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Posts posted by foeofthelance

  1. Hmmm, actually, in this case it might be justifiable. The legendaries do exist to set right what is wrong, after all. If they see the threat as big enough, then it would make sense for them to seek out partners. Also, it seems the pokemon are powered up by emberassing their trainers rather thuroughly. That's not a benefit, thats a curse. Being chosen doesn't automatically make a mary sue: being an unstoppable force of narmy perfection makes a mary sue. This actually seems like an interesting reason to go through with it, and is much more believable than the usual "This is my character who starts with my favorite because Professor oak let her"

  2. Hell Keith, where do you work? I could pass that test, if I think the answers are what I think they're supposed to be.

    1) Threaten their life. If they risk other people's lives, they should be willing to risk theirs.

    2) Why the fuck should I care if some fucker wants to fucking swear all the time? As long as it doesn't interfere with me getting my fucking work done!

    3) Getting the job done.

    4) 15 minutes booking, plus lead time to the airport.

    5) Not really. I want a good recommendation!

    6) Sure. $100 says it takes me three months to crack!

    7) Trick question. All of the above are an accurate description.

    Hell, that was easier than the one I had to take for Waldenbooks. (How the frak am I supposed to know what the average office employee steals in office supplies per quarter?) So, am I hired? XD

  3. Because its 6:30 in @#$%ing Morning

    Up before the crack of dawn

    Dashing across the misted lawn

    Dodging and weaving between knotted thorn

    Heralded by a lonely horn

    Stalked and followed by the silence

    Running to a metal cadence

    Empty streets lit by the dark

    Haunted home of con and mark

    The restaurant stands alone shadowed and void

    The key in the door, the silence destroyed

    Working in the black, hidden from the light

    Hiding from sight just feels right

    I can’t help but think, as the clock strikes the hour…

    What the fuck am I doing awake at 6:30 in the morning?

  4. Keith, I have to apologize. I never finished that Phelps-Chick plot bunny you handed me to deal with. I was doing ok until the story started getting physical, than had to suppress the strong urge to vomit. Not a good thing since I was in psych class at the time... I have officially taken it out back and strangled it. The wolves won't even touch the corpse, so now I have to smell the damn thing as it rots away. Am considering burning the pages I wrote it on...

  5. Nah, as far as I can tell you can still get away with voicing just about anything in printed text, so long as it isn't a want ad for a hitman or somesuch. And even then I think they prefer to go after you on charges of conspiracy rather than charges of "obscene text". Trying to get a conviction on such a vague charge has as much of a chance of getting a conviction as the Duke rape case as far as I can tell. That's probably why they were willing to cut her a deal in the first place. They knew they had very shaky, if any legs at all, to stand on, and just wanted it done.

  6. Considering there are already several people who are much older than he is working in government, and some of them nearing the centennial mark, I'm going to say no, age has nothing to do with it. Besides, even if he does croak while in office, we took care of that a long, long time ago when we decided that there should be a Vice President, you know, just in case.

    It is not his physical age that makes me say yes but his old fashioned Ideals! The man told his wife she should sit down and shut up untill they started talking about something she knew like baking! ALL IN FRONT OF REPORTERS!!! I dont think so! Too old fashioned

    Really? Could I get a cite on that please? Just cause that seems like a particularly stupid thing to do in the middle of an election when you're trying to win over Hillary's feminist base...

  7. I don't exactly see what case could be made, though I guess they could give it a try. What it would probably come down to is this: Does the general community of AFF goers hold this to be true? The website, public access as it might be, isn't a public entity; it doesn't exist inside any normal city or state boundaries, and can only be accessed by those who are wishing to come here; there are plenty of warnings concering content and the site deliberately limits access, requiring an identification of legal standing in order to enter. Therefore, we comprise an electronic community independent of any other.

    So in order for the story to be considered obscene, you would have to prove that the majority of us see it that way. And as plenty of folks have already pointed out, while it might not be to their personal taste they don't consider it to be obscene. Considering there are in things in printed, dead-tree books that are equally as bad or worse, I think we're rather safe. Either way, got my support!

  8. Well, true...if it wasn't for the geeks running around with everything from katanas to SoBe bottles, the jocks using trashcans and super glue, the cheerleaders running around with grade A narcotics, the other cheerleaders running around with a pet black bear...

  9. Hahahaha, its more a crack fic than anything else - as in I must have been on crack when I wrote it. The plot lines vary, but admittedly center around geek/jock rivalries... Ah well, my first effort, so one worth criticizing, if nothing else.

  10. generally, I prefer adult stories to teenage ones. maybe because I've left adolescence behind quite some time ago it's difficult for me to empathize with high-schoolers fighting their emotional battles. mature dramas - yep, this is something for me

    and saying 'dramas' I don't mean 'melodramas'. I'm into strong people and tough reality, especially when it comes to emotional storms.

    What about teens dealing with real world problems? I wrote a high school fic that kind of...evolved. By the time it was done, there'd been kidnappings, date rape, the NSA was involved...


  11. Heh, its not even a "freaky" thing as far as I can tell. One of the key factors when trying to determine the emotional impact of sex is the enjoyment of both parties. The majority of the people I've talked with have said that they enjoy it more when the other person is enjoying themselves as well. So for the guy to be taking some active level of participation with the girl is a good sign to both of them. Whether that's being intimimate or domineering or what, it doesn't really matter, as long as he's showing that he's interested in her and the proceedings both. Its also one of the reasons why talking dirty is so much fun for some people, is because it involves both parties.

    If the guy is really not interested, and is just trying to get off, then what he'd probably do is finger her just long enough to make sure she's kind of wet, stick it in, blow his load, and climb off. Wham, bam, not even a "Thank you ma'am."

  12. Both? On one hand, it does help with the angle of penetration, and the other it does provide a sense of closeness. It depends more on what the guy is doing while he holds her. If he's just sort of gripping her to him its less making love and more fucking. If he's nuzzling her, nipping at her ears, teasing her neck, etc. its more a matter of affection and involvement, because he's doing every thing he can to please her. Does that make sense?

  13. Well, to answer the questions in order, sort of and it already is a rule.

    By sort of, I mean that when the story starts there are only going to be two universes to start in: The Mary Sue universe, where Foe, Agaib, and the hordes of baddies start out, and the Real World, where Foe ends up crashing and the bad guys start to chase to. The story itself would take place mainly in the Real World, at least until all the major players are involved. Any NPCs would thus be limited to real actors, with fictional characters only showing up by means of the MSU. So you could meet Johnny Depp (Foe crashes in California, so there should be actors/actresses aplenty), but if you want to boink Captain Jack Sparrow there's got to be a reason why he's been sent to kill/stop us. After a bit (I.E. we've screwed each other silly) we'll set off on a tour of the various fandoms.

    Now that's the plot. This is an orgy however, so there's not really much call to stick to it except in a broad manner, and this is a round robin style game, so plenty of people are going to be doing their own thing any way. IF you wanted to start on the side of the Mary Sues, that'd be no big deal either, just so long as you're prepared to be one of their bishie sex toys. At least for the guys at any rate. More accurately its just a reason to write randomness involving people who post here, and probably will never truly end. If anything, I just pop up with a new baddy. Just like in Power Rangers! (Actually, I'm basing a lot of this on the typical Power Rangers Episode Formula... *Mental Image of Rita Repulsa throwing her staff and yelling, "Make my monster's cock grow!* Better leave that one to Keith though...)

    As for PvP, there really shouldn't be any. "Bad guy" PCs are allowed to seduce and try to infiltrate the "Good Guy" PCs, who are probably gonna just turn around and try to seduce them. No hitting, fighting, and no killing, unless its a PC. Well, fights are allowed, so long as they end in a draw, are interrupted, or are agreed upon.

  14. Ive been working in the same resturaunt for close to seven years now. You think retail has it bad? Good grief, the list of complaints. First, its an Italian resturaunt in a heavily Italian town. So everyone orders not off the menu we give them, but off what they remember their grandmother making them. Then there are the people who simply don't speak English. If I walked into a bodega and started asking for rollos I'm sure they'd be horribly confused, but apparently I'm supposed to understand that "rollo with cheese" actually means whole wheat toast, one egg, and swiss cheese? What the frak? And I swear they must all use the same translation service, as they all ask for medium coffee, then look confused when I try to explain we only have large and small. At this point I don't even try to explain it anymore, I just plunk two different sized cups down and let them point.

    And before anyone thinks I'm picking on just one group, understand I've had to go through this with Chinese, Latinos, Italians, and Russians alike. (we can sort of tell by the way they curse at us, and occasionally based on looks.)

    The worst though? Happened only a couple of days ago, and was a perfectly homegrown asshole. We recently decided to open for breakfast, which means we open at 6:30 in the morning. We have plenty of signs up proudly proclaiming this fact. Anyway, it's a little after seven thirty, I've got several customers up at the counter sipping coffee and eating sandwiches, chatting with each other and watching Good Morning America, when I hear the door start to rattle. Well, ok, I live in NY, and we're going through a bit of a heatwave. The door is thirty years old, aluminum, and sticks a bit when it expands. There's aguy yanking on the door, kinda looked like Danny DeVito's uglyh bastard cousin, with an ass I could have used as shelf space. I run over to open the door just as he starts walking away, and call him back, since the bosses want to try and drum up business. He starts ranting at raving about how the door is locked, which means I'm a liar since the signs all say we're supposed to be open. I try explaining that the door is stuck, but he's not having any of it. I'm just an asshole and a liar. (Ok, I admit to being an asshole, but only to people I don't like, and certainly not to customers Ive never met before. Not a liar though, I try to be honorable.) I apologize, having nothing better to do as an option and take his order. Sandwich and coffee to go.

    Ok, I place the order, pour the coffee into a cup, place it and a lid in front of him, and turn to get the milk and sugar for him when he starts ranting at me that he wants the coffee to go. I try and explain to him that it is to go, (its in a papercup!) but that:

    A) I don't drink coffee, so I don't know how to mix it

    B) This isn't Dunkin' Donuts. We actually want people to get the right stuff in their coffee, so we let them mix it themselves.

    C) Even if the other two didn't apply, he never told me how he wanted his coffee in the first place.

    At this point several of the customers, all regulars, have decided the floor show is much more interesting than GMA, and so are sitting there shaking their heads trying not to laugh at all of this. His order comes up quickly enough, I bag it, ring him up and get him on the way. He gets as far as the door ebfore he starts hollering at me again, accusing me of locking him in. Why? Dumbass was trying to pull on a door quite clearly marked PUSH. But no, I must have somehow locked the door behind him, despite the fact that he followed me into the resturaunt int the first place. B)

    I swear, the only thing that keeps us sane is the steady supply of porn several of our customers send to my boss...

  15. The Exodus? About what, three, four months ago I think? Sometimes towards the end of winter and the middle of spring, possibly. The forum used to be a lot busier, but we also had a much smaller group, as well. There was an argument between several folks, the details of which are scarce, and probably not intended for public consumption anyway. Needless to say, a large portion of the the major forum players decided that they'd simply had it, and quit the site. The few of us that remained are scattered here and there, with only a few still consistently posting. And while we do seem to be rebuilding, the atmosphere has changed quite a bit, and it makes it a little harder to keep people around as a result.

  16. I dunno. Most people I've met tend to frown on songfics, if only because its disorienting to the reader, especially if they're unfamiliar with the song or group in question. It's one thing to lead the entire story with a snatch of song, or have a character sing a few words, as I've seen both done well, and have actually used the latter in one of my own fics. (A guy was playing chess with his girlfriend's father, and started singing a heavy metal song quietly to try and mess with the father.) But musicals only really work on stage because you're being presented the full song and music at the time. It doesn't really work in a story, especially if there's no narrative connection. What you might try is having the song in question playing in the back ground, so that the character's are hearing it and noticing it, instead of just dropping it on the reader.

  17. Because they're sixteen year old girls? Seriously, there is only so much advice we can give you on this, though you are entirely free to vent at us. Its what we're here for, after all. You miss her, its really that simple. But I'm fairly sure that you'd both be better served if you told her this, and explained why you're upset about it. Don't assume that she's a mindreader, or that she even thinks there's something wrong in the first place. Like I said earlier, I just had this same squabble with my girlfriend, with the exception of the roles being reversed, in that she was upset about my doings rather than the other way around. I had no frakking clue things were that bad until she threatened to break up with me. Simply don't let it get that far! Give her a phone call, send her an email, don't wait for something as temporary as MSN! Do it in a way so that she can't avoid it, and you know it can't be avoided. That's the only way anything will possibly get done.

    You love her, you think she loves you, so rather than sitting there and coming up with nightmare scenarios, do something to show it!

  18. We used to spend every day together from the time we woke up until the time we went to sleep. :|

    Now she's gone almost all day with her friends, gets back around 8-9 (If she gets on MSN at all, which she didn't tonight.) and then she goes to bed around 10.

    So we've barely spent ANY time together in the last three weeks. Maybe 3-4 full days, and an hour or two on a couple other days.

    And it's not male friends she goes out with, it's all her female friends. (Though I can just assume and get jealous while thinking that there might be male friends undressing her with their eyes while she's swimming. D:)

    It's just when she gets back, she talks to stupid little emo kids, you know, the type that makes video blogs on Youtube and act like autistic children to get attention? Yeah, she actually thinks they're funny.. :| That's like the one view we have that's completely opposite. I fucking hate emo kids, she thinks they're great.

    I don't know, I might not have the most interesting things to say, but at least I'm not crying for attention by making dumb videos and putting them online.

    All right, let me try and break it down point by point. You guys have gone from being with each other 24/7 waking, to her going out with her friends, who I'm assuming were her friends before and during the first bit of your relationship. And now she's seeing them instead of you? Buck up me bucko, that doesn't spell trouble, that just means she has a life outside of you. For all you know, she's trying to catch up on everything that happened when she was spending time with you. What're you doing when she's out? Sitting there moping? Why not get a life of your own? (Sorry if that sounds harsh, its not meant to.) Get a job, read a book, write some fics, do something. That way the next time you two get together you have something to talk about. If it bugs you that much, send her a text message saying "Hey, just thinking of you", or some such. Take a second to stop, breathe, and go do your own thing for a bit.

    As for getting jealous of guys trying to mentally undress her, why? Its kind of pointless, isn't it? I mean, I could understand if you were crushing on the girl and she were seeing some other guy who was just a lout who did nothing but feel her up. But instead you're the one going out with her. Instead of getting jealous about it, remember that you're the one she chose to go out with, not them. If you do catch a guy looking at her like that, just smirk at him and think to yourself, "Neener, neener, neener! She's mine suckah!" Just don't stick out your tongue. That's in bad taste. <_< The emo kids, I admit, I tend to agree with you, but she does have a point. It is somewhat amusing to make fun of them in an MST3K kind of way...

    Seriously man, all it sounds like is that you ran face first into a case of life. It happens. Best thing to do about it is to just live it, and see where it takes you.

  19. It wouldn't bother me as much if she didn't ignore me while she was talking to them, or if she didn't act like I shouldn't be jealous about it.

    I think that sort of sums up your problem right there. Why should you be jealous of them? There really isn't any reason, if all they are doing is talking to each other. You're the one she's going out with; you already 'won' as far as the particular rat race is concerned. If they are doing more than just talking, then you still shouldn't be jealous, you should be angry and disappointed at being betrayed. This isn't some attempt to tell you how to feel, but just advice from someone who recently dealt with this himself. My girlfriend and I spent the weekend arguing about exactly what was going on between me and one of my friends. I was dismissing it as not important, because as far as I could tell I wasn't doing anything wrong. She simply took that to mean that things were even worse than she thought, and that I was trying to hide it from her. It didn't help that she had bad experiences with betrayal in a past distance relationship, or that the girl in question is a rather open masochist. It added up to a series of roundabout coversations, where it was finally revealed exactly how bad the various misconceptions had gotten. The moral of the story? DON'T BEAT AROUND THE BUSH! Talk to her about it, openly and directly. Don't just tell her it bugs you, explain why and that you think she's ignoring you. That at least is the problem that you can deal with.

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