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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. @HybridTailedFox: Since you are not yet 18, your account was deleted.
  2. I love to know what people think. I adore reviews, and I especially adore people who take the time to tell me what works and doesn't work in my story, so I can improve. There's always room to improve, in my opinion, and no one is ever perfect. I'll also be the first to admit that I don't review as much as I should, but I'm hoping to get back to reviewing when things calm down. But even when I don't get a single review, I write because the stories want out. They're not going to give me a moment's peace until I write them. Being a writer isn't a choice for me. It's how I make sense of the world, by seeing life through that lens and trying to capture it, however feebly and ineptly. I can't force people to read my work, or to review it, but I do hope that on my very last day on this Earth, I manage to write something. If nothing else, I'll at least have been true to myself.
  3. I view author's notes with a jaundiced eye. I want to read a story that will hopefully pull me in and hold my attention. Author's notes are jarring and drop me back into reality with a resounding thud. It's unpleasant and mostly unwarranted, because if you need to explain to your readers what you're doing in a chapter, either you are not writing clearly or your readers are potted plants.
  4. @Inubaby7001: I'm not showing multiple registrations so it looks like what you need to do is register under the new code. First, you need to clear your cache and cookies. Next, follow the steps here to register. Please note that passwords must be 8 characters now. We're also experiencing a glitch with the center login, so read this.
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