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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Sweet Jane - Lou Reed
  2. If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray
  3. Not in game-based fictions, where you generally have a Player Character who then becomes something of an OC as you play and develop them ingame.
  4. 21525
  5. 21519
  6. 21517
  7. 21514
  8. 21512
  9. 21510
  10. 21505
  11. 21503
  12. 21501
  13. Rather than linking the Wikipedia pages, since these are speeches from the game canon, you can cite those quoted speeches in a footnote. Our FAQ on this topic, with examples, is here.
  14. 21498
  15. 21496
  16. 21494
  17. 21491
  18. 21485
  19. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, my dear Witch.
  20. 21483
  21. 21480
  22. 21478
  23. Pen Name: BronxWench Story Link: Culloch's Rest - Chapter 18 Review Replies: BronxWench's Review Replies - Original Fiction Type of Fic: FlashFic Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original > Paranormal/Supernatural > Het - Male/Female Warnings: Abuse, BP, ChallengeFic, Fingering, HJ, M/F, MiCD
  24. 21475
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