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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Honestly, I'm not writing the code, so I can't say. In the meantime, just have the URL there, and people can copy/paste it into their browsers. It's what most of us wind up doing.
  2. The user was underage at the time of posting.
  3. The archive itself doesn't support hyperlinks within chapters, as I understand it. The url will appear, but it will not be an active hyperlink.
  4. You know your life is in the toilet when the fecking guinea pig knows what you're going to do next...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JayDee


      Guinea Pigs are still a delicacy in some areas. Show 'em recipes, they'll drop inta line.

    3. BronxWench


      Mmm... Cajun style blackened cavy....

    4. Anesor


      I didn't know the Brain was a guinea pig. If he takes over the world, do you think he might keep you in coffee and chocolate because you were nice?

  5. Sorry... old broad here. A locum is someone who covers when your doctor is unavailable.
  6. There's no excuse for your father's doctor not to have left a locum, and even less excuse for him not to have foreseen that your father would face increasing difficulties in eating and breathing. With recent bouts of dental work myself, I resorted to fruit smoothies and protein drinks when solid food was unmanageable for me. It's not much in the way of help, but it may at least help get basic nutrition in for your father. I'm so very sorry you and your family have to endure this.
  7. I do understand what you're suggesting, but I don't know if the archive code will support a blog-style tagging system. I know that other archives are experimenting with the idea, but again, not being the coder, I can't say for sure what's coming. In the meantime, we do make an effort to try and at least provide the tools for users to narrow the search parameters a bit.
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