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  1. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to InvidiaRed in So, I only made it to RenFair once this year, on the last bloody day, but it was wond   
    Did you enjoy those massive turkey legs and jousting?
  2. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in So, I only made it to RenFair once this year, on the last bloody day, but it was wond   
    Possibly next year. This year, I have some things lined up in October already, so I won’t be able to get away. But I do love a good RenFair.
  3. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in So, I only made it to RenFair once this year, on the last bloody day, but it was wond   
    Head on south, Maryland has one that runs to nearly the end of October.
  4. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Omg Halloween month is almost here! You know what that means! A horror movie every ni   
    Sounds like we have a volunteer to run it this year…. @CloverReef 
  5. Like
  6. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Omg Halloween month is almost here! You know what that means! A horror movie every ni   
    Ack! I need to write something!  
  7. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Omg Halloween month is almost here! You know what that means! A horror movie every ni   
    “I see a future with a horror movie on every screen, and a werewolf in every kennel.”
  8. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in Omg Halloween month is almost here! You know what that means! A horror movie every ni   
    Ack! I need to write something!  
  9. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Twilight Zone realization: When looking at a fic with psychic characters, and back in   
    well, s’not good, I hope you get better soon too. There’s always hope I guess.
  10. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Anesor in Twilight Zone realization: When looking at a fic with psychic characters, and back in   
    She’s recovering, though anything more than lurching to/from WC is a challenge. Her appetite is still wonky from meds (Ie she hated a recipe that tasted fine)
    The problem is more my primary aide called out today and I’m physically miserable... My brother is harried because his car has been broken down since before she got sick and he needs daylight to work on it (and he has a date Sat)
  11. Haha
    BronxWench got a reaction from Anesor in Twilight Zone realization: When looking at a fic with psychic characters, and back in   
    Oh, hells… I think I agree with your brother! How’s mom doing?
  12. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from JayDee in Twilight Zone realization: When looking at a fic with psychic characters, and back in   
    Oh, hells… I think I agree with your brother! How’s mom doing?
  13. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Twilight Zone realization: When looking at a fic with psychic characters, and back in   
    I hope your relative comes through ok and gets back to full health soon.
  14. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in My wife euphemistically refers to “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” as my “detective s   
    Don’t forget the most important trope of all – “When in doubt, have a woman come through a door with a dick in her hand.”
  15. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Relieved I finally finished my Naneko x Seiten Taisei story. I hit a roadblock for so   
    Many congratulations! I have a couple that have languished, but I will finish them!
  16. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Kei0523 in Relieved I finally finished my Naneko x Seiten Taisei story. I hit a roadblock for so   
    Many congratulations! I have a couple that have languished, but I will finish them!
  17. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Kei0523 in Relieved I finally finished my Naneko x Seiten Taisei story. I hit a roadblock for so   
    Thank you!  It was quite the challenge but I couldn’t be more excited to finally have the thing done.
  18. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Relieved I finally finished my Naneko x Seiten Taisei story. I hit a roadblock for so   
    Congrats! Getting over a long term roadblock is always an awesome feeling
  19. Like
  20. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Sinfulwolf in Why is it so damned hard to get fingerprinted???   
    Or I could be a malevolent criminal mastermind intent on taking over the world by dint of PWP. You never really know, do you? 
  21. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in Words I would like to see less often in headlines: “blasts,” “slams,” and “outrages.”   
    I have a deep and abiding fondness for the “Mind the hump” road signs….
  22. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to Anesor in Why is it so damned hard to get fingerprinted???   
    Mayebe it’s hard because the techs can’t get their fingers out of the fingerpaint… er ink?
  23. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Anesor in Why is it so damned hard to get fingerprinted???   
    Or I could be a malevolent criminal mastermind intent on taking over the world by dint of PWP. You never really know, do you? 
  24. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Why is it so damned hard to get fingerprinted???   
    Count me out on this plan, I have trouble writing PWP.  Every time I start one, a plot bunny crashes the party.
  25. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to Sinfulwolf in Why is it so damned hard to get fingerprinted???   
    Hunh… never been fingerprinted before myself, and I’m in a pretty federal job. Different policies I suppose for different countries. Just seems weird to me.
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