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Dark Serpent Cat

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Everything posted by Dark Serpent Cat

  1. Sorry I took so long to reply I just really didn't have anything to say but I thought I should tell you two things 1) I saw Ravenheart reviewing on a new story called Shiloe so it seems she is alright 2) I have recently gotten in to my mind that I would love to see Harry wearing costumes in the Dark Whore Harry for instance one costume is he wears nothing but a red cape and hood as Little Red Riding hood but besides the cape he is completely naked. Another costume is something like a greek philospher costume where he doesn't wear anything underneath and so he can be slammed down on saying a desk or table have the costume go just above his naked hips as he is being molested or fucked
  2. Thank you that makes me happy By the way I have sort of grown a new kink (well not that new) and though I feel like it would be best for something like a slut Harry I thought I should tell you to see if you might considering adding it Okay the kink is costumes and I don't mean just female costumes but I mean like costumes in general for instance Harry dressing up in a toga or some greek/roman costume where he is naked underneath the costume and people can just lift the costume above his groin or butt and do him in it or if a top male wore a gladiator or viking suite and did Harry i that which I could see Krum wearing quite nicely or Cedric wearing a king costume there is also one where Harry is dressed with a Little Red Riding Hood out fit but only with the cape and hood and nothing underneath it Sorry I know you are doing girls as well as men with Harry however since I am gay all I can do is scenarios with men doing Harry Who's the daddy dom? You mentioned a poll earlier on your Yahoo group is it up yet and do you need to be a member because I am not perhaps you can have people list their choices here
  3. Hi everyone so I don't really have a plot in mind for this challenge however I do have a pairing for X-Men/Harry Potter crossover and some plot bunnies I was wondering if someone could do a Harry/X-men crossover with bottom Harry/male harem here are my favorite mutants for Harry 1) Logan 2)Beast 3) Sabertooth/Creed 4) Cyclops 5) Juggernaut 6) Iceman (movies only) who ever else you want but I also like when HP characters are mixed in I don't care which X-Men it is but the ones I do know are the first three X-men movies and the show X-Men evolution here are the plot bunnies 1) Magical gifts are from the X-gene but are weak because of the magical genes 2) The X-gene takes the powers from a dormant creature genes in wizards 3) Harry being an oddity gets the rare occurence of a powerful X-Gene that causes him to become a sort of creature (in this world creature wizards are descended from creatures but do not gain creature inheritances and the X-Gene affects the creature genes) 4) The creature gene Harry gets is either Nine tailed kitsune or Lamia powers for each includes Nine tailed Kitsune 1) Visions of past, present and future (restrictions are yours to apply) based off of the fact Nine tailed foxes are sometimes said to by omniscient 2) fox ears and fox tails that he can hide when he wants 3) power not only to control fire by to create it so he would be even more efficient then Pyro (Foxes are said to have powers over fire) 4) fox speech and maybe other creatures related to foxes 5) Enhanced senses and healing factor 6) Telepathy or possession (based off of kitsune's powers kitsunetsuki) 7) Shape shifting both human, fox and giant fox (based off the fact kitsunes have the ability to shape shift) 8) Pheromones (inspired by XMen: The Succubus fanfic on fanfiction.net but also because of the fact some myths had kitsune with the same abilities of a succubus) 9) illusions 10) (Optional) control over nature (kyuubi/nine tailed kitsune are the most power kitsune's who have the abilities to cause natural disasters so that whole idea comes with weather control) 11) (optional) I have a daddy kink so I came up with this idea where due to Harry's wish for a family his X-Gene causes him to have a split personality in the form of a giant, female kyuubi that acts as Harry's mother while helping Harry decide on the mates that are best to be both lovers and daddy's to Harry. 12) (optional) powers equivalent to Pheonix because lets face it at the rate Harry's powers are and if you were to go even further into the myths where Nine tailed kitsune's could bend reality and time itself then yeah Harry's powers could be considered as strong as phoenix but Harry has more control because of the split personality is trying to protect him as her kit this is optional but if you do go about the whole power levels I feel Harry would be Omega class I know these are a lot of powers so if you can't do all of them that is fine or if you want them to come in later that is also fine Lamia powers 1)Pheramon/ life feeding through sex 2) Parseltongue 3) Shape shifting 4) half snake half human form 5) control over blood and healing factor 6) enhanced snake senses 7) Can create hard scales to protect his body 8) snake abilities that depend on the snake you choose (for example basilisk eyes or a hydra's poisonous breath and any venom snakes might have) 9) Harry can grow venomous snake fangs other abilities are for you to decide but like with kitsune I had thought to have a split personality but with a lamia instead Oh by the way here are some other idea's for you that you can use or not use 1) Mystique is Harry's grandmother through Lily 2) Kingsley is Storms cousin and when Harry shows mutant gene he calls for Storm until he can get either laws for mutants establish or laws against mutants revoked or just so Harry can learn to control his powers (I like Kingsley/Harry) 3) Lily is really the daughter of Voldemort or a descendant of Slytherin through a squib line depending on when this takes place 4) I want Harry to be eighteen when he attends Xaviers but depending who you start him with and how long it takes I can accept earlier I just love Logan/Harry and many of my favorite mutants are adults Anyways does anyone have questions or if someone is willing to do this or something similar let me know please
  4. Hi so normally I choose to read Harry Potter fanfics with Harry being a slut or have a male harem but I also like Naruto fanfics and I was wondering if someone would do a harem naruto or slut Naruto without picking the usual Emo men Here is a plot idea It starts when Naruto is a young child who is abused by the villagers and the Kyuubi goes in to mating season There are only a few options for the Kyuubi when this happen 1) he has sex 2) he puts a mating mark o someone who is underage so that it will suppress his heat You see a demon rarely takes on permanent mates due to the fact that they find love to be a weakness and when they put a mating mark on someone or something that creature gets part of their powers if you want there can be more reasons such as the dominat having control over sub but they also come to feel for the sub and don't misuse their powers Anyways the fox unable to do the first thing chooses to make a deal with Naruto He will become the father Naruto needs if in the future Naruto becomes his mate (so basically there will be a daddy kink) By mating with Naruto, which shouldn't include sex, part of the Kyuubi's powers fuse with Naruto turning him into a demon or half demon (something that should happen to anyone who mates a demon) This also gives Naruto his own powers and turns him into a type of Fox that needs to feed off sex which some fox demons in Japanese Mythology do have This also means that Naruto will need more then just the Kyuubi for sex in the future and he should always be with males and bottom 0Now I am sick of seeing Naruto with Sasuke all the time and here are my personal favorite men I would like to be with Harry that you can pick besides kisune 1) Asuma (he is my all time fav so PLEASE use him) 2) Kiba 3)Choji 4) Choza (Choji's dad) 5) Ibiki 6) Iruka 7) Raikage 8) Akumaru (if you do Kiba and don't mind beast or anthro) 9) Guy Pick eight of these if you do harem because Kyuubi would be one and if you have suggestion for pairings let me know but I don't like most Naruto pairings
  5. Well if you do let me know
  6. Hi I just wanted to let you know I really like your story and I was wondering if you were going to reveal the truth to the wolves soon and if you have an idea as to how? Also will Voldemort realize Harry is a horcrux? Finally I was wondering if Harry and Voldemort would have another relationship besides the horcrux like say Voldemort is Harry's grandfather though neither one of them knew this? I know that this focuses on Harry and the werewolves but I just feel that when Harry goes dark or neutral it is best that he have some connection to Voldemort but it is your fic so it is up to you
  7. I actually think this belongs in the threesome/moresome section here http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/432-threesomemoresome/ sorry but I thought you should know
  8. Actually I have somewhat decided on the pairings already I just need to decide if I could get away with using two Charlie's in Harry's harem (someone suggested using a nickname for Charlie Weasley such as Dragon) I also need to decide on creatures for the characters Oh here is what the pairing is looking like Light Charlie Swan Sam Ulley (Shape shifter) (or Seth or Paul still debating but the Twilight Characters can wait later) Jacob Black (Shape Shifter) Charlie or Ron Kingsley (most people wanted Cedric but I kind of want Kingsley but I am also going to use him in another fic) Dark mates so far include Sirius Black (Dog demon) Viktor Krum Edward Cullen (Vampire) Emmett Cullen (Vampire) Hagrid Possible threesome Hagrid/Ron or Charlie W/Harry Charlie Swan/Edward/Harry Kingsley/Sirius/Harry Emmett/Sam or Paul or Seth/Harry Jacob/Viktor/Harry and here is the list of possible creatures Possible Dark creatures (aimed for Viktor) Minotaur-anthro bull Nekomata-cat yokai with two tails anthro large cat Naga-anthro snake Centaur (debatable whether it is Dark or Light) Encantado Scorpion men Bat men (camazotz) Possible Light Creatures (For Kingsley and Charlie Swan) Unicorn (I am thinking a breed of unicorns that were inspired by a drabble fic where though they are light affinity creatures they are black in color and anthro while being warriors and I am thinking this for Kingsley or should I say Kinksley *smirk*) Goldhorn White stag Angel I need to do more research these are the ones I have chosen so far if you have suggestions please let me know also you can find the original version of the fic here along with my other stories http://www.fanfiction.net/~darkserpentcat Also I have a reason for some of these creatures (mostly images of furry yaoi) *Sigh* I wish I was able to do an Azkaban fic because I have this great idea where Harry is sent to Azkaban and comes into a creature inheritance and needs sex to survive but I can just never get one to flow right since I have a hard time getting it to flow with Harry's arrival
  9. The hormones and sickness aren't bothering you much YET doesn't mean they won't later Also I need your advice you know how we were talking about star disigns and all of that for a fic and how I was planning on doing ten mates for it well I decided to use that in the rewrite of my fic The Twilight Lord which you can see on my FF.net (not AFF.net) account and well I've got the Dark mates all set up here they are Dark 1) Sirius 2) Edward (It's a Twilight/HP x-over and I lable the vamps as Dark creatures) 3) Emmett 4) Viktor Krum 5) Hagrid Light mates 1) Charlie Weasley 2) Jacob Black 3) Sam Ulley 4) ? 5) ? the last two mates I am still debating on and so far I have a few possible threesomes in mind do you think I should use some OC's for these two or do you have any good idea's for the last two mates I don't want to mess with the vampire/Wolf ratio I am also thinking of the twins or Ron in which case I have to still go back and redo things Also I am thinking of replacing Hagrid with Charlie Swan in which case I can add one more wolf because Charlie would be a vamp or I would give him to Sirius and make him eventually become a demon
  10. Yeah no offense but with the hormones and morning sickness and the difficulties of bending over just to look at you computer I will not be holding my breath Also as I am guessing by the sound of the message you want the baby congratulations Now I think I will run to another demension before you give birth so I am not around to see the chaos unfold (joking of course)
  11. Hi everyone so lately I have had the urge to read OHHC/HP fanfics and I came across a surprisingly good fic where Harry is with Huni and they were very good. Since then I have had in my mind that I would love to see a Harry and every male host club member all of whom top Harry So if someone can write that pairing for me I would really appreciate it Here are some request however you can use or forgo them as long as Harry is the sub (which doesn't mean he is weak) in the harem 1) Harry is a creature (I can't really see any other way for a harem with Harry's culture) the creature can be Succubus (they can be male but it is rare and succubae feed by being sexually penetrated like in another challenge I saw Kitsune with nine tails (the amount of tails also determines number of mates meaning Harry would have three others besides the host club) Lamia Nymph Quetzalcoatl exc 2) Harry either haves nine mates or seven mates 3) Tamaki likes being called Daddy in sex 4) Harry is constantly begged to make cakes and stuff for the Host Club and Huni 5) Huni likes eating cake off of Harry during sex (Come on people can you really not see that) 6) In the fic I read Huni was a bit stalkerish and I liked that also I like closet perv Mori 7) Harry is either neutral or Dark and Voldemort is still around 8) With bashing's please don't have people stealing from Harry or Dumbledore doing what he does for greedy reasons because you can still bash them without making them totally evil for instance Dumbledore could be manipulating Harry from the start to be killed or kill Voldemort but because he believes it is the only way to beat Voldemort and as for Ron well he doesn't have to be getting money for him to be friends with Harry for selfish reasons after all just being friends with Harry would make him famous I think that's it so if someone could please take it up
  12. Chapter 2 Unneeded: The Dolph/Kings/Harry is still debatable, As for creatures being mixed in yes there are creatures though if you want to be technical Fenrir and Remus count as creatures because they are werewolves. As for why not a hetero or mixed threesome it is because I am gay and I can't even imagine a guy and girl having sex so yeah I only do slash Chapter 3 Lady lizzy: Thank you but you are going to have to wait but thank you for reviewing as lack of reviews always makes me think no one is reading it
  13. Fine though with college it has been harder to write and since I barely saw you on here I barely been talking anyways the story I have on AFF is merely one of the twenty five published stories I have on normal FF and not even close to the uncountable number of fic ideas my muse throws at me
  14. Prologue review replies Hope: First off thank you reviewing as you are my first reviewer Secondly because this is a Dark Harry fic and though I don't mind Ron to much I also bash him a lot My reasons for bashing Ron are as followed 1)because he has many things against him in my books he's a git when it comes to anything Dark and Slytherin and as I am pro Dark and Slytherin I hate that about him 2)he hates Scabbers and yet he gets pissed off at Crookshanks and blaming the cat for the rats disappearance and is a jerk to Hermione when he finds him in their third year, 3)Fourth year he is one of the loudest in Gryffindor when he says Harry cheated and though I believe friends fighting is natural occurence at least once I can't believe that a true friend would accuse you of entering a tournament when they know you didn't want to enter and that your life is literally on the line, 4) fifth year he may have sided with Harry but that can be explained as him siding more with Dumbledore or because he is still on thin ice with Harry especially when he hadn't written letters to him I have plenty more to say but basically I'm the type of person who can bash Ron and love Ron depending on when I start the story and for this one I chose to bash him in later stories however I might not though I usually do. Unneeded: I agree with you with Dumbledore which is one of the reasons he is being bash another being the fact that a person can't do Dark Harry without Dumbles bashing As for the rest of your questions well you'll just have to wait and see Except Fenrir will look more like he did in the book here's a link to a good pic of him http://www.hp-lexico...s/greyback.html what can I say I'm a big Harry/Fenrir lover and I like hairy men but this pic looks much better looking to me then Fenrir in the movies also Fenrir will seem more human as the fic goes on giving reasons for how he acts Poll I have two polls up first should Harry have nine mates or seven mates ? If I do seven mates should I put Remus or Kingsley in the harem? please let me know your thoughts because I will not put it up as an actual poll because I not everyone has a forum account and you need it to actually vote also you guys can use this to try and convince me why I should go with that decision Here are the results from the fanfcition.net so far 9 mates: 2 7 mates Remus:10 Kingsley: 4 info about Story Harry will have a daddy kink the reason why is because one I love gay daddy's but there is more to it that will be revealed later Possible threesomes so far include Fred/George/Harry Fenrir/Remus/Harry Rodolphus/Kingsley/Harry (Debatable) others will be dependent on future choices
  15. Well I just created an account here and I just wanted to let you know I started to post my own fics on Adult Fanfiction if you want to see it It's called A Succubus in Love V2 which is a rewrite of my original version that is no longer on the site hope you might check it out when you can
  16. Hi this is a forum I set up for my fanfic A Succubus in Love V2 where I can hear and reply to any reviewers and suggestions this is also where you can come to vote for any polls I have
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