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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Here's a link: Hijacking Jack by inlovingmemory
  2. Hi! It depends on which fandom is the primary/main setting for your fiction. If it's set in the Naruto 'verse and uses Harry Potter characters, it really belongs in Naruto, with a disclaimer for both fandoms. (I'm using random examples, of course!) Most of the subdomains have a sub-category for crossovers, which would be the secondary level you can select when you're posting the fiction. I hope this helps!
  3. Just make sure the poll is here in the forum, in the Fan Fiction threads under the proper fandom. Polls are something we don't allow in stories themselves, to give our database a break. But we are happy to have that sort of thing done here in the forum, and I'm pretty sure you can create polls in those threads. The Fan Fiction threads are among the threads that don't require registration to use, so your readers will be able to respond there without worries.
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