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Everything posted by Anesor

  1. my verification lost me 900 words even with changing my double quotes to ariel font.... grrr

    1. Anesor


      i'm tired of this crap wordcounting

    2. sumeragichan
    3. BronxWench


      Oh, crap... maybe it's the formatting for POV changes?

  2. NaNo inspiration is now pushing up daisies, and I don't really care at all

    1. RogueMudblood


      *looks at daises... adds fertilizer in hopes of NaNo pulling a Lazarus...*

    2. Anesor


      thanks! got 1000 words today (monday) crawling to the end. just need to try for cushion to sinceword count tools disagree

    3. RogueMudblood


      Yay! *adds more fertilizer and waters well*

  3. I don't want a novella length idea when I have so many going... MOTA idea too

  4. falling behind a little on nano, on;y 1500 a day lately.

    1. BronxWench


      You'll pick up again. It's the middle of the month slump, I think, but we'll get past this!

  5. gov't appointment day...too scatterbrained to write for NaNo dammit

  6. I think I love writing Sigrun, and Sigrun rubbing noses of Orzammar dwarves as a warden/former duster?

    1. BronxWench


      Like the commercial says... Priceless!

  7. For your amusement and warning, I got this late last night, even if the mailed date still hasn’t arrived, it keeps bobbing to the top of my email… "Hey, look, I’ve won almost a million dollars in the “The Starprowin National Lottery” whatever that is. Gee, I really could use the money." But only if I answer “comprehensively.” Note: a google search returned nada, even aside from all the other stupid errors in the phishing email, which got funnier the more I examined it... Here's the entire scam, see how many red flags and errors you can count in such a short email! How many did you count? (Should this be a drinking game? Why yes, it should!)
  8. seven days , 13350 down! I'm about to hit a handwaving section in my outline. eek!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anesor


      I was drifting off from a rough day and only put out 1300 or so tuesday. Last year was my only fail!

    3. BronxWench


      Yes, but last year was my debut! I was hoping for company and a mutual back-patting moment! LOL!

    4. Anesor


      *pats back and cheers*

      Believe me, I would very much rather have not had the hospitality interruption. Took me over a week to get a few days done. Only seven hours since closing day 9 and about to start!

  9. 3 days NaNo down, 27 to go...

    1. BronxWench


      You're doing great, and we're all gonna rock NaNo this year! :D

    2. Anesor


      your progress is awesome too!

  10. Been tryin' to thrash my muse to finish a chapter...

  11. Earthquake in Virginia, and I slept through it, darn it...

  12. Is summer over yet? *whimper*

    1. BronxWench


      It ends all too soon, sadly. ::hugs::

    2. DemonGoddess
    3. Anesor


      actually, I want it to be over, heat waves make me very cranky.

  13. review from bloodravyn Yep, we'll see more action than just spatter. The transition to fugitive mode was not as smooth as it could have been if they weren't messed up. More action now that they left the wilderness. Glad you like it!
  14. Reviews and criticism that are related the the item reviewed should be a mix of carrot and stick. There are excellent writers, professional and not, who get many carrots. And there are sloppy or beginner stories that really need to listen more to the 'negative' comments, in order to improve. But they shouldn't be all stick, as the idea is to encourage, not smother a new writer. New writers are more easily smothered, and it doesn't serve to be harsh someone who is earnestly trying. Being nasty doesn't prove anything, and some reviewers get their jollies on being asses.
  15. Found in a review: There are SO many punchlines for a straight line like that.
  16. What's your favorite way of dealing with a plunny?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      I don't write, but will gladly throw rocks at 'em

    3. And Your Little Dog Too

      And Your Little Dog Too

      Stewed plunnie is quite delicious. I have certain plunnies that have been stewing in my head for years.

    4. sumeragichan


      I have a large flemish giant for the occasion. She's quite sweet to most everyone, but can run off the unwelcomed plunny or two better than a german shepherd.

  17. JayDee made my day by saying: Thanks! He's the DAO-DAA companion who is the hardest for me to get in the head of (at least so far). But I can't drop him, mostly as he is the only link the Warden has to the events of the Bight in Awakenings. Now I plan to modify that a bit but not that much. Hope you enjoy the rest of the new wardens and story! Thanks so much for the review!
  18. Here's where I'm replying to comments or questions about the Dragon Age 2 sequel story "A Match to Tinder" -link- It's a sequel where f!Hawke, Anders, have fled Kirkwall, but not the consequences of events. If you have questions, feel free to ask. And I do thank all who read and review!! bloodravyn said for the first chapter: Thanks! I'm sorry I didn't thank you sooner. bloodravyn said for chapter 11: Yeah, she has lost everything too. Her obsession with the mirror has not gained her anything really.
  19. Almost forgot to post here when I put up the tale yesterday. Oops. Pen Name: Anesor Story link: -link- to chapter 2 of the "He Didn't Do It" Review Replies: Review Replies Type of fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Games > Dragon Age: Origins (Awakenings) Warnings: ChallengeFic, NoSex More Oghren, for your eye-rolling pleasure... :eyeroll:
  20. This thread is for replies and answering questions about the Dragon Age: Awakenings tale "He Didn't Do It." While the first chapter was nearly the right length for an AFF prompt, no words of the week fit, so it is just short. Chapters will be added as inspiration and/or prompts happen. Chapter 2 is for the June 25, 2011 prompt. Here's the starting link: He Didn't Do It -link- bloodravyn commented on chapter 2: Me neither! And a common born human should not be able to out snob an Aeducan warden. Not that any dwarf would like being talked down to. so yes, Anora and Phylla do not get on.
  21. What would the subtitleof your autobiography be?

  22. I agree with all the original list, ans would like to add large infodumps/"as you know, Bob," where there's 10+ lines of background that sound cribbed from some other source, no one talks like that, and there is no reason for the reader to care or be involved. And while some grammar things drive me up a wall, sometimes the rules can be broken if it makes the story stronger. But you have to show you know the rules before you may break them. You can't just change how grammar and formatting are done and expect readers to understand the story you want to tell. If you don't want to explain it so they understand, why post it?
  23. In a story with multiple betas came these gems from the same chapter: (staring at unconscious patient) "giving in she groined, nervously she leaned" AND he frowned, pulling the blanket around him tighter groining. "sorry for that." After contacting about this typo in PM got small correction, including: (staring at unconscious patient) "giving in she Groaned, nervously..."
  24. Feldergarb, I hate government paperwork.

  25. My depression went darker when a tooth shattered tonight. ow. ow ow.

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