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Everything posted by BronxWench

  1. Well, for now, anyway. Until the Redcaps figure out he'll never be the warrior he was, and slit his throat for him, since he won't even be warrior enough to challenge in a fight. This would be me worrying, by the way. This is because my brain doesn't want to deal with real life, so it finds other things to do.
  2. Chapter 10 Anyone who was not already aware of what an unattractive crier I am is surely aware of it now. I've been sniffling on and off all day, having made the mistake of reading this chapter far too early. Having said all that, the relationship between Valentina and Yorwrath has gotten even more complicated, and I'm not at all sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, they are developing a grudging respect, which is good, but I still have such a sinking feeling about Yorwrath's future. I know Valentina will do what she can, but it may not be enough, and he's far from safe. For a supposed villain, he's gotten too damned interesting, and I'm going to worry. And the obligatory cliffhanger, which will hopefully be Aneurin and Caiolfionn riding to the rescue, Islwyn be damned. Duplicitous druid... And now I'll go off and cry a little more, just because.
  3. If you can think of any details, that might help your search.
  4. I can link you to the author profile, which has an email address: Paranoia
  5. KoKoa, I didn't mind Val stabbing Yorwrath's arm to get him to let go. That was nothing. It's the potential maiming that has me twitchy, because I can't see Yorwrath being able to go on and remain sane if he's rendered useless. Contrary to the SB silliness last night, he's a creature of physical prowess, a swordsman and warrior. Take away his ability to defend those he loves, like Aneurin, and those to whom he's loyal, like his people, and he has nothing. Not even the promise made by Caoilfionn that he will share Valentina with Aneurin and Islwyn would be enough. He'd be without purpose, and that's the kind of maiming that's far worse than any physical wound. And there's a strong streak of nobility in Yorwrath. He knew what would happen if he shed a tear for his wife when Aeron killed her, but he did it anyway. He's willing to die for his brother. And he had the chance to make trouble at the claiming, and didn't, nor did he touch Valentina when he slept beside her and his brother. So, if anything, he's becoming more of a tragic figure than a villain, although I wouldn't say the same thing about Islwyn, who hides his motivation far too well for me to trust him. Sadly, he's the underdog I'm rooting for, and I have the worst feeling that I'll be crying in the next chapter or so.
  6. As long as the Druid is worse off. Yorwrath's been through enough already, poor bastard. Besides, you don't want to make me cry., I'm a very unattractive crier.
  7. Yes, it does. It makes you an appetizer. I don't want my pretty little psychopath to be maimed. Maim the sneaky Druid instead!
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