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Dark Serpent Cat

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Everything posted by Dark Serpent Cat

  1. Well I am unsure if this is what you want but here is a Hagrid/Harry slash I found in this fic http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600023565
  2. Oh thank you
  3. Hi so I can't find the fic Sweet Puppy which was a Fenrir/Harry fanfic does anyone know what happened to it?
  4. I saw it and thank you
  5. I read it and thanks
  6. Hi I was just wondering if anyone knew where I could find a good fic where Harry has multiple male partners and one of them is Fenrir Greyback?
  7. So everywhere you go you can find fanfics where Ben and Kevin are together but it is hard to find Ben with anyone else that doesn't include Gwen so I was wondering someone would do a Vilgax/Ben slash that doesn't involve Gwen being with them If you want a certain plot where they get close I would use the episode Ghost Town when Ben helps Vilgax save his people from Ghostfreak but that is just a suggestion if you have a particular plot feel free to use it also if you want multiple males with Ben I don't care but any het should be minor side pairings and Ben should be bottom
  8. Hi everyone so I have been really wanting to see a fanfic where Danny is having sex with his father Jack I don't have any specific requirements except for that but feel free to add others and make it a sort of harem or slut Danny fic
  9. What do you mean by Dark and twisted?
  10. So I have just started wondering what a fic would be like if Harry for some reason (master of death, spell goes array, potion accident, time turner incident.) get de-aged or stopped aging and is forced to return to Hogwarts with his children and go through puberty again. Then what if as the years go by Harry starts developing multiple soul bonds two of which belong to Albus and James and at least one other with Teddy and Harry is bottom. If you want you can add more as well from both generations like Scorpius, Draco, Hugo, Ron, excetra as well as have it so some of the children are versatile (they top Harry but bottom for someone else) My big requirements are that Harry isn't with Ginny after this however why and how is up to you that this is PURELY SLASH that Teddy, James and Albus are with Harry at least Harry is BOTTOM You know you can even use the fact that Harry has a calmer life his second time around during puberty and is mostly healed from his life with the Dursley's as a way of Harry realizing he preferred men because when you think about the relationship between him and Ginny was too fast, how he was abused by his uncle would have caused issues, how he was constantly under pressure due to Voldemort and the media and really never got to explore the possibility
  11. I was just wondering if anyone would be willing to do a slut Harry where Harry starts becoming interested in being a whore when he reaches his teens and somehow it starts out with Harry being with Vernon by choice or dub con and being Vernon's in the summer before going back to Hogwarts and sluts himself out at Hogwarts The rest is up to you including if a creature inheritance is involved and what side Harry will take in the end Dark or Light
  12. Never mind I already have something set
  13. Glad you've doing well, hope you still are, sorry I didn't reply sooner I just didn't have anything to say and I hope everything is still going well. That being said I was wondering if you might be able to help me. You see I am working on a Ouran High Host Club/HP crossover at the moment that hasn't been published and I am using a dementor or nine tailed fox Harry (haven't decided) and I need a poem/song prophecy like you used but I can't write songs so I was wondering if you could help. Here is what I have in the prologue so far During the Department of Mysteries incident Harry ends up falling in the veil trying to save Sirius, dragging a future mate in with him. Harry floats around, dazed, in a void of white light in what feels like hours until a sudden chill and his worse memories begin to play causing him to go unconscious When Harry wakes up he finds himself in a strange graveyard where the story started and as he tries to figure out where he is a wind begins to blow and a song begins to echo throughout the graveyard. The song is to speak of Harry's turning and be played by Harry's ancestor who will turn Harry. After that I am still working on but I had originally planned for Harry to wake in the hospital wing to find both him and Sirius there along with a surprise character with no memory of what happened after the veil without the whole graveyard scene but even so the song would help for before Harry wakes up and finds the characters sleeping there I am also debating whether to have Voldemort alive and Harry's grandfather or get killed by Harry's ancestor and though I originally planned on the living one now I am thinking on having Voldemort killed so that Harry and his mates can live in peace with only Dumbledore to worry about. Either way a song/poem/prophecy would really help me with this and if I need to give you a list of mates I will though I rather keep it more private so as not to give away too many spoilers plus my muse is scatter brained and loves to give me rabid plot bunnies so I am not even sure if this will progress much
  14. Hi so I've recently been wondering why no one has tried to do a Bardock/Goku fanfic so here's a challenge Bardock had somehow survived the destruction of planet Vegeta and has been temporarily indisposed for awhile When he finally is back to full snuff he makes his way to Earth seeking out his son Kakorott I don't care much about when in the Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z time line this appears but eventually Bardock can't help but fall for Kakarott and vice versa (It would be funny if Goku was still naive about sex and Bardock has to teach him) I still want Goku to eventually if not already reach Super Saiyan and I want Planet Vegeta to already be destroyed. If you want feel free to add other Saiyans into the fray and make it a multi pairing
  15. So if anyone has seen my various challenges and requests then you can probably tell that I love Harry when he has a harem or is a slut. However I also love fanfics where Harry is being dominated by a beast so this idea popped out. I would love it if someone did a fic where Harry (still humaniod) had a slash harem with dominate beasts either due to some creature inheritance or due to a potion accident. Creature inheritance should be so rare they're believed to be legend and only certain creatures can even pass the gene down. The harem should have at least 1) Buckbeak 2) Werewolf 3) Centaur other possible creatures 1) Thestrals 2) Canine creatures (Fluffy, Fang, exc.) 3) Basilisk 4) Fawkes 5) Dragon's 6) Satyr 7) Minotaur 8) Unicorns 9) a anthro creature with tentacles 10) Anthro feline creatures Exc any other creature you want be they anthro or down right beasts You can add some humaniods like humans, giants excetra but I rather this had mostly beast in it (In fact Hagrid would probably get turned on watching Harry being taken by animals If you are fine with anthro but not beast then feel free to give these creatures anthro forms but I rather it be with a majority of beast features If you also want to add plants like the whomping willow or a unique plant of your creation feel free Basically as long as you have a few beast preferably the top three you can do what you want with the rest but I also love Dark Harry fanfics if written well enough like Harry Potter and the Descent into Darkness, Harry Potter and the Breeding of Darkness, and In Servitude to the Dark series all good stories to look at for Dark Harry
  16. Hi so I remember reading this fanfic but I don't know where In the fic Vegeta escaped Frieza and landed on Earth where he is found by Goku I'm not exactly sure of the time but Goku is a teenager, still has his tail and is about to enter a World Tournament so I think it is around the end of the Dragon Ball series with Kid Piccolo but it is AU so some things have changed. Anyways Vegeta is still recovering and decides to stick around for awhile because of Goku but that is all I can remember if anyone knows where and what the fic is I would appreciate if you could let me know
  17. So this idea had originally come to for a Harry Potter/DBZ crossover but I decided to post it as just a DBZ challenge. The idea is that back when planet Vegeta existed there was a prophecy that foretold a saiyan or other being who would come forth when the saiyans are near extinct This saiyan male would be a breeder who would be the sub (well bottom) mate to all the remaining male saiyans and that something about this saiyan would also allow incest So my challenge for you is to do a fanfic where one saiyan male is this being and with more then one saiyan I would prefer if the Saiyan Sub happened to be Goku and if it is I would like for it to start along the lines where a saiyan (preferably Vegeta) appears on Earth before the final tournament in Dragon Ball and takes Goku (who is still naive about things but is at least a teen if not an adult) under their wing and tries to teach him more about his saiyan heritage. Then things progress with other Saiyans appearing on Earth and falling for Goku as well or they all come together You can manipulate this idea if you want but it was just a basic idea of how I would like it so that way you can include Saiyans that died at the beginning of DBZ and have it so Goku isn't with Chi Chi and thus not unfaithful The idea above is the plot I would prefer but it is not necessary so you may do it with another saiyan or half saiyan and start it further be my guest in fact I also like pairings where Goku is dominate with his sons My only major requirements for this fic are 1) not to make it so that little children are having sex as I hate reading those fics as long as the Saiyans are 15 or older I will be happy 2) that Goku was raised as he was in Dragon Ball 3) not having planet Vegeta still be in existence 4) no evil Goku 5) No completely nice Saiyans, I know it sounds stupid to even make this rule but I have read way to many fanfics in general where the characters are ridiculously out of character to the point it was sickening. If anything the characters should soften only a little after spending awhile around Goku 6) the breeder must be with all the male saiyans you use and not just focused on one person 7) Plot, there must be plot even if it is tiny amount so no PWP
  18. Hi so I recently had grown the urge to read an Inuyasha threesome fic with Sesshomaru/Koga/Inuyasha with Inuyasha being the bottom does anyone know any fics with this pairing?
  19. I don't really like Fem Harry or hermaphrodite Harry I just want it as men on men only maybe if Harry gets turned back into a boy and Cole or/and Leo stay with him I can accept it but if it is just him being hermaphrodite or female then no I won't like it personally Not that I am saying not to do the fic I just mean I won't really read it, others probably will though thanks for commenting
  20. So far it hasn't been published yet
  21. Thank you but I have read the first one and I don't really care for how the second one is with different kingdoms instead of HP verse I have read that one already to
  22. So I am not really sure if this is the right place to go since the fanfic archives put Spiderman in the X-men section with the rest of Marvel but it seems I should put it with comics here So lately I have gotten into read Venom/Spiderman slash but I was wondering if anyone could do a Venom/Carnage/Spideman slash as well Also I should note I don't know much about the Spiderman verse but I have watched the animated series when I was young and I like the fanfics which is why I rather put a challenge up and have someone else do it P.S. If you want to add others with Spidy feel free but only if they are men in fact Hulk or Thor and Wolverine might be interesting but I doubt Hulk would happen
  23. Well the only reason I wanted Harry to be another creature is because I wanted werewolf Fenrir and Draco to do Harry while Harry looked human and they had wolf forms if you can create something else that allows this form of Beast then be my guest As for the rest the fanfic would have to take place during Harry and Draco's first year with the forest incident and I rather they still fight a lot in the story as because I think Drarry's are far best when something happens to make Draco change and it involves Harry though the wolf side will be eager to do Harry As for the bit about Remus no I don't want him there because of the sire if you bring him in then make it because he fears what Greyback will do to them After the claiming definitely because I want werewolf Draco and the other creature well I have started to dislike traditional creature inheritances and want there to be a reason why creature inheritances are so rare they are considered myth For example a creature inheritance can only happen among certain beings these beings who are near immortal unless killed can only transfer their powers and immortality towards a certain descendant who has an affinity or compatibility However this compatibility is both rare to find and personality doesn't determine it As such ancestors must also make the personal decision as to whether or not they will transfer their abilities as well because this will also cause them to become mortal/die Another idea for a creature is a unique being I thought of where an abused child who has an affinity towards the moon can be turned into this creature if the abusers kill them This creature was somewhat inspired by Shiloe though it doesn't give Harry a split personality it just makes it so he is favored by mother moon and can hear her this makes these creatures sacred to werewolves and they also have a harem. I had planned to use this creature for a fic where instead of Vernon bringing Harry and his family to the shack in the first book he takes Harry out to the middle of the forest and shoots him You can use a similar plot if you wish just give credit where credit is due Oh also the mates of the creature I made up also acts as the creatures father's not just lovers so Harry would also call them daddy in sex Another idea for a creature inheritance is to have a potion accident and had this taken place in second year I would suggest Harry's blood to awaken due to the basilisk venom Had this been an X-Men crossover I would use the x-gene to awaken a sort of creature inheritance as well but more powerful There's also this good fic I read where Thestrals can turn certain being into a hybrid thestral and Harry was turned or his mother maybe you could do something similar but with a unicorn. I am a big supporter of magical affinities used in stories like Harry Potter and the Breeding of Darkness/it's prequel so the unicorn adopting Harry would cause Harry to become a dark unicorn as Harry has a magical affinity towards dark magic These are mere ideas as to how you could go about the creature but if you want to do werewolf Harry be free I just want Fenrir to take Draco and Harry away during the first year but maybe having them found after the summer could work as well I hope this helps you
  24. So I have noticed a lack of good True Blood Harry Potter crossovers and that really depresses me as it is one of my favorite types but few crossovers and I can only go so fast with my own fics on Fanfiction. net and have issues with my muse so I thought I would put some ideas up here in hopes people might write more TB/HP stories all of which are slash as I don't really like Het Idea 1) Instead of Jessica Bill is forced to turn an 18-21 Harry Potter (the change should heal Harry's sight and I would prefer it if he had long hair) Idea 2 After the war something happened to turn Harry into a lamia or a creature that feeds off sex. Harry fled from England in part because of this. Harry somehow senses the presence of Mayanne and goes to Bon Tamp to stop her before choosing to stay Idea 3 (sort of inspired by my own story on FF.net Trueblooded wizard) When Harry united the hallows he didn't become master of Death, he became Death's heir, this caused him to change into an angle of Death and now he most find his mates. (awesome scene idea: Season 2 when the vamps attack the fellowship of the sun's church have Harry reveal his true form as an angel of death and cause Steve to panic) Idea 4 (inspired by idea 3) Harry died when he defeated Voldemort and became an angel but now for some reason he decides to return to earth where he has to deal with vamps and weres and Sookie Idea 5 (inspired by Dead to Love on FF.net) When Russel Edgington hears about Harry Potter he decides he must have the boy as his child/servant Harry is not pleased at all when this happens and so helps Bill and Eric for his freedom Eric and/or Bill growing fond of Harry as he tries to help them when they are still acting agree and bring him to Bon Temp and Shreveport after they take Edgington down. Idea 6 Similiar to idea 3 where something happens to turn Harry into a creature but also inspired by The Truth of Blood Harry after the incident has been moving around for the past couple years (not aging) and has recently been living in Texas where ever Godric has been. Harry realizing he would have to move soon chooses to take a flight over the city for one last time just before the sun rises. It is then Harry passes by Sookie and Godric and instead of letting Godric kill himself Harry saves the vamp and Eric insists that Godric move to Shreveport while Godric insists Harry does the same. Idea 7 This idea relies heavily on mates as in this fic Harry is like Sookie and is part fae. Together the two flee from the Fae world and land in Bon Temp and Sookie offers Harry a place to stay Idea 8 General idea without much towards outline Harry works with Dr. Ludwig as an apprentice or assistant and helps her with healing Sookie in the second season when a vamp takes interest in him Possible ideas to add to stories 1) Harry really is a descendant of Slytherin either through his mother being descended from a squib whose ancestor was Salazar or Lily is really adopted and the daughter of Voldemort which is the reason Harry left England after defeating his grandfather 2) Harry has a rare vampiric gift that works similar to succubi and lamiae need to feed off sex but also gives him other abilities the technicallities are up to you but it is really if you want Harry/more then one man 3) Vampires, weres and shape shifters all have a rare chance of finding a mate so Harry could have at least one of them if not more Possible mates I would like to see (any combination with any story) 1) Sam 2) Bill (without the issues of third season though I feel that when Bill haters use third season/third book it is unfair as Eric does the similiar things all the time and did in the 3rd season) 3) Eric 4) Alcide 5) Jason (Have Harry be the one to get him to stop either chasing people around or to help him get better after second season) 6) Godric 7) Terry Bellefluer (never actually seen him with anyone but Andy but the TV version is pretty good looking and Harry and him had gone through things that could help each other) 8) Tommy feel free to do HP characters as well but have Harry be with at least 1 true blood character as well Possible creatures for Harry that isn't angel or vampire 1) Lamia (where males are extremely rare) 2) Kitsune (Harry has nine tails and nine mates) 3) Succubus (where a succubus feeds on lust of men by being penetrated and an incubus feeds on the lust of women and men by penetrating male succubae are rare) 4) Quetzalcoatl (the feathered serpent who the Aztecs consider to be a important god in their lives) 5) Naga 6) Nymph (wind) Please let me know if anyone will do any of these challenges
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