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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. Doing great at school! still surviving! :D

  2. Getting ready for Mid terms..ugh..money came in so getting new glasses..:D its turing out to be a good week!

  3. about darn time they took it down
  4. Stupiud FAFSA better send me my money soon! I need new glasses and clothes..yes clothes..oh and saving up for a trip lol

    1. DemonsAngel


      That money should be going towards school. Not clothes or a trip. Glasses I can understand. Can't learn if you cant see.

  5. is done with psychology homework! all caught up now waiting on my money from Fafsa so i can get new clothes and glasses!

    1. BronxWench


      Glasses I can understand, but clothes? How about books? ::grins::

  6. came to say hi! miss you all! :D XD

  7. im pretty ahead on my schoolwork so i am making stopping for a visit! XD

  8. saying hi to everyone and IM NOT DEAD YET!

    1. Melrick


      Damn it, I already paid for the flowers...

    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. WillowDarkling


      *checks left elbow* :D just wanted to make sure

  9. full steam ahead through school work! *whew* now time to chill and wait for class tomorrow night

  10. busy Saturday doing chores and reading chapter 1 for two different classes..tomorrow hopefully i can chill for a bit...one can hope....

  11. No homework yet so im making a quick stop here! Got class tonight :( wish it was canceled so i can watch the packers kick the saints butt again!!!!!

  12. last normal night on here for a while! gotta get into the college state of mind lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. BronxWench


      Just remember that projects and coursework come first, and make yourself stick to a schedule. That'll carry over into the job world as well, and make you do better there, too.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      thanks Bronx and i know that already! that is how i messed up the first time..not gonna happen agian

  13. Dodges the knife for fear of getting burned tosses Kenny ortegas head
  14. i can bring patrick swayze back from the dead to kick Kenny ortegas ass over making the remake of dirty dancing
  15. 14000
  16. Not guilty ever want to really hurt dane cook?
  17. is spending last free week doing chores and working on one update before school starts next wensday. :D

  18. Um im not staff but i can make some suggestions..the staff needs to know your pen name to help and see why your stories are missing. It could be that all the disclaimers are wrong or you are underage or you did something bad...just a heads up
  19. Is happy to be going back to school but sad cuz i cant write updates! Maybe when janurary comes i will write again..lol...:D Ill miss you all!!!!

  20. SInce i am going to school and the plot bunnies have pretty much left, Here is an idea. Hope ppl can do it and idk if it was already done but here goes: Basically Kagome is back in her time for another test, fails it and her friends cheer her up with food before yuka needs to make a stop at a certain store before they head home. They keep it a secret from Kagome till they get into the store. Kagome looks at the merchandise and fantasizes her and inuyasha using them (whips, chains, a dildo used for anal, a strapon, ect) and when she was gonna buy one, Inuyasha comes in and demands Kagome to come with him. and well in a a huff she buys something, goes back to her house with inuyasha, deciding to get even, she gets him drunk on sake and uses the strapon on Inuyasha and hey he ends up liking it! lol.. Please someone take this one! I would love to read this on one of my days off of school! lol...
  21. is happy! Going back to school since being on probation since 07!!!! Got aid so i can try again..so all stories will be on hiatus for a while!

    1. BronxWench


      Probation? O.O

      But anyway, congratulations!!! What will you be studying?

    2. kagome26isawsome
  22. Title: A wild night leads to a drunken mistake Author: Lia200304 Series: Happily divorced Summary: Basically what happened that Peter and fran ended up in bed the next morning Rating: Adult Pairings: Fran+Peter Spoilers: The second to last episode of Happily divorced Feedback: Appreciated Url: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096466
  23. IM IN LOVE! XD LOL man black butler is awesome! sorry but no 'happily divorced' fic till i finish the black butler anime! XD

  24. has a sotry written down for 'happil divorced' finally! now to motivate myself to type it up and post it..*sigh*

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