I'm glad ya still like Leila despite her faults, for she has many! But she's also still young, and has a lot to learn about life. She was also pretty sheltered and spoiled at home when it came to certain things. As for the sexy stuff.. I'll be honest. I was kind of glad for the break from it. It's very hard when a story goes long to keep those scenes actually decent. You kind of use all your tricks in earlier stuff then have nothing to offer for new scenes. It's a very awful dilemma of mine.. but rest assured, they will be back! Hopefully up to your standards.

    As for how this is going to end, yunno.. I am kind of all over the place now. I used to have a very structured little time-line, but my brain lately isn't following it. So your guess is as good as mine at this point where I end up!

    Sarah: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REVIEW! Can't tell you how much reviews mean to me, and I'm very glad you like my story! And that my strange imagination brings you entertainment! I'm hoping to never have that corrupty problem again. It was pretty frustrating, I was scared it would kill my writing libido.. but actually, in a way I got something good out of it. That week delay gave me a good idea for how I wanted something to play out in the next chapter, way better then my first idea. So all is well that ends well!

  13. FRUSTRATED! To the max.. I was nearly finished with Chapter 27, and I got it just the way I wanted with just a few things left to do.. so I went to sleep. Today while at work, I decided to open it and work on the final bit while on my break.. and it's giving me an error, the dreaded 'corrupted' error. I've spent the last two hours trying to recover it with no luck. The ONE site that seems to work on it wants a ridiculous amount of money for the full recover.. but I was able to get some pieces of it at least from the demo. Ten pages down the drain. I'm starting over :(

  14. ramblingrobin: THANK YOU for the review! I'm extremely glad you liked it! And thank you for the compliment :) I'll be getting more chapters out as soon as I can!

    Anshell: THANK YOU for the review! It means so much! There was very little Logan love in the beginning! lol I know he's a bit stiff now, but maybe he'll grow on you in the chapters to come :) I actually like Marion a lot too.. thinking of making a spin off story after I complete this one (I know it's taking a while!) of her life, since hers is kind of interesting. I have it all mapped out! As for the POV chapters, did you mean switching POVs more in the upcoming chapters? Or do you want me to go back and show previous chapters from another POV? I actually have a lot of POV jumping in my cut scenes. I'll take requests if you want to see anything in particular!

    Della: THANK YOU for the review! You constant reviews mean so much :) Thank you thank you! And yes it certainly has!

  15. Alex: THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW!! You shall see it, and you shall see it very soon! Sorry for the long wait.. this chapter was an odd one I had to power through. Wasn't quite sure how I wanted it to go. And you make a very good point my friend J. I think you are thinking of Leila's suggestion to build one in the area they often don't go into and get some renters, but nope.. just their little ol lighthouse for now.

    Flyingbando: THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW! It is! Scary being out in the working world though.. haha. Especially now, sucky time to graduate for my profession considering nurses are getting laid off right now, not hired. Hopefully I can focus on getting this story done in a more reasonable time frame! But I tend to go all over on tangents with my thoughts.

    Della: THANK YOU FOR THE REVIEW! Yeah I couldn’t do that.. he's my favorite! :P haha. And it's gonna be interesting! I try not to do cliffhangers, but half the time it just ends up being a good stopping point.

  16. Alex: Thank you for the review!! And I'm glad you liked the chapter! And thank you for the congrats! It was a loonngg difficult road. I'm so happy it's done with! Weirdly enough though.. between all the NCLEX prep, work and family stuff I have been catching up on (didn't have much of a life for two years) I feel like I have LESS time now. I'll try to get the chapters out faster!

    Merely Truth: Aww a French mama! Thank you for the review!! Please let me know if I butcher any of the French.. I am trying very hard to do the language justice! (The beautiful language that it is! Wish I took it!) I'm glad you like my story :)

    Della: Thank you for your review!! Sorry for the long wait… and yes, yes they are. Again sorry about the cliffhanger! I hope you like this chapter. And rest assured, everything will be wrapped up with a nice lil ribbon when I finally do get to the end! But that probably won't be for a while.. the longer I take developing the chapters.. I keep getting new ideas. I think it's for the better though!

  17. Candigirl: THANK YOU for the review! It totally made my day :) I'm sorry I'm so slow, I really do try to keep on a schedule but I'm kind of a slow writer.. usually takes me a while to get things how I want them. Plus, I have a very busy life.. I work two jobs and was in school. And awww.. thank you for the compliment! It made me happy :)

  18. Anon: THANK YOU for the review! I know it may seem weird, but with their mating habits, it's almost wise for them to have some sort of arrangement prior, especially in their situation out there! Not that Leila really sees it that way, especially since she knows what it feels like to be forced into an arranged coupling. But in their normal pack society, Alpha pairings are usually arranged early on. But other then that, you'll have to wait and see what happens! If I say anything else, I may spoil some stuff :P but you are on the right track my friend. Though it has to get worse before it gets better.. hehe.

    Della: THANK YOU for the review! It really means a lot to hear from you! I know it's bad now.. and about to get worse! Lol just hang in there.. it'll get better.

    Alex: THANK YOU for the review! I actually didn't have anything planned for revealing much about her father.. but now that you've shown interest, I'll figure out a way to weave some bits about him into their conversation :) Hehe.. you'll have to wait a bit longer to see reactions. And yup! You are right, all five of her mates would need to be killed off for all her bonds to break, and for her to be able to make another with someone else to effectively steal her. And no it's not the first time by far! It's happened in the past, quite a lot in the olden days, especially in packs who didn't have enough females. but in modern times, it's more or less taboo, so it's never talked about.

    How the mating bond works is as thus; The first mating bond is strongest, however, the bond's strength also depends on emotional attachment. For instance.. if a female is forced into a bond against her will, through an arranged coupling or rape, the bond will be there, but not as strong.

    The second bond would be weaker, but most females just wouldn't even have the desire to re mate, because they have the 'mate for life' attitude, and if they were attached to their first mate, it'd be even harder to re-establish a second bond. A second bond DOES have the potential to be stronger then a first, however, if the second mate is one that the female has an emotional attachment to and her first wasn't, but not as strong as it would have been if her love would have been the first. If that makes sense lol. Leila's mother and father loved each other prior to going into their matehood, so her bond was as strong as any could be.

    Mezley is on her second bond, but she was forced into it.. which is why it's so weak and nearly non-existent (So much so, Cade thought it could be her third). If she were to make a third, with an emotional attachment, she would be able to re-establish a decent mating bond. But as a rule, third and fourth bonds aren't usually much of anything at all. The first is the primary one that matters, followed close behind by the second.

    And because it's kind of hard to introduce them all and keep the flow of writing, I'll give you some info on the French pack.. it'll take me a while to initiate them all, but for now, here's an overview :)

    Geoffrey (66) - Alpha - Mate to Marion

    Marion (49) - Alpha - Sister to Julian (litter mate)

    Julian (49) - Brother to Marion (litter mate)

    Aldrick (63) - Brother to Geoffrey

    Christophe (55) - Marion and Julian's cousin

    Marius (28) - Geoffrey and Marion's son

    Cedric (26) - Christophe's son (litter mate to Vince)

    Vincent (26) - Christophe's son (litter mate to Ced)

    Thibault (23) - Julien's son

    Serge (21) - Julien's son

    Treves (19) - Aldrick's son

    Mathieu (18) - Geoffrey and Marion's son

    Andre (6) - Geoffrey and Marion's son

    Renault (4) - Geoffrey and Marion's son

  19. ae: THANK YOU for reviewing! I'm super glad you liked it!! And I hope this new pack meets your standards! Probably be seeing more of vampys too :P Though I think I might make a spin off with Niki since she was actually a rp charrie of mine.

    Alex: THANK YOU for the review! Always LOVE to hear from you :) lol and shhh.. you are getting ahead of me a bit!

    nightwillows: THANK YOU for the review! Here's s'more! :)

    Della: THANK YOU soooo much for the review! You have no idea how happy it makes me! And yay! I was actually wondering how their relationship dynamic was perceived. And yes.. that she is, and this won't be the last time! I feel kinda mean.. lol

  20. MrsMonster: Thank you for your review! It means SO much! And sorry.. yeah she's being rather foolish. Sorry for the delay! I'm going to try to get another chapter up by the end of the week.

    Franz: Thank you for the review!! I appreciate them so much! I know she's sad :( I was kinda sad doing it to her.

    Joan: Thank you for your review!! I'm sorry it's taking so long! Lol but they'll come eventually! My development of the story has changed a few times.

    Ann: Thanks for the review!! No no.. YOU rock my friend :)

    Diamond: Haha.. when I first read your review and saw the 'ugh' you had my worried! Lol Thank you for your review!! And sorry for the lengthy waits. I wish I was faster! And aww.. thank you so much for the compliment :) it means so much.

    Alex: Thank you for the review!! Hehe, I almost scrapped her actually, but I decided to stay true to my original notes! I keep getting wishy washy, but I think it's turning out okay :)

  21. J: Thank you!! I'm very happy you like it :) And thank you a bunch for the review! I lovvveee love love them! And sorry for making you sad!

    Franz: Thank you for the review!!! Rest assured! Baby daddy/(s) will be revealed soonish, actually.. once I finish this next bit of action! I promise I won't make ya wait forever.

    Anon: Hehe yeaahh.. but he's still someone from back home. Even a dick is better than nothing! And THANK YOU for the review!! I was worried there for a moment, thought I mighta lost you! And yeah.. Leila's getting an emotional beat down. Leila isn't exactly letting em in much either, though, at least, not yet. And the awkward relationship thing is kinda what I was going for! They really don't know how to handle it, buuuuttt I do have some solutions for it, you'll just have to wait and see!

    Elena: Thank you for the review!!! Thank you for your compliments! They are so sweet.. I shall continue to soldier on until the end! Rest assured. And yuupp.. their sleeping arrangements likely suck :P hehe.

    MrsMonster: Aww.. I love you too! Thank you a bunch for your review!!! And yeah.. In those first few chapters, especially when she heard her mother during her escape, and after she read the letter.. somewhere inside her she knew, but denial is a very powerful thing. She wouldn't even let the thought cross her mind. As for her reaction, I dunno if you'll like it! But here it is.

    Alex: Thank you for the review!! And you're very welcome! To be compared to Christmas.. is an honor I shall not take lightly! :P

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