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Tigro Spottystripes

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Everything posted by Tigro Spottystripes

  1. Again, it has nothing to do with liking iCarly; it was just about the way the op wrote the request; i would've asked it just the same if i noticed someone requesting a fanfic about Shakespeare's characters or whatever you consider "grown up material" if that person was writing like that. I'm well aware that in current times the audience of programs (originally) intended for kids or teens cover a much wider demography than the stereotypes would suggest.
  2. Well, i pictured this taking at least a few chapters; the length of the suggestion seems somewhat proportional in that light IMO
  3. Before getting into what the general plot outline of my request is, i feel i should let you know i'm taking some minor liberties regarding certain canon/fanon concepts i'm basing the request on. Btw, i know it is a tad lengthy, but please take the following as just a outline (i kinda wrote a bit too much in a way that kinda sound like specific scenes, but those are more just kinda examples on the spirit of the stuff i would like to read, and not the exact scenes i would expect you to write), the request is not to just write these things, the request is to flesh out the details and expand on the ideas, writing it more in a story-like manner etc. Here's the basic premise: Caroline/GLaDOS does agree somewhat science needs to be done even without the hardcoded guidelines pushing her in that direction; but after reviewing with more care the data about what took place, and finally free from lots of the countermeasures that were clouding her mind, she finally comes to the conclusion that the best way for science to be done is to make herself more human and allow her to feel positive emotions in a healthy way, but she can't just use backups of the minds of the employees and original test subjects, all those traumas and unprocessed insanity would corrupt her mind like before (Caroline's own experiences as well as the insane borrowed personalities from the other cores were making her self-destructive; the hardcoded rules wouldn't allow her to suicide by herself, but with a brain the size of a city she did find ways to at least increase the odds test-subjects would try to off her and end the suffering) ; enough of the countermeasures have been damaged or otherwise removed to allow her to change her own programing as long as she can convince herself it will help with sciencemaking, even beyond the old hardcoded limits. She came to this conclusion in just a few picoseconds, but she was busy focused on rebuilding and renovating the facilities and running the robot coop tests for a whole week, enough time for Chell to get lost in the cornfield around the shack (though remember AS is a humongous facility, for the purpose of this fic assume Chell is still above AS territory). A sidenote here on somthing that is not necessarily canon but i consider essential for my enjoyment of this fic i'm requesting. Test-subjects, employees and others did die; but after there was no one left and no new people coming in, and before GLaDOS started considering evaluating robots as test subjects, in order to keep doing science GLaDOS researched into and developed means of recreating people based on DNA samples and pre and post test brainscans (of a similar nature to the techniques used to obtain the personality elements distilled into the personality cores and GLaDOS herself), basicly clones. The original minds still got backups, but thru successive iterations the clones had their minds wiped and reconstructed in a barebones manner to keep out random variables that were interfering in the earlier runs (the stuff about trying to cripple GLaDOS with the additional personality and morality cores after the first time Caroline's insanity and depression made her try to end it all and kill everyone before they had more time to suffer); at some later date (that will only take place at significant time after anything that happens in this fic) the actual original people, with their traumas and insanity corrected ( 'cause GLaDOS will have understood humans enough to figure out how to fix their minds), will be ressurected, but only when GLaDOS is sure both them and the world is ready. So for the fic, Chell (the one we played in the games) and any other humans, as well as any additional new minds (the coop bots, and perhaps progressively healthier turrets and other bots) are new individuals that were "born" "from" GLaDOS; their bodies are expendable 'cause she is able to rebuild/reclone them in just a few seconds, and their minds are mostly kept in sync so the new bodies keep memories of their previous "lifes". Back to the story outline; with that new insight on which direction to take, GLaDOS reabducts Chell (open a hole in the ground, scare her with a huge fall, but land her safely on a huge vat of non-cancerous uncooked cake dough perhaps), and gradually re-earns her trust, showing Chell her new willingness to figure out how to better coexist with humans; she doesn't need to be perfect at first, perhaps even kill Chell a couple of times in the beginning, but she starts learning the death experience, even with the infinite "1Up"s, is not somthing that should happen frequently in order for a human to maintain a positive state of mind; though don't do away completly with death and severe enough injuries that make it easier to scrap and rebuild than to repair, perhaps even have Chell willingly push for these possibilities once she starts accepting GLaDOS as a friend and starts enjoying the puzzles and challenges (she would start realizing death and serious injuries though being somthing she should avoid actually make the thrill of the challenges more enjoyable, and since afterall it is not permanent she can live with it for the benefit of science). (Consequence-free severe mutilation, reversible death, and other forms of "safe" extreme masoquism, it is one of my kinks...) Anyway; this first bit above thought somewhat lengthy are kinda just to develop the setting; the main course involves the following: Just studying one blank human is not enough, GLaDOS realizes; she got a few different clones running around; though at first the others also are given their time to get aquainted with this new less villainy GLaDOS (though probably "off camera", most of the introduction i think it would be enough to just be written focused on Chell), but very gradually they start being exposed to the other test subjects; so basicly once testing with nice GLaDOS starts getting a bit routiny for Chell, eventually she spots a male test-subject at distance in another test chamber, he doesn't notice her, and he also eventually notices Chell from distance in some other place this time she being the one not aware a human is watching; then gradually get their exposition closer, more frequent, perhaps some brief moments separated by glass before needing to move on to other tests, and eventually perhaps going thru different test routes crossing at one point. Though not having much experience interacting with other humans at all, and for the most of their lifes having only known the antagonistic GLaDOS and turrets and stuff, they are a bit suspicious of each other (the male test subject and Chell); and given their past experience mostly involving being attacked by anything, some misunderstanding happens and they start fighting each other, quite hard, and i was picturing the guy eventually killing Chell, thought not intentionally, more like during the fight he bashes her head on a corner and doesn't expect that would kill her, or perhaps even not grasping the concept of death completly, getting a bit baffled when she stops reacting. And now things start to get interesting, while trying to understand what is going on the guy pokes and prods and sniffs her body and stuff and he starts getting aroused, first time with a female of his species in his whole life after all, and he gradually figure out ways her body can be used to give him pleasure. Meanwhile a freshly baked clone Chell (with all her memories up to her last death right there) arrives on the chamber and sees the male test subject pleasing himself with the corpse of her former body; GLaDOS usually only cleans up after the test subjects aren't around, and don't usually let them see their own corpses, but this looked too promising to wait for cleanup and arrange another meeting at another time; Chell is at first shocked, but starts getting aroused seeing her body being fucked; perhaps she starts touching herself just watching for a while, but eventually she can't hold a moan, or slips or somthing and the guy notices her, his instincts telling him a live one is better than a dead one, he runs after her and she tries to escape. Perhaps a nice Portal chase sequence, but he eventually catches her; not used to the concept of other humans with feelings and stuff he just goes ahead and starts raping her; midway thru though empathy starts to kick in and he starts noticing her reactions and starts feeling bad for causing those reactions and tries to figure out how to make amends. This time she takes the opportunity of him lowering his guard and kills him (punch to the throat, gauging his eyes out and digging for his brain or whatever), though all that stimulation did arouse her, and now it's her time to get some necrobumping going on. And it is his time to walk in and seeing his corpse getting it on; a bit less uninhibited he just starts walking towards her stroking himself, when she notices him she starts moving as if preparing to run away but he steps back and tries to show he doesn't mean to be a threat; eventually they get to an understanding and things start getting more explicitly consensual (though feel free to have them have lots of gory fun, even live cannibalism, as they explore these new sensations and emotions). Like the turrets say, they don't hate each other even when they are still thinking of each other as threats; no hard feelings. The "breeding" thing i mentioned in the thread tittle is not exactly literal, the motions are there, but with the ability to clone bodies and minds as well create new individuals, what GLaDOS is "breeding" is the minds, the culture, the "memes" in the classical sense (not just image macros and catchphrases, but the general concept of idea elements that propagate from one mind to another); given the dangerous and potentially violent lives test subjects have, i would expect no test subject's body would last long enough for a biological pregnancy to develop to any significant extent (way less time than the maximum allowed for abortions/day after pill); and perhaps being engineered biotechnological constructs they might even not actually be fertile (having at least a basic understanding of how animals work, GLaDOS probably would've ensured she was the one to decide and control the exact size of the "active" population; anyone with basic understanding of the principles of emergent sci-fi villainy should be quite familiar with the dangers of self-reproducing autonomous entities ). Later on, if you get this far, i would like GLaDOS to start getting a bit more "hands on" in the experiments, basicly her trying to figure out how it is to have a sexuality, both with humanoid robotic "avatars" and with more abstract robotic tentacles and other "appendages"; if possible in a similar tone as the first human-human interactions in the sense she doesn't know what is and isn't appropriate and just starts "raping" everyone and using apendages too big for safety (both in girth and in length varieties, tearing holes bigger as well as fucking thru and thru) and only gradually get the hang of what she should be doing; both on males and females; and perhaps play a bit with the flexibility of being able to summon and fabricate arbitrary appendages, try things like hair like tendrils fucking tearducts, pencil-sized tentacles invading urethras, machingun cocks cumming bullets, guilhotine/chainsaw vagina detatas, humanoid androids/gynoids with pneumatic dozen metres long cocktongues etc ps:perhaps you could also fit in somewhere the development of the companion cube, via modifications a la Wheatley's frankenturrents but with GLaDOS sophistication, into actual pets (generic quadlimbed dog/cat/monkey body plan); perhaps with GLaDOS paraphrasing that line about how the companion cube can't tell Chell it loves her, saying now it can show it.
  4. How is someone that can easilly figure out how alien technology works not able to easilly figure out how an enemy's body, weapons and accessories work and therefore quickly find weak spots and ways to break, incapacitate or otherwise exploit their workings to his own benefit? ps:i hope when you write your story you don't mispell so much like how you've been doing in your posts here...
  5. Hm, is that what they call queer nowadays? The straight that likes the opposite gender crosdressing i mean.
  6. I would rather be vaccinated and walk barefoot on the grass than live my whole life in a sterile bubble risking a horrible death if there is a tiny tear. That was in response to the comment that people wanna choose what offends them. There are lots of real things that people are offended by that depending on who you ask is also completly innocuous. I didn't said anyone was deeply offended by the color red, i was just trying to point out that having a choice most people would likely prefer to not feel deeply offended by anything, it is stressful, often counterproductive and overall does more bad than good; so by providing people with the tools they need to be able to better handle opinions, ideas etc that they dislike one way or another, before they are brainwashed into having such negative behaviors, i would expect most people would gladly use those tools for the rest of their lives.
  7. IMO they should do away with all the special treatment regarding crimes against people that just happen to belong to a specific group and just bump up the minimum sentence of the "vanilla" crime to the biggest one they had for the special victims stuff. Just cause someone killed an adult straight white men they shouldn't have a discount on their sentence.
  8. Suppose people had the choice to be deeply offended by the color red, by choosing to, they would be compelled to make a scene when they see someone on the street with red clothes, have to spend lots of money suing companies that make products in red, stop watching TV shows they would otherwise enjoy 'cause the tittle sequence shows a red neon sign for a few frames, feel a deep sense of shame and self-loathing each time they get a cut, hate people they were falling in love with 'cause they sent red roses etc; roughly which percentage of the population would you expect would choose to have red be offensive to them?
  9. Jem, you quoted me but i'm not quite sure if anything you wrote there was directed at me...
  10. You're missing my point. I'm talking about declawing things like disrespectful speech so even when it happens it will have no significant impact on people; your idea on the otherhand, making people grow up on a walled garden, actually multiply thousands times the harm of when it does happen 'cause people will have no experience whatsoever dealing with this.
  11. In my opinion, instead of trying to erode freedom of thought and speech, the government time and money would be much better spent with developing ways to teach everyone, starting when they're young kids, to better react to spoken, written, pictorial etc expressions of ideas and opinions they disagree with or otherwise consider unwelcome. This would help with everything from bullying to racial conflicts and lots more; and of course without people freaking out with non-important things civilization would be able to progress much more easily. edit: and of course, it would also reduce a lot the wastage of the precious time of the courts.
  12. If you wanna censor things 'cause of what crazy people might do, pretty much nothing can ever be published...
  13. Here's somthing i would like to read: 3 teens, 2 guys and 1 girl, that live in the same building but go to different colleges or whatever, never really talked with each other beyond elevator talk (things like "good afternoon", commenting about the weather, hi/good bye etc) happen to be in the elevator when a major earthquake strikes the town; light is out everywhere, they are stuck between floors with not enough space to crawl out thru the door and the cables and motors and stuff are blocking the way thru the access hatch on the ceiling, the firemen check them and are certain both the building and the elevator itself are not under any risk of collapsing even with the aftershocks that might come, they slip some energy bars and water bottles and stuff to keep the teens healthy while they go help people in more serious situations all over town, and leave an emergency walktalkie with them too just in case, and a crankpowered radio to keep them updated as well; it is expected the teens will remain there for at least a couple of days while the rescue teams help people in more serious condition. There won't be anyone in the building with them 'cause it's a hot summer and all electricity, water pipes, sewage etc has been messed up, so people are camping on the streets and parks; the teens obviously can't go anywhere though. And since it's damn hot and they only got an occasional draft thru the elevator shaft keeping it from getting completly unbearable, their clothes start getting a bit uncomfortable, they at first hesitate, but eventually accept it the situation and strip down to their underwear, but still kinda selfconcious and stuff. In the middle of the night, after they were sleeping, one of the guys wakes up to a noise, and he realizes the other guy is jerking off next to him thinking everyone else is sleeping, the guy that just woke up start growing a boner, and eventually starts handling his situation as well, at one point they realize they are jerking together, and kinda awkwardly start talking with each other and stuff, though being careful to not wake the chick, and eventually they start jerking each other off and gradually escalating; unknown to them, they started getting a bit careless and woke up the chick, she tries to hide she is awake, but seeing the two guys doing each other so close to her starts arousing her more and more, eventually while they are at it and have completly forgot there was someone else there with them, she is rubbing herself enjoying the show, not even trying to hide it anymore; it takes a while for the boys to notice she not only woke up but watching them and rubbing herself. It gets awkward when they finally notice, at first no one knows what to do, but eventually the girl gets them to go on and starts getting closer, and closer, till eventually she tries to join them, it kinda gets awkward, but after a bit of talking the boys get comfortable with being bi (they didn't got converted, they just hadn't given much thought to girls before then) and they all screw each other.
  14. Ok, here's the idea: The crew of Planet Express Ship are assigned the mission to escort the 3 ambassadors of the the planet Porno-Genitalium XXX ("XXX" is pronounced "Thirty"). But it turns out they can't survive outside of their native environment for any prolonged period of time without (harmlessly) parasiting other species, and it turns out they aren't just incompatible with many species, but they also aren't compatible with some genders. After experimenting a bit the crew finds out they're only compatible with Amy and Leela. The inhabitants of Porno-Genitalium XXX look like giant (a bit bigger than a human thigh) slugs, but in place of the head they have what look like a large ballsac and a single eyeless antenna that when fully out (it can move like a real slug's eyestalks) is about the size of a human arm, the antenna looks like a giant human cock. When parasiting they need to keep their bodies hidden from the atmosphere and partially melded with the body of the host; their "heads" (the cock and ballsac) can stay out for an extended period of time but the "antenna" needs to go inside a body that is not the host's every once in a while. As expected their squishy bodies end up inside Amy's and Leela's vaginas, essentially turning them into well endowed shemales, and complementing Leela's single eye she'll be having two of the 3 ambassadors up hers (she is tough, it's tight but she can handle it) giving her 4 balls and 2 dongs. The slimes of the ambassadors are a mild aphrodisiac, and the melding of the of their bodies with that particular part of the women's anatomy results in the connection of their nerve endings, so they really feel like the porno-scaled dongs are really part of their bodies; the ambassadors' species in theit homeworld speaks with body language and chemistry (pheromones and stuff), but while parasiting they can just talk directly with their hosts, kinda like a sort of mindmeld, depending on them for communicating with anyone else. Having explained the background here's what i would like to see in the story: It's a long trip, Kif isn't around; being horny and having the impulse of routinely sticking their dongs into others, at first Amy and Leela will just fuck each other (their vaginas have been replaced with the ambassadors' bodies, so all that is left is anal, oral and "urethral", squeezing thru the cocks' pissholes). The dongs are too big for normal human anatomy, so there is some pain, ripping and tearing etc, kinda realistic, but as it has been shown several times in the show, with the advances of future medicine they don't really care much about severe bodily damage, almost to the point it is as if they their universe is ruled by cartoon physics, except there is a somewhat realistic gory mechanism underlying such things. After a while, Fry starts getting a bit jealous, though not of Amy, he likes seeing his girl doing it with another hot girl, he is jealous of the ambassadors on Leela, after a bit of an awkward talk, which takes too long and gets the ambassadors on Leela too eager to insert their antennas into someone once again, Leela kinda forces herself on Fry, but eventually, while being kinda raped, Fry accepts the ambassadors are currently a part of Leela and since he loves every part of Leela he inevitably should love her temporary appendages as well. ps: all the names (other than the canon character names) are simply suggestions
  15. There is a big difference between amounts that look like would make you not need to work for the rest of your life but actually will go away quickly and amounts you aren't likelly to manage to acidently burn completly in just a couple months... 640.000.000 sounds like it might be the second, but you can't forget people that for the first time in their life got more than a million in their own money will usually be buying lots of items that are way above the 1 million price mark each. Money is much easier to spend than most people expect. There are lots of sad stories about poor people that won the lottery and some time later left themselves in worse situations that they were before.
  16. It is not about the fact he/she watches iCarly, it's about the way he/she wrote the request for a fanfiction about the show.
  17. Btw, is there a separated term for being aroused by causing pain and similar disconfort to a willing partner instead of by inflicting pain to someone against their will (or being aroused by those ideas regardless of actually doing it for real) ?
  18. So you're saying the particularities of our sexual preferences are imprinted on us like how ducklings get imprinted with whatever is the first creature they see when they come out of the egg?
  19. Female ejaculation is no myth; not all females have experienced it, but it's very real for those that have; and no, it's not piss.
  20. Btw, talking about tentacles causing visible bulges in the belly, the other day i saw this video of a guy sitting on a horse dildo (or perhaps it was a orca or dragon or griphon, i don't remember the title and description, and the video started with the dildo already halfway in; and i was focusing on his belly), when he leaned back and sucked his tummy in the bulge of the dildo was extremely noticeable, it was not exactly detailed, just a round cylindrical bulge, but as he moved we could clearly see the bulge was from the dildo.
  21. Oops, dunno how i missed it, sorry. I'll make sure i'll look harder next time, thanx.
  22. Erm, weird, this last time it work...nvm then
  23. Better change the thread title then
  24. First to clear things up: <- this is Chell, you know her from Portal and Portal 2 <- and this is Faith Connors, you know her from Mirror's Edge Now here's my request (take it as a draft of the outline, just an indication of the direction and overall "shape" for the story): Faith and Chell are actresses that play the eponymous characters in the games (it's not really all that rare to have characters have the same first or last name as the actor/actress that plays them); somehow they don't have to live thousands of years to perform for all the thousands of players that play daily, but it is a full time job for most of the year; there is some sort of nonsensical time distortion or branching and unbranching of the timeline or whatever that takes place while they're "shooting" that allows them to perform the scenes that are displayed "live" on the screen when people play the respective games all over the world, but you don't need to explain this, just treat it as just another thing that is the way one would expect it to be like the sky somtimes having clouds and concrete being hard, and in the world this story takes place everyone understand this to be normal so the characters themselves don't need to spend any significant time questioning or explaining it. They perform their own stunts, the portal machine is real, Faith really is a skilled traceur (that is what you call someone that practices parkour) but Chell's boots are just props, the truth is she simply knows how to fall from great heights unharmed; the robots from Portal are real but just animatronics no actual AI behind them. Enough about the setting; the story i would like to read involve the actresses considering each other competitors (kinda like as if the games are TV shows in competing channels), and at first don't like each other (or at least they think they don't), at the end of their final day of work before this years vacation, after most of the studio crew has already left, they meet backstages somewhere no one is around (like perhaps behind one of backplates of one of the sets of a game), the paths to their respective dressing rooms crosses; their exchange starts with passive-aggressive comments, but it gradually escalates to direct insults and they eventually go on an all out brawl (being seasoned stuntwomans they can take lots more punishment than you would expect from normal person); the fight/wrestle gradually starts having more and more "accidental" touches and grabs etc, and eventually after they are already breathing hard, all sweaty, clothes torn (strategicly), they find themselves squeezing eachother in what might be viewed as a hug, though it's hug as a form of aggression, their faces centimeters from each other and they feel each other breaths on their faces. They pause staring into each other's eyes breathing each other's breaths, and then one of them finally breaks the ice and kiss the other on the lips, the other is shocked at first, then bites down on the first one's lip enough to make it bleed a bit, the first one pulls back but the other leans and grabs the first one's lips in hers sucking on it restarting the kiss. This goes on for for while, with this ambiguous fight/fuck interaction continuing; but eventually they are spent and just lay side by side and start talking, they endup becoming quite close, finding out their aggressiveness was 'cause they thought of eachother as being better than themselves and feeling threatened and things like that. For a later chapter, have them going to one or the other's place and using all sorts of sextoys on each other. The fightfucking turns out to turn them on; add to that a bit of masochism and the fact they are much tougher than the average person, and you can get plenty variety. I think perhaps that fight/sexual tension had been building up along the year but they were holding back and keeping distance, they just didn't go at each other before the end of the "shooting" season out of courtesy to the makeup crew that would have to cover up all the cuts and bruises, or somthing like that; in a kinda unspoken agreement between the two. I think the only things to avoid in terms of kinks, would be things that can be kinda depressing, like rape, nonconsensual slavement, permanent mutilation etc; i'm also not big on the humiliation thing (but i see nothing wrong in being peed on if it's 'cause it feels good and you want it for example). Pretty much everything else is fair game; foot fetish, blade play and needle play, water sports, vomit, fisting, footing (or whatever fisting with a foot is called), scat, eletric shocks and other eletric stimulations, breath control (this one is kinda delicate though, whenever this is brought up i feel the need to mention that this is extremely dangerous IRL; usually i only enjoy it when either directly or indirectly it is made clear that brain damage and other severe risks associated with this IRL are not a risk in the universe in question in a plausible manner); just to name a few. If you wanna add more people in later chapters i'm ok with it, but i would rather the first chapters were just about the two of them. <- Like the actress that plays Celeste for example. (doesn't need to be just lesbian, whatever attractive character from any videogame you wanna bring in is alright) ps: try to not exaggerate their proportions please. Part of the reason i like the Chell/Faith pairing is 'cause how they both look great without the crazy proportions common in female videogame characters and comic book superheroines/supervillainess etc; and for the additional character(s) you might be bringing that are depicted with unnatural proportions in their respective games, respect their proportions the same way.
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