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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. Shizuo Heiwajima from the anime Durarara! If Tamaki Suou and Kyoya Ootori was able to have kids! This is what would come out!
  2. Misses catching Derpy hooves Tosses a bottle of potion that causes Hurricanes
  3. 13990 miss me?
  4. I can control the weather XD
  5. Not guilty! Ever just want to run away from it all!
  6. It seems they are gonna do a remake of Dirty dancing for this generation! Didnt they learn their lesson after dirty dancing: havana nights? They are using the same person who choreographed the first movie, to do it again and are now looking for someone to play johnny! THIS WILL NOT STAND! So if you have a facebook, join my group: DO NOT REMAKE DIRTY DANCING: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Do-Not-Remake-Dirty-Dancing/130641577030104 and also sign this petition to stop it!: http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?DD1987 Please help! This will be a major flop and none of this generation will get it! Its a classic! Thanks
  7. IF YOU DONT WANT THE REMAKE OF DIRTY DANCING TO HAPPEN, SIGN THIS!: http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?DD1987

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melrick


      Because Hollywood ran out of original ideas in the '40's and have lived by rehashing old ideas ever since.

    3. AlexandraS90


      Let's stop this injustice before it has a chance to begin.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      I agree! spread the word! If you have a facebook click this link to a group i made: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Do-Not-Remake-Dirty-Dancing/130641577030104

  8. Is mad they are making a remake of dirty dancing! No one can ever replace Patrick Swazye!!!

    1. AlexandraS90


      Yeah, you're right!

    2. Melrick


      Well that's a bloody stupid idea.

  9. hahaha i didnt notice that! lol
  10. would help to know what series it is from...then i could help
  11. your account on the forums or the archive?
  12. wishing the plunnies would come back and help me update...hell even write this oneshot for gravitation!

  13. Its hot and im bored on the comp..Might as well get off and see if i can write new chapters. Hope the plunnies are ready to work instead of chilling in the pool

  14. Not guilty Ever dared a little kid to eat a little bit of a cats dried poop from the liter box just for shits and giggles?
  15. Well the heat broke...but still hotter then hell upstairs...im able to get back on..unsure if the plunnies wanna writer tho..lol

    1. kagome26isawsome
    2. Mistressofthewest


      Thank god! I never thought it was going to end. I can’t wait for fall. Ooh cool weather, Oktoberfest and Halloween. Hehe my three favorite things that I keep telling myself to stay sane in the sweltering heat.

      Eek! I am so glad that my place is on one floor. I don’t think I could stand it if it was two.

  16. A guys head is licking me...in my pants
  17. Guilty ever sing naked in the house
  18. I am a famous country singer
  19. Im trying to find it by Pat green
  20. Runs and hides from the water tosses shampoo as a cat
  21. not guilty Ever been dared to crap your pants for money?
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