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Everything posted by StoryJunkie

  1. Do I think it's necessary? NO Do I think it helps? YES. Let's say we want to compose music. I would venture to say that assuming we have the basics down, the GRAMMAR of the thing so to speak, we can write out notes to our hearts content, and we will struggle with it until...UNTIL we actually play it. In that sense, then, we gain experience. Does it sound good, do others like it, does it have appeal....can it be promoted? We learn by doing that's for sure. Then we have those who are prodigies, who seem to have a knack for writing, for expressing themselves, for getting their point across in a most salient manner....for those people, I gnash my teeth and wish them into the deepest part of hell....er, I mean, I admire their talent and suck up to them shamelessly.... anyway, now I've lost my train of thought. Dang Is there an emoticon for that?
  2. Oooh, so many many people to spank today.... glowers softly while drawing on the leather gloves....
  3. "Lithium" by Evanescence is pretty damn sad too, although tragic is more the word. Heck, I just love listening to her voice.
  4. I suppose the Amazons were, although their legend is garbled in the Greek version of their life. The women are called "Amazon" because this word literally means "breast-less" That is to say, in order to wield their weapon of choice (the bow) with more accuracy, they cut off their (usually) right breast in order to facilitate their movement. Considering that I am one of their descendants (brag brag...) (also Scythian, and Cimmerian), I would hazard a guess that the Amazons were not a nation unto themselves, but availed their men in battle, which other nations would not allow their women folk. I am sure that the Greek legends were meant to be one of derision before they became so inflated. Yes, Lucy Lawless' lovely lady lumps should technically have been asymmetrical. (stupid Greeks) (No offense to any modern Greeks) I don't think that they had any (written) code except to keep marauders away from their land (the deltas of three major rivers) Truly the bread-basket of the world.
  5. you and me both, baby. 15 kbs is enormously tiny. What's with that? nevertheless, maybe it only accepts not jpeg.??? no idea. Toshiro still awaits.
  6. well now, if you'd uv asked me about angsty songs, I could answer alot quicker. But sad ones...can't think of any off the bat, but come to think of it that song from FMA "Bratya" is pretty sad when you think of the story. Bratya (It's kinda long) One part bothers me though. When the song says: "Nee-ma-ya Mama, ne-znaya." It is translated as "Dear MOther, affectionate one." It really should say: "Dear Mother, we never knew you."
  7. um...goes to check...JPEG.
  8. Kyo from Samurai Deeper Kyo. Poor fellow. In the end one never knows if he is kind or evil. Who has triumphed? The man who killed more than a thousand others in battle, and could not stop, or the physician who vows only to save lives, inspite of the fact that he knows the one move that could defeat any enemy? (that was NOT a run-on sentence, right?) Other avatars I've used
  9. Yeah, when I was a kid, I hated potatoes. I remember putting LOTS of ketchup on them just to make them palatable enough for me to choke down. (They always got stuck in my throat.) er, and I'm not ignoring that yummy looking recipe. I'm considering it....it is slowly rolling around in my mind.... <- not a vegetarian
  10. I couldn't upload Toushirou! First I shrank him down to 15x15. That didn't work. Then I shrank him to 15 kbs, but I needed a magnifying glass to see him!!!! Even that didn't work. What am I doing wrong!!!!???? (Is it because I swored? Said the f-word? Is it because I deserve to be spanked, and HARD?!!!!) How small does the avatar have to be? And why, for the love of God, is Orochimaru so good looking? and why do I love bad guys?
  11. firstly, I have to inform you that I am a person of dignity. Dignity, I say!!!!
  12. *plugs ears* "Lalalalalalalala....."
  13. I've read these before but I laffed so hard, 1/2 way through I could hardly see and by the end, I had to run to the bathroom because I peed my pants.
  14. YAY (about fucking time!!!) *(pardon my french)* Goes to site
  15. ^ God, that's hilarious. and almost makes sense...
  16. I dreampt once that I was a man....(actually, I'm every character in my dreams usually)...and I seduced this young woman on a river bank. It was kind of set in the 1800's, which I guess I had been reading some gothic novel, or had just watch Alan Rickman being Captain Andrew in one of those Jane Eyre stories. (was his character's name Andrew? can't remember now). er...what was I saying? Got sidetracked there for a moment. Anyway, I never wrote that one down, but I never did forget it. I think I not only robbed her of her virtue, but planted a seed, and damn, she loved it. Fuck it was good.
  17. I have an embarrassing weakness for potatoes. Weird eh? Sour cream, ketchup, salt and pepper, bacon bits,....hell, even with green onions. I'll eat them mashed, baked, fried, chipped....they're evil and deserve to be spanked. I can resist chocolate easier than chips. AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!
  18. Those sorts of story-tellers ought to be spanked. very soundly. And then sternly talked to, then forced to read it out loud then have the story read to them two years later.
  19. They're not friends unless they can take a spank or two right off the bat. (I moved alot when I was growing up, so...yeah...friends are something rare)
  20. I got chocolate for the guys (and gal) at the office. I went to get a bunch of make-up and tried it on. Made me happy. A girl's got to try on make up now and then you know.
  21. yep. Paradise Gone Office Mess OH Brother "Paradise Gone" was kind of a waking dream while I was waiting in line at the grocery store, glancing at magazine covers.
  22. Kokuyou no Kimi, Mai Hime soundtrack. Very sweet violin.
  23. Alas, I have not been living up to my name of late. The addiction has somewhat waned. Scrolling through bad junk kind of put me off into the corner suffering withdrawal symptoms. Long did I yearn for some really good junk, and when it grabs me, I'm off reading and writing such reviews as: "Ah, that was damn good." *smokes cigarette* Or when thoroughly pissed off, just writing out and posting whatever drivel comes to mind and rubbing my nads up against the countertop...er, was that too much information?
  24. Well, I was thinking of cutting/depressions in general and if our diet had any correlation to it. I took a statistics course once. Everything is related, trust me. Probably our lifestyles (very urban as compared to rural societies that we've been in for thousands of years) less oxygen in the air, not getting enough sunshine,...its all so subtly integrated it's difficult to pin point a specific cause. And of course, it is heresy about the hormones. I don't even know if farmers actually feed their livestock hormones. Maybe they feed em soybean meal. IDK. It's just rumors I suppose.
  25. Keith knows evil Trust me.
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