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    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..   
    Seems to now be leak free…. though I may consider putting some redesign into this setup, maybe go for a bigger pump?
  2. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..   
    I’ll cross everything for you that it’s only a seal, and nothing else was affected. Honestly, it’s a superb way to cool a desktop, but the potential for leaks always scares me a bit.
  3. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..   
    Let’s hope that works!
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    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..   
    Some teflon tape and some sealant around the “plug” in a port, I’m testing it now.  (This pump, I’m guessing, is designed to be able to feed more than a single hose, it was seeping around the plug of a disused port, and water was seeping, a slow trickle, but I could notice it.)
  5. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..   
    Fortunately, nothing had fried yet, it was more of me getting suspicious of “I just filled the reservoir, where’d it go?”
  6. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..   
    Got a heat sink on order, as a backup plan, though it’d be noisier :(
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    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..   
    So, using the laptop until I get it sorted out.
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    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Sigh, I hate it when the desktop’s water pump starts leaking…..   
    Yep, liquid cooling.  Fortunately, it’s (most likely) a pump seal, and the pump’s pretty low in the case (over bare metal too), so I don’t think there’s any collateral damage.
  9. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in I have managed to resist the urge to write an F/F fic about Michelle Obama and Melani   
    ::dies laughing:: 
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    BronxWench reacted to GeorgeGlass in I have managed to resist the urge to write an F/F fic about Michelle Obama and Melani   
    Thank you! *returns to writing porn about children’s cartoons*
  11. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in I have managed to resist the urge to write an F/F fic about Michelle Obama and Melani   
    I am so very proud of you!
  12. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in I have managed to resist the urge to write an F/F fic about Michelle Obama and Melani   
    WANNABE: [takes a break] You moan so beautifully… Say, would you like a job as my speechwriter?!
    REAL DEAL: Hell, no!
    WANNABE: Dammit! [looks lost and put out] What am I supposed to do now?
    REAL DEAL: Oh, your mouth does have some useful purpose. And you never know – it might help. Keep going... [pats head]
    Ahh… Sorry. I really, really tried hard to resist…
  13. Like
    BronxWench reacted to DemonGoddess in I refuse to believe I’ve woken up.   
    I’m fit to be tied.
  14. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in I have like a million things to post, but I am lazy. Also, one of my fillings fell ou   
    Somebody played the Trump card....
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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in My 10 yr old son just burst into tears when I broke the news to him that Trump had wo   
    Oh… poor kid
    Tell him he has to go back, because when you’re all there, I’m going to be sending you your box of things, and he might get to have some of the sweets
  18. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CL Mustafic in My 10 yr old son just burst into tears when I broke the news to him that Trump had wo   
    Please hug him tightly from me. I swear, I have tears in my eyes as I type this. What a price we’re all paying…  
  19. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in Dear gods, the world is a mad place. We will survive this, but at what cost?   
    The first order of business is to see that ALL his interests are put into a proper blind trust, and not an entity controlled by his children, as he proposed. That is NOT a blind trust, and he knows it full well. It is a conflict of interest at the very least, and must not be permitted. All his business interests must be sequestered.
  20. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CL Mustafic in Dear gods, the world is a mad place. We will survive this, but at what cost?   
    The first order of business is to see that ALL his interests are put into a proper blind trust, and not an entity controlled by his children, as he proposed. That is NOT a blind trust, and he knows it full well. It is a conflict of interest at the very least, and must not be permitted. All his business interests must be sequestered.
  21. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in Dear gods, the world is a mad place. We will survive this, but at what cost?   
    All we can hope for is to have wiser and calmer heads prevail, which is unlikely, and to hope the other branches of government cat as the brakes they are supposed to be, to ensure he does not exceed his authority. We all need to be vigilant here, and pray to whatever gods are still listening we emerge relatively intact.
    I’ll settle for live kids, myself.
  22. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CL Mustafic in Dear gods, the world is a mad place. We will survive this, but at what cost?   
    All we can hope for is to have wiser and calmer heads prevail, which is unlikely, and to hope the other branches of government cat as the brakes they are supposed to be, to ensure he does not exceed his authority. We all need to be vigilant here, and pray to whatever gods are still listening we emerge relatively intact.
    I’ll settle for live kids, myself.
  23. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CL Mustafic in Dear gods, the world is a mad place. We will survive this, but at what cost?   
    Exactly and now this idiot gets to do that exact same thing on a national level. He’s not going to drain the swamp, he’s going to stock it with more vicious animals than the ones we already have.
  24. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Dear gods, the world is a mad place. We will survive this, but at what cost?   
    IIRC, the git managed to buy a bit of ancient woodland in Scotland so he could knock it down and build a golf course. He got planning permission for this by promising the local authority he would create jobs in his “hotel” and stimulate the local economy. But what he’s done is built a golf course and a private mansion (that should have been a hotel), and where are the jobs? What jobs?
  25. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CL Mustafic in Dear gods, the world is a mad place. We will survive this, but at what cost?   
    I understand that and their feelings are valid because the US government is awash in corruption from big businesses but they chose the wrong person to make their statement because he’s just as bad as the politicians if not worse and the poorest most disenfranchised will be the ones who pay the biggest price. And then there will probably also be a rise in hate crimes to deal with to boot.
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