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  1. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in I guess this snowy weather is what we Midwest people get for making fun of all the no   
    On the flip side, I got a nice dose of Vitamin D in the form of a sunburn this weekend.
  2. Like
    BronxWench reacted to KassX in 90 degree weather is a surprisingly good incentive to stay in and write!   
    Garden-themed furries? Make it a thing! 
    I can’t believe it was in the 50-60s last week and now we’re clocking 80s on the daily, lmao. I just don’t want to sweat through my makeup, is that TOO MUCH TO ASK GODDAMMIT
  3. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from KassX in 90 degree weather is a surprisingly good incentive to stay in and write!   
    It’s freaking cold here, too but not quite as bad as @CloverReef  Honestly, I’d be doing the happy dance for some 90 degree weather...
  4. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in 90 degree weather is a surprisingly good incentive to stay in and write!   
    Breaking some records here in freezer-burnt Saskatchewan. (Canadian North Dakota, for you Americans). I’m looking forward to that 90 degree stuffs, because I am going to do the hell out of my gardens this summer! In a non-sexual way. Dirt and worms don’t do it for me – just wanted to make that clear. 
  5. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in 90 degree weather is a surprisingly good incentive to stay in and write!   
    It’s freaking cold here, too but not quite as bad as @CloverReef  Honestly, I’d be doing the happy dance for some 90 degree weather...
  6. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in 90 degree weather is a surprisingly good incentive to stay in and write!   
    So is -10 C…. Where the hell are you, spring?!?! 

    Oh well, have fun writing! Write the shit out of them characters! Show them who’s Alpha! (Writing furries at the moment, excuse the weirdness. Or don’t. I’m good either way.) 
  7. Like
    BronxWench reacted to KassX in My apologies to those reading any of my stories. It's been a rather long and unplanne   
    The dreaded ‘H’ word, happens to the best of us. I hope you get back on it soon! 
  8. Like
    BronxWench reacted to DemonGoddess in My apologies to those reading any of my stories. It's been a rather long and unplanne   
    I feel ya.  My schedule has been all over the place for the last damn year.  It’s horrible.
  9. Like
    BronxWench reacted to KassX in Have a great Easter everybody! http://www.latlmes.com/world/happy-easter-1   
    What a time to be alive. 
  10. Like
    BronxWench reacted to R-E-D-xX in omg its been 2 years...IMBACK!   
    Yea the recapt said something and my friend was like “isnt that site your on closing anyway? why post on it?” so when I got on to check there was an update about being slow or something? So that made me really worry.

    And thank you ! glad to be back!!
  11. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from R-E-D-xX in omg its been 2 years...IMBACK!   
    I’m betting it’s the recaptcha thing again. manta renewed it according to DG, but the stupid thing keeps saying it’s expiring march 31, 2018, and in general being quite dramatic. But I’m pretty sure AFF isn’t closing down. I mean, I think they’d tell the mods, or I hope they would!
  12. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from KassX in omg its been 2 years...IMBACK!   
    I’m betting it’s the recaptcha thing again. manta renewed it according to DG, but the stupid thing keeps saying it’s expiring march 31, 2018, and in general being quite dramatic. But I’m pretty sure AFF isn’t closing down. I mean, I think they’d tell the mods, or I hope they would!
  13. Like
    BronxWench reacted to KassX in omg its been 2 years...IMBACK!   
    Lol, I did the same thing as you about a month ago, and I’ve been pretending I never left. Ssshh...
  14. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Aww yes, I can change my title now!   
    Ass kisser?  Ass biter? 
  15. Like
    BronxWench reacted to KassX in Aww yes, I can change my title now!   
    I have been known to do both depending on the mood 
  16. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Today really, really sucks. Lost a cat today   
    I know, Des. Believe me, I know. I’m still not ready for another cat, because I can’t bear to go through it again. It’ll be hard enough with my eldest’s corgi.
  17. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Today really, really sucks. Lost a cat today   
    I’m so very sorry, Des.  
  18. Thanks
    BronxWench got a reaction from InvidiaRed in Pulled Lichlove and its surrounding stories. I’m not going to say much but I did find   
    That sounds very promising! Hopefully this is the start of good things!
  19. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Avaloyuru in Rest in Peace Stephen Hawking.   
  20. Like
    BronxWench reacted to KassX in Rest in Peace Stephen Hawking.   
    We need more like him, not less! A beautiful mind with a great sense of humor.
  21. Sad
    BronxWench got a reaction from WillowDarkling in Rest in Peace Stephen Hawking.   
    We have lost a brilliant mind, and a gentle soul. 
  22. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from KassX in Rest in Peace Stephen Hawking.   
    We have lost a brilliant mind, and a gentle soul. 
  23. Sad
    BronxWench got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Rest in Peace Stephen Hawking.   
    We have lost a brilliant mind, and a gentle soul. 
  24. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Okay, I have another question LOL What are the Dragon Prints?   
    Every time I see the hit go up I pretend it’s 1999 and I still have a geocities page.
  25. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Avaloyuru in So, what does a person have to do around here to lose their virginity?   
    Just make 8 more posts, and you can change your title yourself, and yes, the games forum counts, totally!
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