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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Control is a Robin/Poison Ivy fic. Dark Harvest is a Superman/Poison Ivy fic in the dominatrix vein. The original story you linked appears to have been removed from the archive by the author.
  2. Melrick, I'm so very sorry. There really aren't words that make this easier, and I agree with that nurse. Cancer is pure evil. My father in law slipped away on us after lunch one day. He laid down for a nap in the nursing home where we had placed him after air ambulancing him up to New York to save him from the misfits in Florida who were trying to kill him with neglect and misdiagnosis. My father in law had been improving, or so we thought, until I got the call from the home and had to call my husband at work. We visited him daily for the ten weeks we had him here, and we could only console ourselves with the knowledge that he knew that we loved him dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  3. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Compassion Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Fantasy & Science Fiction Warnings: ChallengeFic, RapeFic, Violence, Xeno
  4. Oh, dear gods.... ::giggles:: Poor bugger....
  5. This may seem obvious, but have you checked the Spam or Jumk folders of your email for anything from us?
  6. If you copy into the text area from Microsoft Word or Open Office, there should be no problems. The only thing I ever need to do is recenter anything I want centered.
  7. We don't actually have a pool or group of reviewers that we can point you toward. Reviews are sadly a random thing. If you do want some constructive criticism and help with your writing, might I suggest looking into a beta reader? We have a thread here on the forum for Fiction Betas where you can request a beta or review the posts from those offering to work as a beta reader.
  8. The first thing you need to do is clear your cookies and cache. This is a vital step, so please follow the instructions in the link for your browser software. Once you have done that, you need to validate your account. Again, follow the directions in the link exactly. If you don't read and follow the directions, you're going to have a problem. You will need to use your old email to validate your account. If you can't access that email, let us know so we can update your email for you before you validate.
  9. I'm going to ask you to clear your cache and cookies and then log in again and see if that helps.
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