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Dark Serpent Cat

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Everything posted by Dark Serpent Cat

  1. No what I am saying is that Snape should be slightly prejudice through out the first year however due to scans he has the Slytherin's go through with Pomfrey he knows that Harry is abused and Pomfrey is the one who keeps kicking Snape's butt when the man is being prejudice without realizing it so it should also have a little development on Severus and Harry's relationship as a mentor (a severitus as I dislike Snarry) Oh and by the way I feel that with a werewolf Fenrir should have something similar to imprinting like Twilight where the dom is what the subs and vers need at the time. Because of this Fenrir is both a father and lover to Harry and enjoys being called daddy when doing Harry By the way if Harry is going to side with Voldemort in the future please make it so Lily is really adopted and is Voldemort's daughter or Harry is also with Voldemort If Harry is not joining Voldemort then please use the suggestion above or make it so Lily was descended from a squib whose ancestor is Salazar Slytherin and have the parseltongue ability that was dormant become active in her child. This is because I like Harry having parseltongue ability and I am fine with Voldemort having it but I hate how Harry got the ability and then lost it so this way is an alternative and when doing Dark Harry fics I prefer Harry is somehow connected to Voldemort I'd still like Harry and Ron to befriend Hermione and Neville and I like Luna as a friend though I will admit Draco would probably have problems with it at first and thus take longer to like them Now will Harry be a werewolf or another creature because if you do another creature I might have suggestions on it and how you could go about it
  2. You can do that but only if you start before Harry is sorted and go through the school year with a Slytherin Harry also it has to be believable so even if children bully Harry do not have the teacher's bully him and also have Snape learn early about the abuse but make it hard for him to get pass the whole James Potter thing my biggest recommendation for such a thing is to read this fic http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6662099/1/bBetter_b_Be_bSlytherin_b However if you don't mind I have also been wanting to see a Dark Trio fic as well where Ron is also sorted into Slytherin this is not a requirement just a suggestion I feel that this is believable if you bash Molly a bit because if you think about Ron does have ambition to be better then his brothers because of the inferiority complex but his doubt makes him not bother what's more there are subtle hints to reasons why 1) We know that Percy got both an owl and new robes for making a prefect yet Ron was forced to use a wand that was not only in poor condition but hadn't chose him. I feel that since a wand doesn't work as well when it hadn't chosen the wizard Molly should have focused more on getting Ron that instead of getting an extra present for Percy. Also Ginny got a wand of her own in the second book. The fact Ron got any results from his wand shows he is probably more powerful then many people think especially when it was in such a bad condition 2) I know from personal experience that when you apparently do sucky at a subject (which we expect from Ron due to his wand) then you are bound to lose interest in said subject 3) I believe that Slytherin's more then likely have a studying/tutor group session and Ron and Harry would be pushed into actually working hard on things by their housemates and how their housemates and the school would treat them in order to prove themselves Granted I think it will be difficult for Ron at first being in Slytherin but I think Harry or someone would push him also maybe you could add Ron to as one of Fenrir's mate Plus if you think about Ron's strategic mind compared to his lack of tack I think his lack of tack is due to having little to no exposure with children his own age growing up Think about it we know that magical children don't seem to go to a primary school and are probably home schooled by parents or tutors for their basic muggle educations. We have never heard mention of Ron having any other friends besides Harry and he doesn't seem familiar with any children, Seamus and Dean difinitly went to a muggle primary school as Dean was a muggleborn and Seamus's dad is a muggle and Neville is rich and probably had tutors or his grandmother. Now consider how the twins always treated Ron with their pranks while the other brothers were either at Hogwarts or to snobby for Ron to like (Percy) that means all Ron had for a friend was his sister and mother but boys and girls at a young age more often then not prefer to stick to their own gender when playing and Molly no doubt spent more time with Ginny and Luna while Ron's dad was working. So basically if you add it all together Ron's stupidity and lack of tact towards things could very well be due to his mother, no friends and a lack of education (how many purebloods even know so much muggle basics is beyond me) So yeah I feel if Ron and Harry were both sorted into Slytherin they would have had more space to grow and others to actually help them But yes Harry can be a Slytherin even if Ron isn't just start at the beginning of the Hogwarts first and make it believable Also though I didn't specify which side Harry should be on I like Dark Harry and Manipulative "Greater Good" Dumbledore where Dumbledore tries to manipulates the things in Harry's life but he believes it is for the greater good and does feel guilty about it Also please give an alternative to Harry's parseltongue such as Harry is Voldemort's grandson due to Lily being adopted or muggleborns are descendants of squib and Lily's squib ancestor is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin type thing (preferably grandson if Harry isn't going to be with Voldemort as well) I think that's it
  3. I know I probably shouldn't be putting up a new challenge after adding one recently but as I was reading a HP Characters read the books I came up with this idea The idea starts in Harry's first year during the Forbidden Forest fiasco. Well I though what if instead of meeting Voldemort Harry and Draco did meet a werewolf during the full moon and that werewolf was Fenrir who smells that they are both his mates and bites/fucks them. First off I don't care if you want to add Remus in later to but I do want Fenrir in wolf form to do both of them when he first catches them so that means there should be beast/anthro (admittedly though I only like beast when the human males are being topped by an animal I don't care for beast on beast but you can do it if you want) the rest of the plot is up to you but the happy relationship should take some time and I would love if Harry was Voldemort's grandson
  4. Hi I was just wondering if anyone would be doing this idea I had for an HP/ X-Men crossover In this fic every wizard being descendants of muggles and creatures (muggleborns are descendants of squibs) When a wizard becomes a mutant (something that is rare or involved with general magical gifts) the x-gene mutates their dormant creature genes causing the wizard to become a sort of wizard creature hybrid not exactly like half breeds but similar and more powerful with mates Harry comes into an X-Gene (the creature is up to you along with how young but I would expect the Dursley's abuse to have caused it to awaken earlier) Harry will have some mutants and some HP characters as mates and is considered a submissive feral (meaning he is bottom) Harry's mates should include Sabertooth Wolverine Beast Fenrir as well as some others the amount of mates is up to you but I would appreciate it if you kept it balance. Whatever side Harry's on is also up to you but if you bash characters do not make it hard to believe Like for instance if you bash Dumbledore make him manipulative and thinks only about the greater good but don't make it so he tries to steal Harry or anything like that. If you bash Molly just use the favoritism she shows Percy and Ginny. If you bash Ron don't make it so he is only hanging around Harry for his fame but play on his jealousy and inferiority complex but also give an explainable reason for it again Molly's favoritism Please let me know if the characters you are thinking of adding to Harry's harem as I have some I honestly hate to see
  5. Hi so due to how little fics there were with this pairing I was wondering if anyone had good recommendations for Hagrid/Harry slash I would love if there was plot but I don't really care to much and other men can also be with Harry and Hagrid as well but Hagrid has to be with Harry So if anyone has a good recommendation for it please let me know
  6. Thanks I might try one of those probably the one with Vernon because that brings me idea and well Vernon probably wouldn't have a problem with doing something illegal
  7. Thanks but that ISN'T what I need What I need is a way to make him become a slut, in other words an idea for the beginning that will cause Harry to become interested in being a human slut but I also need an idea as to how to make it believable
  8. So I barely look up Charmed/HP crossovers because they always tend to involve Harry with Wyatt and/or Chris. This challenge is to change that. If anyone s willing I would love to see a fic where Harry is with Cole and/or Leo I would also like to see him with Kronos if your are willing but I don't really care Let me know if anyone will take up the challenge
  9. I would also appreciate it if someone could help me do this challenge on my own like suggest how I can go about making Harry a slut
  10. As many of you might know there have been quite a few Slut/Whore Harry fanfics on AFF lately and even more challenges for more. However I have yet to see a fanfic that explains how Harry became a slut or whore without involving creature inheritance. So my challenge dear readers is for someone to make a slut Harry fic that has at least some minor plot and explains how Harry Potter becomes a slut. My only major requirements are as followed 1) either it is all slash or you put warnings when it is het and focus more on slash 2) There is at least some plot to the fic it doesn't have to be much I just want to see a story that goes into details of how Harry becomes a slut while also having the sex scenes. 3) If anyone is willing to write this then I would appreciate it if you let me know on here when you have posted it 4) In your first chapter of fic please explain that it was in response to my challenge 5) Harry must be human without a magical gift (though if you want to do another with a magical gift I would also like it) and he is still in Hogwarts 6) Harry bottoms only during male/male sex I just don't care for him topping though maybe if the person was younger I could accept it but I don't know Optional ideas 1) More plot where Harry eventually goes Dark maybe due to the horcrux or maybe he is Voldemort's grandson 2) If you do this early on in the books then I would appreciate it also putting Harry in Slytherin and also showing his life in the castle 3) Even though Harry is a slut no one abuses and makes him do something he doesn't want to 4) Manipulative Dumbledore who does care for Harry but has no qualm in using/sacrificing/harming him for what he deems is the "Greater Good" 5) Strange pairings with Harry such as centaurs, house elves, Hagrid and other beings/creatures
  11. Hey Silver how has everything been going for you? I haven't heard from you in awhile so I just was curious Also thought I should let you know I added a new request for Dark Whore Harry challenge nothing to big I just don't want the creature inheritance to be as common as it is normally shown in fanfics so I just wanted to put some limits on it
  12. Hey if anyone is still reading this I have a new request for this challenge I would appreciate it if when doing a Creature inheritance if you could make it more unique instead of the Harry just becomes a creature type fic because really I just don't see there being much discrimination against creatures and wizards if that did happen So for example if the creature/being inheritance was only possible due to a potion or ritual accident or if say demons have the power to give their powers and abilities to certain descendants who have a rare compatability to their magic but due to the price of the demon becoming mortal when they do or other reasons I would appreciate it also if you don't want Harry to be a creature then what about a magical gift passed down through his family that rarely shows up like with Tonks and her metamorphmagus abilities
  13. Hi everyone so I was wondering if someone could do a fic where Harry is basically the slut to male Weasley's including Arthur. I don't care how long it is or if you want the Weasley's to pass Harry around to others at times however I do want Harry to be a willing member of it and to be cared even if you want to do some humilation scenes to the Weasley's should still love him. If you need any ideas of how to make Harry a slut you can try creature inheritance or accidents or you can give Harry a certain magical gift that makes it so he has to feed off of sex with males. I do not however want him with Molly, Ginny or any woman. please let me known if someone is willing to do this p.s. If some could use this challenge to show how a normal, human Harry would become a slut I would appreciate it but it is not a requirement
  14. Actually no you see I actually have read fics where if the parseltongue comes from Lily: then it is because she introduced more magical blood back into her line renew the blood gifts James: It is because Lily was a new blood and magic awakening due to it which makes sense if you look at Tonks and her metamorphmagus abilities. Think about it Tonks is a half blood yet she is the first known Black with metamorphmagus abilities so it very well could be because of this especially if muggle borns are descended from squibs and all wizards have creature and human blood in them The best way I can describe this is if you read this fic http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6163339/1/Harry_Potter_and_the_Descent_into_Darkness
  15. Dark Serpent Cat


    well here are a few authors and stories but they are pretty well known as they're the only ones I have seen who have done Slut Harry fanfics and none of them have updated in awhile http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296829688 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296900275 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296793472 http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600009979 there are a few others but they are scattered and I don't like them enough to recommend them
  16. Hey Silver so once again I would like your opinion on something. You see on my fanfic net profile http://www.fanfictio...~darkserpentcat I have a fic called Haures Addams which is a crossover of HP/Addams Family Now in Haures I had originally thought that I had the pairings down but as I work on the sequel Haures Addams Year 1 I have decided to hold off on difinite mates because I am having a problem deciding mates. You see I know that I want Voldemort, Dudley and probably Pubert as Haures mates however I have a ton of pairing ideas that is holding me back on this fic You see I am debating on the following 4) Marcus Flint 5) Sirius 6) Remus 7) Hagrid 8)Fenrir 9) Aragog (Who takes a drider form and Harry is an Addams also I believe he had a connection with spiders or at least I can see it also this has never been done before and I had intended it at the very beginning now I am unsure) 10) The Basilisk (his connections with snakes the basilisk takes Naga form which I had intended to add when I first started this fic) 11)Crabb 12) Goyle 13)Draco 14)Death Eaters (various) 15) Oliver Wood 16) Weasley's (any male) 17) Viktor Krum my problems involve lessing it to a 7,9 or 10 mates however I have come up with some interesting threesomes, foursomes and moresomes with Haures involved Hagrid/Crabb/Goyle/Dudley/Harry and maybe Draco Fenrir/Remus/Harry Marcus/Draco/Harry Sirius/Draco/Harry Remus/Sirius/Harry Marcus/Oliver/Harry Hagrid/Sirius/Harry you get the picture then there is Marcus/Oliver/Cedric/Viktor/Harry Aragog/Harry (what with the link to spiders and it would be even funnier if I added Ron what with his fears) Basilisk/Harry (what with his connections to snakes) Voldemort/DE's/Harry I would love your opinion on this matter also please remember I enjoy larger men normally with a few muscular but lean men that I feel is needed and I don't care if they are fat
  17. Well I can't tell you where to find one as I don't know but the reason Silver snitch no longer shows up is because it no longer exist I read somewhere that the payment for the site had run out and that they haven't renewed it in time don't know how accurate that is but here is the site I read it from http://yaoislashfans.lefora.com/2011/10/14/the-silver-snitch-gone/
  18. yeah just voted but in the parenthesis were you saying that Shlioe would top or bottom or that the mates would be top or bottom?
  19. Thanks I just sent a request at Yahoo as I recently got a Yahoo account
  20. How do we become members of your Yahoo group if you don't mind me asking?
  21. Well since you want girls and guys my choice for men are Sirius Viktor Remus My picks for girls would be Fluer (because then you would have all the TWT participants together with Viktor and Cedric) suggestions would be Luna though she is kind of strange Ginny Hermione Hannah Abbott possibly Daphne Greengrass (she was so minor you have room to work with but she was a slytherin and I feel it makes sense to have someone from each house but no doubt you have some plans for that) I have no problem with older Gryffindor girls as I hate all the others in Harry's year besides Hermione and maybe the Patil twins (one of them is a Ravenclaw) By the way I know you are thinking of Sev, Lucius, Drac and Ced but what about a more balanced approach for example 2 Snakes (Draco and Lucius) 2 Lions (Remus and Sirius) 2 Bagers (Cedric and Hannah or other) 2 Foreign (Viktor and Fluer) 2 Ravens (Don't care) I know this is ten and not nine but I just thought I should suggest it and if you do those are my votes for the two members each you should do
  22. Yeah but I decided to start back when Harry is a first year and have him sorted into Slytherin it would be somewhat based off of the Squires of Slytherin but I need to figure a way start it
  23. I thought you meant that you have thought of a daddy dom for Harry but it would be to difficult for this fic to use so you probably wouldn't use him, my mistake
  24. Oh by the way I am working with a new plot for a slut Harry though I can't promise it will be put up but here it is In my fic it will start after Cedric's death when Harry starts coming into a familial magic (I will not have creature inheritances in this fic) Harry then becomes something I have yet to come up with but here are some specifics Harry is a type of wizard who can secrete and control powerful pheromones that automatically draw people to him attractively though this doesn't mean they will be nice to him or vice versa With this power though comes a price where he needs to constantly have sex or go mad or become weak Another ability of this type of magus is that he can use the pheromones to manipulate people though it is to a certain degree and stuff and Harry never abuses it However Harry's pheromones no matter the amount of training he gets can be suppressed and so any male will be attracted to him and females drawn to him in various ways though always sexually By having sex with a person or controlling the pheromones Harry can get a person to agree to something and the magic will take it as a magical bond however Harry basically can drain life through sex as well which is why they need multiple people so it is sort of like a lamia or succubus because that is the root of the gift Now then here is where it gets interesting for you see I will start with Dudley and his friends wanting Harry and doing him as well as the Order though it starts out as a way for Harry to forget about Cedric's death and then to feed but you see Fudge has learned awhile ago about the whole magus inheritance and has found a ritual that would bind the magus that Harry is to him as a sort of servant or Slave (this is illegal though so Fudge has to keep it hidden also he is basically telling himself that what he is doing is for Harry's benefit because imature whatever magus Harry is still draws people to him so Fudge actually does like Harry) Fudges rule is not completely absolute but it does have some powers over Harry which are stronger after having sex with Fudge who is first to get sex if he is near. Anyways Fudge gives Umbridge some control over Harry but Harry also has to act somewhat as Dumbledore expects so that he can be a spy and Umbridge Eventually Umbridge takes over the school and uses Harry in a way to secure the students loyalties or behavior like in the fic that inspired it "That's What I go to School For" Then it takes a somewhat similiar pace to it where McNair and a few other DE's will take teacher's places though they will be male as Fudge slipped out to Lucius about his plans for Potter Harry also has dreams with Voldemort who eventually convinces Harry to join him probably leading Harry to the Chamber where he learns more about magic. Voldemort eventually gains control over Harry's slave bond but doesn't really need it as Harry had come to enjoy some aspects or has gotten rid of the bond probably due to the Horcrux the next part would probably be more of a sequel but here goes Harry joins Voldemort though secretly and so eventually has sex with Death Eaters as well and they begin to plan the downfall of Dumbledore in that one but in the sequel Harry strikes a certain deal with Vernon and Rufus Scrimgeour a sex deal I feel however I need better limits for Harry's powers as the ideas are still being worked out any suggestions? Also Harry will only feed off of men
  25. I checked it out but I wasn't really interested in the pairings thanks anyways
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