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Everything posted by Fhelly

  1. Ali: Thank you for the review! I'm glad you liked it! And you are way too kind I'm working on the next one right now hoping to get it out by next week. your biggest fan: Thank you for the review! I'll admit, I was wishy washy about that scene because of that exact reason, I didn't want to make her seem reckless (it was more or less just a mixture of her cabin fever and her lack of wolfyness!).. but I do have a purpose for it which is why I just had to leave it in. You'll see why much later! As for her telling Logan and Aaron what to do.. I'll admit I'm a bit confused o.O She has no control over them in the Alpha sense, and as far as them helping her take care of the little ones, that's all their own doing. She isn't telling them what to do, they are the fathers, so they naturally have a pull to help. Did I make it seem like she was ordering them around? And she is a new mama wolf, it's inevitable she'll be a bit crazy at times lol
  2. So I have been really busy getting settled in as a new nurse.. and planning my wedding for August. I'm sorry for the delay again, but I am working on the next chapter! It's just a bit slow going. Shelley: Thank you for the review!! I was hoping for happy I knew there might be some that weren't so happy with the choices. And thank you for the compliment! your biggest fan: I'm trying! Anshell: Thank you for the review!! So nice to hear from you again. I must say.. you rather mortified me with your review! Of course Leila loves both her pups the same! But when I went back and read through, I saw what you meant. It was definitely not my intention. As I write the next few chapters you'll see the other's interactions with her a bit more.. and hopefully it'll change your mind about how she sees her daughter! Cuz let's face it.. every woman loves having a daughter I think when I was writing that chapter it just so happened that those moments Zayn was demanding attention. And in the beginning, since she knew Logan was the father and she didn't know who Raissa's was, she wanted to get one name on them at least. Also Raissa is so easy going, she's like the new mama's dream. I know you are no Logan fan, but hopefully.. maybe, in the tiniest bittiest bit, you shall find a way to accept him into your heart! Lol At least that's my hope. As for smut, I'm having trouble doing any of them in general.. lol now that's it's got this long, it's honestly the hardest thing to write at this point. I've used just about everything in my hat.. and now I feel like I'm just re-writing earlier scenes. My side stories may be where the smut is now... besides, having two lil pups to care for doesn't exactly make it a priority!
  3. Shelley: Thank you for your review! Yay! I'm glad you liked it. I was very wishy washy about it! I was hoping to get the chapter done last weekend but with new job training stress.. wasn't able to squeeze it out in time. I should have it up sometime today though! Anon: Thank you for your review! My anonymous friend. Let's see if you guessed right! You will find out later today your biggest fan: Thank you for the review! Niv: Thank you for the review! I shall never stop! At least.. until it's done. Alex: Thank you for the review! You shall find out later today! Ali: Thank you for the review! The second father reveal is happening sometime today! You'll see if you were right
  4. Your biggest fan: Thank you for your review! I'm going to really try to get them out faster! HideAndGoSeek: Thank you for your reviews! I'll try to get the next one out over the weekend, but I start my new job next week! Been kind of busy. Sorry for the disappointment over Logan! I actually locked in the fathers not long after she became pregnant, though in the past month.. I started to second guest myself! lol But in the end, I decided to stick to my original idea! You'll see soon! GlidingFingers: Thank you for your reviews! I actually toyed with who was gonna be the daddys quite a lot before I finally had to settle on what felt the most right to me. Logan got a head start after all And strong Alpha lines tend to have more sons.. so it just kind of fell into place like that in my mind. I was worried it would be too predictable, but on the same note it just felt too 'meant to be' for me to change it. Hopefully you'll like the girl's father though! I plan to get it out sometime over the weekend. Also you are far too kind with your publishing comments! I know it would need a LOT of editing if I ever did get that far, but I don't know.. Maybe someday! My friend who reads it keeps bugging me about that too (and I am getting constantly harassed for next chapters by her.. so it will get done! Or I will never hear the end of it). I'm just so super wishy washy about it.. Shelley: Thank you for your review! As far as Cade and Joss, I know I haven't given them much screen time lately. I missed writing their stuff Lol Cade is weirdly my favorite as far as writing goes, because I can do so much with him. He is the easiest to write for me, because whatever pops into my head.. I'm like.. 'Hmm.. yeah Cade probably would say that'. I kind of learned the hard way though.. when you have so many characters, sometimes I have to rack my brain for things to have the other ones doing so the dialogue doesn't get confusing or cluttered. It's hard to smoothly involve everyone simultaneously in certain scenarios. Jo: Thank you for the review!! Sorry for the cliffhanger! I knew I couldn't leave ya guys hanging, so I worked as fast as I could to get that chapter out! Hope you liked it Darkmoon: Thank you for your review! I'm glad you liked it. I know it took me forever! She's practically been pregnant for four years o.O. AE: Yay for warm fuzzies! I like giving warm fuzzies And yes.. I'm glad for it too! I hated writing the tension lol And aww poor Cade! No one wants him to be a daddy! Hahaha. I'm hoping to get it out this weekend so you'll know who the last papa is! Sarah: Thank you for the review! I am determined to get this story done before summer. I hate leaving things unfinished, and this story has been in my head for far too long! It's funny.. I write a side character with the whole intention of them being a 'prop' or at least some kind of support for the main cast, and suddenly I'm creating their stories too. I have Marion/Geoffrey's, Sera's, Joana's, and Castel (Leila and Joana's father), all in various levels of completion, along with Megan's, Lyndis's and Vivian's. Even after the main story ends.. I think I may continue with some backstories and even some future stuff.. since a few nights ago, I had some ideas for Leila's daughter. So don't worry.. you'll have an abundance of randomness to read from me lol And honestly I've only been to Oregon twice (it's beautiful!) I mostly google map things.. and I've had to make up some of the places in Washington where the main story is taking place simply because it started to hurt my brain trying to keep track of where they were. The island they are on is made up simply for the fact that none of the islands I looked at matched what I envisioned in my head. My whole idea to put them there at all came from my love of the movie Practical Magic (they filmed it there) and that's the setting I envisioned for them! That kind of landscape and prettiness. Other then that I really try to be accurate though! So if I ever do any missteps, please let me know!
  5. Your biggest fan, HideAndGoSeek, GlidingFingers, Shelley & Jo: THANK YOU all for your reviews! I'm on a bit of a time crunch heading to work, and wanted to get this next chapter up So sorry for the short reply. I appreciate your feedback! Thank you! Hope you enjoy this next chapter! I'll elaborate my responses when I have a bit more time
  6. AE & Alex: THANK YOU both for your review
  7. Ali: THANK YOU for the review! I'm sorry for the long delays, I'm going to try to start getting them out faster (I got a new job! I start on March 21.. it'll free up a lot of time for me since I won't be working two jobs anymore!) And you will (hopefully!) in the next month see some new born pups!
  8. Thank you so much for the compliment! And sorry about the long delays, life just keeps getting in the way! I am going to finish this story.. I promise! I hope they come out with an alert system too! That would be awesome. Haha if he reads it, you'll have to let me know what he thinks!
  9. Gliding Fingers: THANK YOU for the review Always wonderful to hear from you! I've actually had Megan's done for a while.. just wasn't sure where to start posting it lol then after my long lull in writing.. I thought might as well post what I have since it doesn't reveal any spoilers. Vivian's Part 2 will have some major ones! Megan's will probably have four parts.. And thank you so much for the compliment! It really does help me keep going Shelley: THANK YOU for all the reviews! They really made my day, haha! I figured Trevor was likely an auto-correct causality lol I knew whatcha meant! And thank you SO much for your compliment, I can't tell you how much that means to me knowing my stories are enjoyed It's why I write! My muse has run away with my creativity I think. Lately it's been SO hard to write. I literally just sit there and stare at the comp for hours. I injured myself (stupidly) over the weekend so I was off work for five days just TRYING to get some writing in. It seems to have eased a bit after getting that chapter out of the way.. it was just stalling me for some reason. The next is actually cooperating with me better than the last. You'll see more of Megan and Lucas I already have their next part mostly written but it intersects in the next part, so I have to finish a few more in the main story before I post.
  10. Darkmoon: THANK YOU for the review they mean a lot! Especially since ratings are gone now. So I'm really in the dark without reviews! If all goes to plan.. the father's will be revealed next chapter! I'm kinda on a roll right now.. going to try to keep it up! Thanks for reading!
  11. blaquerein & AE: THANK YOU for the reviews! I'm sorry for the wait! I am still writing! Worry not.. I'm just suffering from some writer's block right now. I'm also busy between two jobs and wedding plans. I had a job interview last Friday that also had me super nervous and feeling very un-creative! It went well though! I'm hoping to get these next two chapters up ASAP!
  12. You are way too sweet! and I actually am working on something I will someday try to publish.. as for this work, I just feel like it's not original enough, not to mention sorta taboo to put out in the main stream lol though I know there are stranger books out there! But then again, I dunno.. maybe if someone in publishing says this would be worth publishing (likely with a lot of editing! I know there is plenty of unintentional fluff) I may give it a go. My best friend is actually editing a lot of my earlier chapters for me right now. And as far as my work load, I actually just dropped my hours down to five hours a week at one of my jobs.. so now I'll only work 45 a week!. I'm really trying to get this story done! but when I get home I am just never in the mood to write. Hopefully working less will bring out the creativity! And my honey bunny (not quite hubby yet!) does his part as my stress reliever! lol I wouldn't keep him around if he didn't ;P
  13. hayhay12: THANK YOU for the review! I try to get them out as quickly as possible.. but my life right now is very busy. I work two jobs.. so I'm definitely not getting them up as quickly as I hope to. I'm hoping to have this next one up in the next few weeks.
  14. Shayshay365: THANK YOU for the review!! It means so much And aww.. thank you for the compliment. You are too sweet! I am really glad you like it! I'm working on the next chapter now! The holidays were just super crazy with family in town. It made my day seeing your review!
  15. AE: THANK YOU for the review!! Always glad to hear from you!! And aww.. thank you for the compliment! I'm working on the next one right now
  16. blaquerein: THANK YOU for the review! Conundrum for the writer too! Lol I shall keep going until the end! I promise. I'm hoping once my job situation settles down I will have more time for my little hobby GlidingFinders: THANK YOU for your review!! And I'm sorry!! I feel bad for him too Take him! Lol And aww.. thank you so much, I am oddly super self-conscious whenever I put out a chapter, especially lately since I have been kind of forcing it, so it definitely puts my nerves at ease knowing it's well received And I can't tell you how much that boosts my confidence as a writer knowing my characters are relate-able and able to draw sympathy! Right now I am working about 62 hours a week between two jobs, one a night shift and one a day job lol so it's kinda.. killing me, with lack of a better word! Damn my student debt!
  17. Ali: Ooops hit enter too soon. Was going to add to my response hehe. Yeah I struggle a lot with that actually, since I know it's AFF and people come here wanting some sexy stuff! lol But when the story drags on a lot longer (way longer then even I intended) it's hard to keep stuff from becoming repeated and/or kinda corny. I've used all my reserves and have to find more stuff to keep it fresh! lol
  18. Ali: No, Thank YOU for responding! It really does help the writing libido to hear feedback. When there is silence.. it's unnerving! lol Shelley: THANK YOU for the review!! I'm always super glad to hear from new people! I'm trying very hard to get the chapters up faster. Going to use the holiday breaks to my advantage hopefully! Please keep giving me feedback! Good or bad, I want to know! Sarah: THANK YOU for the review! As always Love to hear from you! And yay! Was hoping he'd grow on people lol he's not that bad! I'm working on the next chapter this week.. trying very hard to get it done this weekend. Sd: THANK YOU for the review! Seriously, it makes me so happy to hear from readers and it really helps me keep going So thank you!
  19. Ali: THANK YOU for your reviews. I really appreciate them.. and I know it's been a while. I honestly just don't know where the time goes. this year alone seems to have flown by. I am working two jobs, so I've been completely worn out! Hopefully I won't be doing it much longer.. hoping to get moved up to a better position so I can quit my second job. Maybe by the end of December! More time for writing! Woohoo! Anywho! Aww.. I know, i feel bad for them too. It's way more complicated to work through their interactions then I ever thought it would be lol especially since Leila really does want to be balanced despite her feelings. As for the water thing.. that came about with my frustration at becoming directionless, I wasn't sure where I was going with it, especially since it's getting harder to write sex scenes! So I was just like.. screw it, he'll just dunk her lol. I'm working on the next one now!
  20. Sarah: THANK YOU for the review!! I'm hoping to give you another pretty soon!
  21. GlidingFingers: THANK YOU again for the wonderful review I had all this stuff in my notes foorreevvveerrr, I hope it didn't come out too rushed. And I surprised myself with how fast I got that one done lol I'm trying to keep up the pace! As for what he gets from them you'll see!
  22. Ali: THANK YOU for the review!! I'm glad I didn't loose ya I know it took me a while. I'm reaaallllyyy REALLY trying to pump them out faster but still maintain the quality of what I want the chapters to be (I'm somewhat OCD). I know I've been mean to Quinn, I actually really like him, despite how mean I am to him.. though what's a story without a little heartache? And Leila will certainly try! (And so will I o.O, navigating how to put that into type is kinda challenging). And yeah Marion is one of my fav's too I actually have hers and Geoffrey's meeting/story mostly done, but it won't fit in right now. I'll probably finish it and post it at the very end sometime.. But thank you for reading! and Thank you again for the review! They mean so much to me.
  23. Yeah we are thinking bbq too! Or taco man.. since I'm half mexican. That's more me anyways! I'm not too fancy and I hate being the center of attention. And OH MY GOSH!! I would LOVE for someone to draw them! Have at it! And yeah, those pictures didn't match 100%, I was just fooling around! Lol but those appealed to me more then most. But obviously, I intended for them to look more like each other too, being bros. And naw you didn't miss anything. I glanced back after your review and realized the scene I cut pretty much had all of it lol I forget sometimes what makes it in and what doesn't. The only other one I had was him asking him to see her when he really didn't need to. Thank you for the reply! I'm on page seven now.. have like, three more to go! Woohoo.
  24. GlidingFingers: Again.. THANK YOU for the review!! I'm so glad you took the time to I appreciate them so much. And yes.. yunno what, after checking out a few venues, and realizing there is no possible way I can afford a wedding.. I'm thinking more courthouse with family lol My mom isn't happy.. but it's looking more and more like I'm going that route. Weirdly.. I'm not much of a romantic! Despite what my stories may suggest hahaha, and neither is my husband-to-be. We are just kinda ready to start pumping some kids out. I'm sorry about the heartache! I kinda felt bad writing it to be honest! And I have so far deviated off my story notes. I have just kinda let my head run away wherever it wants to go.. and this chapter happened o.o. I keep trying to make a wrap up chapter and I keep screwing myself up! So going to have one more after this.. lol And aww.. I'm sorry to make you cry! But it makes me weirdly happy I managed to elicit that emotion! It's what I was going for I love Quinn too. He's a sweetie. As for Ian, Leila really doesn't notice that kinda thing, she is a bit slow on the uptake when it comes to social interactions.. buuuuttt her boys certainly do. I tried to hint at it a few times, but they probably got lost in the other stuff happening. And not that I need anymore tension lol but for whatever weird reason.. I felt his character would be endeared to Leila. Her heritage and feistyness. I actually cut a scene that would explain it a bit more.. but I felt it wasn't necessary at the time. I have been working on the next chapter all day! I'm hoping I can get it done soon! But I have learned not to make promises. My hubby to be is also feeling a bit neglected! Hahaha.
  25. Darkened Moon: THANK YOU for the review! It means so much to me! I'm very glad you like it!! And sorry for dipping into your sleep schedule! Lol I'm working on the next update.. but it's coming slow because I work so much. Hopefully will be up in the next few weeks! Thank you for reading!!
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