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Status Updates posted by Anesor

  1. 20634 nes story running well assuming about 6k for this fic— but i almost always underestimate… it could become war and piece

    1. Anesor


      24575, almost a full day ahead, yay:ph34r:

  2. Roasted whatever: it tastes just like chicken!

    1. BronxWench


      The motto of red dragons everywhere...

  3. They came! eleven days early! My precious!

    1. BronxWench


      Many congratulations! :D

  4. skin of teeth: 50,337 words.  not bad as I lost several days to toothache and attempted dentist run. (and missing health aides for family at least half the month)

    I will say i don’t like that the competitive widgets on the Nano pages are gone as that helps motivation.  Forums really don’t help with wordcount any more than physical write-ins.  They pull me out of the stories I wanted to tell.

    Last year’s story collection became a new one which may result in nearly 20 stories.  I’d hoped to do more originals, but originals require more energy and focus than I had spoons for.  I’ll be revising after my hospital stay starting tomorrow… (uggh cubed)

  5. Plunny wants me to write a Sue parody...

    1. BronxWench


      Plunnies are inherently evil little things, aren't they? :D

  6. Yay, sheep to shawl starts soon.

    1. pittwitch


      I LOVE the Farm Show!

  7. Has anyone else looked at a book blurb and wondered by the lead doesn't have whiplash with that much tragic relocations in a short time?

  8. Stuffed a story idea into my idea file, yay!

    1. Melrick


      Heh, sounds kind of rude.

  9. Yeesh, I got sucked in by a special offer betty crocker sent me… how could that be bad? She’s a wonderful baker! :D

    It was for a free 11oz custom mug from shutterfly. My cost was S&H, which was like 10$. I made the mug with my four favorite book cover images I made.

    The shutterfly app said the imaages weren’t detailed enough. but they didn’t tell me the WxH so I could reduce the full image to boost the pixel density but forced clipping. But I still like it: The covers for 3 fanfics and placegolder from an original from an earlier NaNo. As I was finalizing I could rotate and look inside the mug, but the image on the recept was more crude. We’ll have to see how it turned out. If I had more credit, I’d order a few more and send as a ‘so there’ gift. :devil:



    1. Anesor


      It only took two days to get here, which I did not expect.  It looks really nice. I’m not sure whether an scanner or camera would get better image.

  10. Hallo all! I’m climbing out of the post holiday, post-medical funk and starting to write again. Hope the holidays of covid are now firmly in our rear view mirrors and things are looking up.

  11. Shock: When a sketch on DA sends you to Tumblr for a story with a soundtrack to youtube for the video that you discover was filmed in a club in your smallish town. How did that happen?

  12. Brrrrr....hibernation time

    1. BronxWench


      Isn't that the truth? It's too damned cold when the highs for the week are all below freezing...

  13. Still not feeling good and blue from that... :(

  14. Annoyance is waking up and realizing that the chapter ending you struggled for days to wrap up, will have to be gutted. Introducing a new speaking part should accomplish something.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Sometimes that’s the nature of writing.  Like suddenly realizing that the line you just wrote ended the story, sooner than you had planned on, so anything that followed now has to be rewritten into a sequel.

  15. the fees for switching to voip have almost caught up with not switching... damn nickel and diming

  16. Happy NewYear! :wiz::balloon::chook::cheers::party:

    Hope yours goes better than the poor schlubs who made the float in Pasedena that broke down and prevented the end of the parade… :bash::coffee:

  17. Strain finally going down after weeks of medical snafus and ER visit. Xmas will be late this year. (no food, no prezzies, no cards) children only ones done! Eeek!

  18. *repeating to self* trolls are poison...

  19. looks like our phone number has been eaten... we've had it for 45 years and I'm pissed

  20. it's really frustratign when you have a cool plot idea for book 3 or 4 and your're still workign on book 1

  21. seep freeze and wet puppy.

  22. My sidekick just hijacked my plot!

  23. Another electrical outage, hope it's the last.

  24. Uggh just finished total rewrite for NaNo voice, Was terrible that I was blocked in only one day.

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