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    BronxWench reacted to Melrick in So…. I haz BA degree in English, now…   
    Nice one, congratulations!
  2. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in So…. I haz BA degree in English, now…   
    Well done! Takes a bit of work!
  3. Like
    BronxWench reacted to kagome26isawsome in So…. I haz BA degree in English, now…   
  4. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in So…. I haz BA degree in English, now…   
    And now that that’s done with, go have some fun! 
  5. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in So…. I haz BA degree in English, now…   
    Omg, congrats! 
  6. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Arian-Sinclair in To my surprise, they fixed the outage much quicker than they predicted. Sometimes I t   
    Well, that wouldn’t surprise me, but we’re glad to have you back!
  7. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Melrick in To my surprise, they fixed the outage much quicker than they predicted. Sometimes I t   
    Here’s hoping!  It’s boring without the internet.
  8. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in To my surprise, they fixed the outage much quicker than they predicted. Sometimes I t   
    Fingers crossed, mine should be restored this evening.
  9. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Melrick in To my surprise, they fixed the outage much quicker than they predicted. Sometimes I t   
    Well, that wouldn’t surprise me, but we’re glad to have you back!
  10. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to Arian-Sinclair in "Pengu" I like that term, makes me think that I stepped into something I'd rather wis   
    It’s makes me think of Ice King surrounded by all those penguins in Adventure Time.
  11. Haha
    BronxWench reacted to Melrick in No internet until possibly 27th.   
    It's like being back in the 80's again.  Well, apart from the mobile phone.
  12. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in @CloverReef Because I owe you and, despite saying it earlier, happy birthday, hope yo   
    Thanks guys! It was nice of Pride to throw the parade on my birthday so I spent the day in the big city! And I’m totally getting mcdonalds because junk food magically becomes healthy on birthdays. It’s a law of nature. 
  13. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Tcr in @CloverReef Because I owe you and, despite saying it earlier, happy birthday, hope yo   
    @CloverReef The happiest of birthdays to you!   
  14. Like
    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Escaped the hospital just in time for vacation. C y’all real soon!   
    Asking the important question there! I hope you’re doing ok pittwitch, and I’ll stop imagining an escape in the style of Leeloo at the start of Fifth Element.
  15. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in I love my pets, but I think it's creepy when people start acting like their pets are   
    In most peoples books, human lives take precedence over animal lives. But not all, and I really don’t think there’s something wrong with that. I can’t tell you to see human lives and dachsund lives as similar, and you can’t tell me not to. We favour humans because we are humans, so there’s that obligatory loyalty there, and most of us have been taught that we as a species are superior. If you relate more with humans of course you’re going to value their lives more. That doesn’t mean their lives have more value. Unless you define value as in how they contribute to human society. 

    For example, I believe life is valuable and that belief isn’t conditional to how I relate to other species or how those species can contribute to human society. But if there was a dog or a potted plant in a burning building, I wouldn’t save the potted plant over the dog. I don’t relate to a potted plant. I don’t understand how their suffering functions the same way I understand a dog. But a child vs a dog would be a much tougher choice to me, because I understand both. I’d probably choose the child, but I would not be able to live with myself – that dog’s death would haunt me. 
    I do see my pets as my children. I don’t think they’re the same as human children, of course human children grow up into human adults, and trumps or cosbys so there’s a smidge more responsibility involved in shaping their minds and teaching them respect, and if they bite somebody, the neighbours can’t have them immediately executed. But I love them unconditionally. I value them. I am responsible for their lives, their happiness, and I am the only loving, nurturing authority they know. And I work at a shelter so I see what abandonment does every single day. I worry often about what will happen to them if something happened to me. 

    As you can tell by my rant, I feel very strongly about this.
  16. Like
    BronxWench reacted to GeorgeGlass in I love my pets, but I think it's creepy when people start acting like their pets are   
    No, “save this human or that human” is not similar to “save this human or that dachshund.” I’m sorry, but in my book, human lives take precedence over animal lives. 
    Of course, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. In a burning building, I would choose to save one of my cats over, say, Larry Nassar. But then, I’d probably choose to save my toaster oven over Larry Nassar, so...
  17. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in I love my pets, but I think it's creepy when people start acting like their pets are   
    If it were my upstairs neighbor’s son? To be brutally honest, I’d rescue the Pizza Rat first, although the fault lies more with the parents than with the little miscreant.
    I’ve been through a lot with my wee corgi lass already. We’ve seen her through some pretty severe epileptic seizures, sat with her in hospital, and my iPod is set with alarms for her medication schedule. I couldn’t leave her behind, not after all we’ve been through. Granted, I’d get my mother and the kids out first, but I’d go back for her. She’s worth it.
  18. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Desiderius Price in I love my pets, but I think it's creepy when people start acting like their pets are   
    If it were my upstairs neighbor’s son? To be brutally honest, I’d rescue the Pizza Rat first, although the fault lies more with the parents than with the little miscreant.
    I’ve been through a lot with my wee corgi lass already. We’ve seen her through some pretty severe epileptic seizures, sat with her in hospital, and my iPod is set with alarms for her medication schedule. I couldn’t leave her behind, not after all we’ve been through. Granted, I’d get my mother and the kids out first, but I’d go back for her. She’s worth it.
  19. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Arian-Sinclair in Please check this(link) out! My beloved wrote the article and his writing is pretty g   
    Haha~ Maybe leave him a comment on it? I use Discus for commenting. He’d definitely appreciate some positive comments going his way.
  20. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Please check this(link) out! My beloved wrote the article and his writing is pretty g   
    Sounds like he really loves what he’s writing about. It was well done, and there was actually a movie in there I haven’t even heard of! Kudos. 
  21. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Arian-Sinclair in Please check this(link) out! My beloved wrote the article and his writing is pretty g   
    I just fixed the link, so others should be able to get to it through there now~
  22. Like
  23. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Arian-Sinclair in Please check this(link) out! My beloved wrote the article and his writing is pretty g   
  24. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Arian-Sinclair in OMG I have 666 community reputation! No one’s allowed to ever like anything I say eve   
    That’s an awesome thing to believe, in my opinion. Haha~
  25. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in OMG I have 666 community reputation! No one’s allowed to ever like anything I say eve   
    I'm just going to believe that it means I'm the chosen one of some AFF specific demon. 
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