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Everything posted by silverdragoness21

  1. So, because my internet last night sucked i couldn't get this part done but for all of you who have read the final chapter you know it's done and yes i am working on the sequel as we speak. Not exactly sure when it's going to be posted but you'll know if you keep your eyes on this forum. I'll put a promote for it.
  2. So, even with many computer glitches I have broken a writer's bad habit. I have managed to finish and post TWO stories. Instead of writing half of it and getting bored and moving on. I'm very proud of that

  3. So, even with many computer glitches I have broken a writer's bad habit. I have managed to finish and post TWO stories. Instead of writing half of it and getting bored and moving on. I'm very proud of that

  4. A few things i would like to say before the last chapter is posted of Sia. Number one, to everyone who has actually stuck around and read the story. Thank you and i love you all for it. For all of you who reviewed, i adore you and for those who rated i adore you too. For anyone who didn't like the stories well i didn't start this to please everyone but i hope that at least you maybe saw things differently. I know that the story lines have been dark, that things have been difficult and even at times sickening to read and without apologizing for it I will say that i hope that it's perhaps opened a new perspective to all of you. Have characters suffered, oh absolutly. was it all meaningless? No, i don't think that it was. we are all creatures of choice and too often we forget that we have those choices. we do the best we can as humans and the best part about the world base i have there are the choices to be human or to be something else. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Something i thought of as well, due to a review i got today. I actually wouldn't get angry if someone did do a fanfic'ed my work as long as you guys let me know first. that actually would be cool,i'd love to see different points of view. Last and most important, the sequel has been under some construction, over the course of writing Sia some changes have occured from my original lay out but i think that these changes will make the story better. As always please review and rate, they help my muse, i have to pay him. And love all of you for your support.
  5. Okay, just posted the second last chapter of Sia. I am going to promote the sequel tot he dragon's might to maybe have it viewed a little broader. Not sure yet. I do hope you guys have enjoyed it.
  6. So, I'm actually posting this if anyone even reads it. Come guys, review please!! Pretty please, it's sort of sucks that i am not getting any well i take that back, i have maybe one or two but i know you guys can do better than that. Heck to be honest if you don't want to review then at least do this for me. Please at least vote for the story, after you read the chapter all you got to do is press that little button at the bottom with the stars. PLEASE
  7. So after a month of sleeping on the couch and dealing with over testosterone male with a tenancy to be a bit more than demanding, tournament finally came. Was the sacrifices worth it? Yes, he came in third in grappling and that happened because the other guy cheated and the judges didn't catch it and he won first place in stick sparring. Which considering it was his first competition is impressive.

    1. DemonsAngel


      *puts fresh sheets on the bed and fluffs the pillows* Your bed awaits, and boy do you deserve it. I don't know if I could go a month on the couch to help my spouse lol

    2. BronxWench


      Now put him to work getting your Internet set up! ::grins evilly::

    3. silverdragoness21


      Yes, I believe that my internet set up is in order. A month of no bed and no sex! Though, he got pretty medals now.

  8. So after a month of sleeping on the couch and dealing with over testosterone male with a tenancy to be a bit more than demanding, tournament finally came. Was the sacrifices worth it? Yes, he came in third in grappling and that happened because the other guy cheated and the judges didn't catch it and he won first place in stick sparring. Which considering it was his first competition is impressive.

    1. silverdragoness21


      This took me two weeks to get out of my head. You'll either think ti's funny or you won't

    2. sumeragichan
  9. Okay, so I've updated two chapters It's almost all done, only got chapter fifteen and sixteen, after that its done and then we move onto the last story int he arch. I hope that you all are enjoying the story and hey PLEASE review or if your not into reviewing please at least rate the story, please it would make me really happy and makes me want to write more. I have a few more projects in mind but hte one that i will be doing after i finish this arch will be the story of evina and Davward, its a different world again, since it will be based in the past and I would like some input if i should write it or not.
  10. The angel has returned to school! It's only two on one, instead of three. I have regained some sanity.

    1. sumeragichan


      Now only the Demon and the Dragon? How goes the breather and getting to the bus?

    2. DemonsAngel


      Yay! More of mommy's attention for them!Bet they are loving it.

  11. Sadly still no internet, which sucks. Hoping o have enough money next month to get a proper connection.

    1. BronxWench


      ::hugs:: We miss you!!!

    2. DemonsAngel


      Aw, bronx beat me to it! lol *glomps*

  12. okay, so everyone knows. Moving sucks very much. I still don't have a full working internet but i am working on chapters and trying to catch up on everything. things have been just a little crazy lately. thanks to all of you who have been patient and are still following the story. I promise that i will finish it and continue on to the sequel as soon as i can.
  13. A thought occured to me, if we did everything we're supposed to in a day, we would need about twenty eight hours to do it all in, so we would have to do multiple things at the same time to accomplish all of it. This thought occured while i was brushing my teeth for the third time

    1. sumeragichan


      Indeed,and they wonder why we have to be better at multi-tasking in certain areas rather than others. Although, raising children is one that doesn't cross well with others. DX

  14. Not fully back, no phone but using hot spot to get online, so i guess thats better than nothing.

  15. I have managed to get one room packed and almost ready to go. Why do my creatures have so many things? It's amazing how three little girls have so much crap

    1. sumeragichan


      Hording. You have a dragon, a demon, and an angel. You have a budding hoard sweetie. XD

  16. How is it that when you move you realize you own too much crap? crap you never EVER use, even stuff you didn't realize you owned in the first place. The sad thing is that when you brought it, you rpbably thought you'd die without it.

    1. BronxWench


      This is why I am never moving again. Ever. Unless I can just leave everything behind and start over.

  17. Okay, bad news after next week I won't have internet for about a month. We're moving and having to change servers but we can't get it right away for lack of funds. I will be working on the stories while i have no net and once i'm back i will post all the chapters I will have. Possibly even the sequel. After all of that we'll hopefully have internet again.
  18. okay so some things to talk about. i shall NEVER abandon my stories, no matter what. the only way i would is if i had no way to write them. which the only way that would happen is if i had no computer. Second, i am having RL issues currently. our land lord is kicking us out so he can make more money and it's stressing me out a lot. I hope it won't effect me for too much longer but until that is all worked out i'm going to be a wreck so i apologize now for that. I am still working on both sia and heart and soul so don't worry i will not give up on my stories.
  19. I hate my landlord, now he's sending us to court so he can get rid of us. I rarely hate people but he's managed it.

  20. Okay guys, for those who don't follow the news we had a F2 tornado come through here and our power was out for a few days. Also a few computer malfunctions that have rendered some chapters errased and that has been an annoyance from hell. Anyway, I am going to post the next chapter right now, irregardless of it's state of edit, simply because i think my Beta's computer is on the fritz. when i get in touch with her and get the chapter from her I will re-post it so you have the edited version. As for the sequel like i said chapter issues. I have not given up on it though, I'm on chapter seven and it's getting there. I swear i will get all this companion stuff done and start posting the sequel for you guys but being a bit of a review whore on here. I WANT REVIEWS!!! Lmao.
  21. Finally got power after the tornado that came through Wensday, When did nature decide that we needed some new natual disasters this way?

    1. BronxWench


      :hugs: Everyone's okay, though, right? That's the most important thing...

    2. silverdragoness21


      Yeah, everyone is okay. We were lucky and all that happened to us is the power went out for a few days.

  22. I hate my landlord, he actually came over here to ask me if we had found a new place to live. He hasn't evicted us and we've paid our rent like we're supposed to but he's trying to get us out so he can remodel the place and re rent it out.

    1. kagome26isawsome
    2. DemonsAngel


      Umm...last I checked, thats not allowed o.O *tries to remember what she read about that*

    3. RogueMudblood


      Actually, it depends on the state as to what's allowed. You can check out rentlaw.com for your state - some states allow termination of the lease by the landlord at any time for no reason - as long as notice is given in writing.

  23. Okay, so having some tech issues here, Beta is back but her comp is acting up on her again. which is okay i guess but i can't post the chapter for Sia without her sending it back to me. As for the sequel on chapter seven, it's coming along really great and like i said once Sia is finished i will begin posting the sequel which i have named ;Heart and soul; I hope you guys like the name. I'm still working out plot points on it but it's looking pretty good so far. Anyway, sorry for the delay on the updates.
  24. Pen name: Sanura Story link: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103400&chapter=9 Rating: Adult+ Type of Fic: Flash fic. Fandome: Original. Warning: Nosex.
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