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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    Ok, I take your point, but people are idiots. People invented slavery, deforested Easter Island, voted for Jedward, invented the atomic bomb, produced the soap opera Eldorado, have and continue to hunt whales and one of them even wrote the Birdie Song. Admittedly, the same people who voted for Trump didn’t invent the atomic bomb. That much bad karma in one place would create a quantum singularity.
    But seriously, IMHO a lot of people who voted Trump, voted that way for the same reason people voted Brexit. Because of a general feeling of malaise caused by globalisation that the political elites of western democracies have failed to address. He’s taken advantage of that, and of them, and they should be as angry about that as the rest of us. If they aren’t now, they will be in time I guarantee it.
    As much as I hate conservatives, at least their policies do correspond to a group (the rich). Trump’s policies are only there to aggrandise and profit himself personally. I’d be happy to put money on it.
    It’s all right. I don’t hold you responsible…
    *climbs down off soapbox*
  2. Like
    BronxWench reacted to DemonGoddess in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    All I know is that this cretin and his cronies are destroying my country.  
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    BronxWench got a reaction from DemonGoddess in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    I won’t argue that at all. I’m just in shock, and profoundly heartbroken to see the country I love become a mockery of everything it should stand for.
  5. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from DemonGoddess in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    It’s beyond terrifying. It’s a sweeping indictment not only of the feckwit in chief, but of the political party which enabled him and allowed him to get this far. But there is a core element in our country which is so angry and so bitter, they would rather see the whole country burn, and so they shall. Mark my words, so they shall. He will bring us to the brink of disaster. 
  6. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    While he’s the first president I’m aware of that’s reminding us that he lost the popular vote, millions of people did vote for him.  On my FB page, I continually see posting from both points of view.  (And I apologize, I did, in one of my fics, last spring, made reference to the “Great President Trump”….I didn’t mean for that to bring about this election result.)
  7. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    I won’t argue that at all. I’m just in shock, and profoundly heartbroken to see the country I love become a mockery of everything it should stand for.
  8. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    I am so sorry, Bronx. 
    Usually, I suppose we laugh at the things that scare us, but I can’t laugh at this. It’s an affront to everyone with a heart to feel and a mind to think. We are seeing some history happening right here, and not the good kind. It seems as if we are living in “interesting times” and I can’t see that any of this is going to end well.
    We’ve seen the world begin to shift lately, and that has been disturbing, but this…? *shudders*
    As far as he himself is concerned, he’s beneath contempt. He’s a sociopath and an egotistical maniac. He’s a seventy year old toddler that’s been indulged in everything for his whole life. But from the bottom of my heart, I despise every journalist and political aide and pundit that legitimises him by even simple acknowledgement. Again, sorry, but that’s just how I feel.
  9. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    It’s beyond terrifying. It’s a sweeping indictment not only of the feckwit in chief, but of the political party which enabled him and allowed him to get this far. But there is a core element in our country which is so angry and so bitter, they would rather see the whole country burn, and so they shall. Mark my words, so they shall. He will bring us to the brink of disaster. 
  10. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    On the plus side, it feeds in perfectly into my storyline.  (Should I reclassify it as horror, because I wasn’t intending to write a future documentary….)
  11. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Is anyone else, like me, looking at the news in sheer unbelieving horror? Or has ever   
    I’m going back to watching Black Mirror… it’s more comforting than reality atm.
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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Goodbye and RIP John Hurt Who said of Downton Abbey: “I just think it is poxy! I mean   
    I don’t remember it, but I’ve just seen a clip. I’m going to have to hunt that one down. Amazing!
  13. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    Oh, I’m sure it will be fine, and he’ll do well with the therapy. I’m just feeling the stress of too much going on at once, and very little assistance from the rest of the alleged adults around here, all of whom need me for various things.
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    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in Goodbye and RIP John Hurt Who said of Downton Abbey: “I just think it is poxy! I mean   
    I am positively heartbroken about this. He was a magnificent actor, utterly brilliant in his portrayals. Does anyone remember him as Quentin Crisp int he The Naked Civil Servant? 
    Only the good ones lately… :*(
  15. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Goodbye and RIP John Hurt Who said of Downton Abbey: “I just think it is poxy! I mean   
    I am positively heartbroken about this. He was a magnificent actor, utterly brilliant in his portrayals. Does anyone remember him as Quentin Crisp int he The Naked Civil Servant? 
    Only the good ones lately… :*(
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    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Goodbye and RIP John Hurt Who said of Downton Abbey: “I just think it is poxy! I mean   
    Oh man! I almost didn’t believe it – I had to google it. The world lost an amazing actor yesterday. 
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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    You are more of an expert than I will ever be. Only you can tell how serious it is. That’s not in doubt.
    But, having said that, with all the other stresses this week, it’s hardly surprising you feel down. 
    And, also, those things will be adding to his stress, making it difficult to keep an even keel.
    If he does need some therapy, is that such a bad thing? It is there to help, and it might just be the thing that helps him over this little bump in the road. I’ve actually heard some good things about DBT, and he might find some tools in that to help him in future.
  19. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    I don’t know if I’ve told you this before (if so, apologies), but I work with an autistic lad. He’s in his early twenties, and I’ve questioned him before, because we talk about allsorts of stuff. Actualy, I find him really easy to talk to. And I’ve asked him before about how he copes with things, since he’s on the amateur pool playing circuit and just lately he regularly travels off into Europe, alone, to play in touraments and challenger events.
    He told me he does a lot better than some of his friends who are autistic. If he has bad times, they quickly pass.
    What he didn’t say, and what I see, is that he has such a wonderful support structure around him. His parents are amazing, and they give him every encouragement. Because of that, because of them, he lives a life that is full. He’s young, free and he’s working. He’s doing exactly what he loves, and what he wants.
    Seems to me YoungerSpawn is in the same place, only a little younger. He’s got you, and things might seem bad now, but I really do think he’s going to turn out just fine. He’s going to have a good life, Bronx. A great life. He has a lot going for him, the most important of which is having you on his side.
    And also, is he a teenager? I swear, you couldn’t pay me to be a teenager again…
  20. Like
    BronxWench reacted to DemonGoddess in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    With his being a young teen, how does autism interact with hormones?  Would the behavioral therapy help with that, you think?
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    BronxWench reacted to DemonGoddess in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    aw jeez, I hope things turn around quick!
  22. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    Okay, just imagining Elrond’s face is making me giggle…
    Thank you!
  23. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    It’s definitely a long time to the lake house, especially in politics. *sighs*
    As for everything else, I hope it will get better and things will look more positive soon. Freyja has had a rough couple of days, but I’m sure in time she will adapt to the new meds and get back to her old self.
    Also… imagine Elrond’s face when he hears about the headboard
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    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    I guess all I can say is damn, and I hope things can work out alright
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    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in So. My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a   
    Totally blame Cheeto. Screw him. 
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