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    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Isn’t Christmas meant to be a happy, peaceful time of the year? Money issues, compute   
    I think the holidays are set up to magnify our daily stress by pressuring us to have the sort of perfect lives we see in advertisements and on holiday greetings. Like Pip, I wish there was something I could offer more than a virtual hug.
  2. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in Isn’t Christmas meant to be a happy, peaceful time of the year? Money issues, compute   
    I think the holidays are set up to magnify our daily stress by pressuring us to have the sort of perfect lives we see in advertisements and on holiday greetings. Like Pip, I wish there was something I could offer more than a virtual hug.
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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Isn’t Christmas meant to be a happy, peaceful time of the year? Money issues, compute   
    So sorry, Melrick… I wish there was something – anything – I could do to make things easier on you. Also give your mum a hug too.
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    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    In my not so humble opinion...  If you feel the need to change it, then that's something only you can decide, ultimately.  However, if you feel that you've worn out the name or that it's time to "grow", then wholeheartedly, do it.  The pen name should reflect some part of you within it, whether it changes every few years or not at all.
    I mean, you know mine.  It reflects me.  So, let yours reflect who you are :).  And, whether CR or something different as can be, people will find your works :).  As for now or after, if you feel the need to change it now, you always have my backing :).
  7. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    @JayDee Pretending to be another writer to write crazy fun shit does sound like a good idea. Especially when it comes to the more populated fandoms. So does that mean when you stop writing crazy fun shit, you’re gonna change again to not rile up crazy fun shit fans? Though why anyone would go from violent GoT Mpreg and tentacle shenanigans to boring vanilla and republican politician celebrity WAFF (that’s the shift I’m imagining, btw) is beyond me. 
    @Desiderius Price I… I actually am considering that now. Thanks a lot. My original plan was to pick a pen name to spite my brother’s accusing me of ‘Identity Politics’ as if it’s a bad thing. Spite seems like a good, meaningful way to go. But… Naughty Priests are so much more fun. 
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    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    @CloverReef Might I suggest you try “Naughty Priest” ?
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    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    I’ll just write A Song of Ice and Fire Mpreg until the day the torch and pitchfork waving mob charge up the mountain, overpower the guard marmots and put an end to my reign of ass-baby infused terror. 
    Or not. I dunno.
    I changed last time because some folks out here in meatspace knew my pen name and a Femdom Buffy story I wrote kinda frightened some of ‘em, an original set on a train made it worse, and I also wanted to write some even more extreme stuff, so it made sense to pretend to be an entirely different writer and not have to answer awkard questions about vampires with chainsaws while out drinking.
    Some folks just want a new username because they want to reflect a maturing writing style, or they just hate the old name. Especially one picked in haste, or say “SnapeFan360” eight years after they last wrote for HP or something.
  10. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    I changed mine in what 2005? something like that. Might change it again some time if I start writing again. I already had to use a different one on fanfiction.net anyway because JayDee was taken so I am kind’ve half there already.
  11. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    I’ve changed it once before, but that was a different situation. Pretty much to get the hell out of dodge when toxic people in my old fandom had me in their crosshairs. It wasn’t that big of a change back then though lol. From Chlover to CloverReef. 
  12. Like
    BronxWench reacted to marley_station in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    I've never changed my pen name.  Not yet anyway.
  13. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    Yeah my new name is likely going to be drastically different from CloverReef. But I haven’t built up a fan base and my name would be the same on the forums. I was mostly just worried about the people currently reading my chaptered story being able to recognize it under a different pen name, so thought I might want to wait until I’m done posting it. That’ll at least give me time to decide whether I really want the name I’ve chosen or if it’s just, you know, a passing fancy. 
  14. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    Have you ruined it?  Is CloverReef now a wanted fugitive?  If not, don’t change it too much.  CL became “The_CL” so it was readily identifiable to be the same person.  That’s my advice.
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    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Thinking of doing a penname change. Just feel like it’s time to evolve from the old C   
    I say change it. CL changed her pen name, and it was fine. 
    I, on the other hand, will confuse far too many people who don’t know me as anything BUT Bronxie or BW.  It sort of makes me want to change it, just because I’m contrary today.
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    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survive   
    Well crap… I’m screwed. lol where’d this come from?
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    BronxWench reacted to GeorgeGlass in Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving!   
    Hope you had one too, DG.
  18. Like
    BronxWench reacted to marley_station in It is cold, cloudy and blustery day today, and I don't feel like doing any of the shi   
    @BronxWench, I hope your delayed Turkey-day was the best-ever for you. 
  19. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CL Mustafic in Some days I really miss the old Shout Box. I used to get great title help in there fr   
    @CloverReef Me too. Having to click the box to open it is apparently too hard for me also. lol
  20. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Some days I really miss the old Shout Box. I used to get great title help in there fr   
    Yeah I miss having that little window in on the front page of the forums. Now I forget the chatbox exists because I don’t see it!
  21. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Well, I have finished the chapter, and it’s still off. I’ve read the entire work, and   
    Sounds like someone’s going to be getting “a damn good rogering”.
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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Well, I have finished the chapter, and it’s still off. I’ve read the entire work, and   
    Well… I’ve been taking a break watching Lucifer, because I went out and got the DVD today. I love Tom Ellis. But… I couldn’t help myself. To be honest, I think it still sounds like them.
    [An unusually large and fearfully well-armed woman is decorating a Christmas tree, when she is disturbed by an unusually large man]
    ROGER: [A man who is not a Knight] “A fucking Christmas tree. Does it have to sparkle like that?”
    BELLA: [A woman who is also not a Knight] “Yes, of course it does! Oh wait, it should be twinkling too.”
    BELLA: [Messes with the plug socket. Lights begin twinkling.] “There.. isn't it pretty?”
    ROGER: [pulls a face]
    BELLA: “Here, hang some knights on it.”
    ROGER: [rather more cheerfully] “Oh, well. All right then.”
    [ENTER a VIKING, also of unusually large size]
    VIKING: “What the fuck is that?”
    BELLA: “It's a Christmas tree. It's to do with Christ being born.”
    VIKING: “You southern twats are always inventing Gods. I think you long to be taken in hand, all of you.”
    ROGER: “Fuck off!”
    VIKING: [touches one of the tree branches] “Oh yeah? What's this then?”
    BELLA: [smiles with delight] “Artificial snow.”
    VIKING: [looks utterly aghast] “Artificial snow? Right. That's it. I give in.”
    ROGER: “What?”
    VIKING: [cracks knuckles and pats knee] “Come here. I'm going to give both of you exactly what you want... you can say you're getting it for Christmas.”
  25. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in Well, I have finished the chapter, and it’s still off. I’ve read the entire work, and   
    Trust me, I may drop a few on you, if I can ever find an hour or two a day in which to, you know, write...
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