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kagome26isawsome last won the day on February 7

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  1. i wish there was a way to get ‘first bank of Christina’ off of my damn head so my sister can stop asking me for damn money! i need that money for work and i want a pikachu squishmellow lol

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    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Depends on the risk sister will default on the loan… or more likely think of it as a “GIFT”.  Yeah, lay down the law.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      both hubby and boyfriend work but they are getting dicked around at work (her words). im still applying to amazon because i found out after my vacation that no one in my store is getting that $2 raise. Which fricking sucks. I did buy that pikachu squishmellow. it was only $20. lol oh shes paying me back by giving me rides home from work since im back to 1 to 10 instead of the 12-9 they offered to me. but anytime she gets the money she owes down to a certain point, it goes back up. im just tired of her.

    4. BronxWench


      Wait… she has a husband AND a boyfriend, and she’s hitting YOU up for money??? Seriously, dude, that’s just a giant ball of suck right there. (Not the polyandry, which is fine, but the collective deadbeatness of the three of them.)

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