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Status Updates posted by DemonsAngel

  1. Well, I have an appointment tomorrow to find out if I have to have surgery on my ankle again. Kinda hoping I do to get rid of the pain.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KerantliDreamer
    3. Anesor


      On the bright side, maybe you can get some creative signatures on a cast?

    4. yukihimedono


      Good luck. I hope it's successful.

  2. ATENTION!: If you dont have something nice to say, KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT! Thank you that is all ^^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonsAngel


      Nope, not at Kera-chan or Kags. ^^

    3. Shadowknight12
    4. kagome26isawsome


      thats good...i would hate to be on your bad side

  3. Never hurt one of my friends. Because like it or not, when I have to hear about it constantly, it becomes my fucking buisness and you WILL be hearing from me about it. That is all ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      oh crap...mind me never to piss u off

    3. BronxWench


      ::hands Rae the monofilament whip::

    4. DemonsAngel


      Ooh! Thank you Bronx dear ^^

  4. *hugs* Hope you were able to whip that desk of paper into submission!

  5. Welcome to insanity central! Hope you enjoy it here.

  6. Aw, you changed your pic! I liked the other one. It made me laugh ^^

  7. What kind of a grandmother tells her grankid to drown herself and what the hell did I ever do to deserve that?!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      Sometimes old people get mean and hateful for no apparent reason. WE know you're awesome!

    3. DemonsAngel


      Actually, she has always been like this. Mom says she was like this when she was mean when she was a kid too.

    4. Demortra2022


      glad you're nothing like her.

  8. Thank you for the awesome review! I am so glad you liked it! And yes, I know it was you. You are my hero! *hugs*

  9. Time for more rping! Maybe today I will get some actual writting done as well instead of just editing ^^

  10. *is working on her story and rping* Ah what a nice way to spend the day.

    1. Shadowknight12
    2. ApolloImperium


      I haven't RP'd in ages....

    3. BoredStraight


      I'm jealous! That sounds way more fun than working!

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