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Posts posted by foeofthelance

  1. Shinju sauntered over to Foe, swishing her hips in a seductive manner. It was lost on him, however, as his eyes weren’t on her hips. Instead his gaze was locked on her breasts, the gentle way they rose and fell, the slight bounce with each of her steps. She licked her lips suggestively, running the bare tip across her smile. Reaching up, she pinched her nipples, the sensitive pink buttons tightening at her touch. A small gasp of pleasure, and Foe’s jaw dropped. He was totally entranced.

    She slid one of her legs up his side, slipping it behind him to pull Foe closer to her for a kiss. She pressed her lips to his, and it wasn’t long before her tongue was seeking out his. Her hands turned his head slightly, so that she could trace the line of his jaw with her mouth, and so that she could nibble at the bottom of his ear, before sliding down his back to squeeze his ass. She worked her way back down his neck, until she came to the zipper that kept his flight suit closed. Taking it between her teeth, she lowered herself to the deck slowly. The zipper ran all the way down to his crotch, and when she had reached the bottom a few golden hairs showed over the fabric, just above a rather noticeable bulge.

    There was a clatter from the far end of the table, across which Janiece sprang, leaping over the fucking forms of Alda and her half demon lover. Foe had just enough time to realize what was going to happen and put himself between Janiece and Shinju before the former leapt off the table.

    “Wha-” Shinju managed to ask as Foe moved.

    “He is /mine!/” Janiece said fiercely. She was pressing into Foe, and he could feel her naked breasts against his chest, causing his cock to twitch in anticipation.

    “Well, wait your turn!” Shinju snapped as she stood up.

    ‘What the hell did she get into?’ Foe thought, though it was hard with all the hormones in the air, as he tried to stay between the two girls. They were circling around him like a pair of lions staking out their prey. He turned to Shinju. “She’s sort of right, in a way. I’m her master of sorts.” He turned to Janiece. “And as for you-”

    “Master?” Shinju asked huskily, her voice thick with lust.

    “Yeah, it is kind of a long story,” Foe said, not really paying attention to her.

    “She should show proper respect!” Janiece insisted. Foe thought he could smell a trace of alcohol on her breath. That, at least, explained one of them. “You are master of the ship and-”

    Janiece suddenly found herself cut off as Shinju kissed her. Foe blinked at the sudden turn of events. Shinju just seemed to flow against Janiece, her body melding with the other girl’s. Janiece looked over at Foe, and he merely shrugged. Even open all the way, his flight suit was becoming a little tight.

    Janiece was a little taller, so Shinju had to stand on the balls of her feet to whisper, “Show me how to properly respect our master.”

    Janiece nodded, all thoughts of anger banished from her mind in a haze of lust. The two women kissed again before parting, each stepping to one side of Foe. They then each took hold of one side of his uniform and slid it back and over his shoulders, lowering it to his waist before they allowed it to drop to the floor in a pool around his feet. As the cloth feel away his cock sprang forward, hard and eager.

    The girls set to work on him. With one hand Shinju cupped his ass, while the other hand began to slowly stroke his cock from about half way along his length, gently peeling his foreskin back before sliding it back across the head of his member. Janiece did likewise, crossing Shinju’s arm with her own, so that she had Foe’s other cheek in hand. That left her left hand free to play with his sack. They rubbed their bodies against his, sliding their breasts up and down against his arms while grinding their pelvises against his hips. Both women were already wet, and they left a faint trace of their juices behind on his skin.

    That’s not to say that Foe was and idle participant. He caught both girls by the ass and began to toy with their supple flesh. As their heads bent to nibble and suck at his neck he returned the favor, playing with the sensitive spot behind their ears. Soon they were all awash with fevered desire, and only the touch of the others could provide a cure.

    The girls continued to kiss their way down his chest, pausing for a moment to toy with his nipples. Foe gasped as Shinju dragged her teeth across one, while Janiece sucked hard on the other. They halted their teasing for a moment, so that they could exchange yet another lingering kiss, before returning to their task. They passed quickly down his stomach, flicking his navel with their tongues before approaching their real destination.

    They started with just their tongues at first. Janiece took the lead this time, gently, almost hesitantly, running the tip of her tongue along the side of his shaft, starting at the base and ending just shy of the exposed head. Shinju then took over from the other side, running from just below the head down to the base of his cock. Just as she pulled away Janiece returned, this time brushing her lips against his hot skin in place of her tongue. So it went, each girl taking a turn before allowing the other one to replace her, each adding her own variation, until they both had some portion of his dick in their mouth.

    On a sudden impulse Janiece reached across and slid her hand between Shinju’s legs. She fumbled for a moment, not entirely sure of her actions, when her finger brushed against damp skin. Shinju let out a satisfied moan at the touch, and it was enough to encourage Janiece to explore further. Leaning over a little she continued to rub her fingers across the area, until she reached what seemed to be a hard little nub. Curious, she rubbed it between her thumb and forefinger, and Shinju gasped with delight. Not wanting the other girl to feel left out, Shinju reach over and began to finger Janiece right back.

    This left Foe in a slightly awkward position. A firm believer in ‘Give as ye receive’, he seemed to be only on the receiving end. He had little to do, as all he could do with the girls on their knees was toy with their hair. He had tried to tease their tits, but the position was uncomfortable, and he felt he hadn’t been doing a very good job. Now was the time to correct that.

    Bending at the knees, he reached down and cupped Janiece’s chin, pulling her up to him for a kiss. He moved his hand as they embraced, sliding it across her chest until he was holding her breast in the palm of his hand. He began to squeeze it gently, shifting position slightly to trace the areola with the pad of his thumb, being careful not to cross the tight little bud of her nipple. His other hand slipped between her legs, his fingers rubbing against the folds of her sex. With a slight adjustment they slipped inside, and she shuddered against him as a shock of liquid pleasure ran through her. She sank against him, pressing her body into his, silently begging for more.

    Still kneeling, Shinju decided to take advantage of Janiece’s sudden departure and show Foe just how talented she really was. She circled the head of his cock with her fingers, holding it up and away from her, exposing the underside. She then took his balls in her mouth, rolling them around with her tongue. Finding the centerline between them she let them go, leaving only the very edge of the tip of her tongue in contact with his flesh. From there she began to lick the bottom of his dick, moving so slowly that at times it didn’t seem as if she was moving at all.

    It was quite possibly the single most exquisite torture Foe had ever gone through. He had been nuzzling Janiece’s neck at the moment, and there had only been one way for him to react as each individual nerve fired off a report. His teeth clamped down as he sucked in, and Janiece in turn raked her nails across his back as her own pleasure mixed with pain. This, of course, only served to encourage Foe to suck harder.

    Shinju smiled as the two bodies above tensed up, or she would have had she not just taken all of Foe’s cock into her mouth. When it had just been her tongue she had gone slow, but now she rapidly increased her pace. Foe’s hips shifted unconsciously as his dick sought the damp warmth as her head bobbed up and down his length. She squeezed some precum out of the tip and eagerly lapped it up. A quick swish of her tongue and she was off of him again, now licking her way down the top of his cock with quick, crisscrossing slashes of her tongue.

    Foe couldn’t take it any more. He needed to fuck something and /fast/. He curled his arm around Janiece and eased her to the side, before roughly hauling Shinju to her feet and spinning her around. Caught off balance Shinju reached for a nearby chair to steady herself, bending over in the process. That suited Foe just fine. With one hand on her hip to steady the both of them, he guided his cock to her waiting pussy and shoved it in as far and fast as possible. He wasn’t quite all the way in when he bottomed out, so he rocked back before thrusting into her again.

    “Oh fuck me!” Shinju managed to gasp out as Foe began a steady in-out rhythm. She was a little smaller than the average woman, and had long since discovered that a little finger play helped things along later. But aside from Janiece’s brief foray earlier, there had been nothing to prepare her Foe. Her cunt was wet, hot, and oh so tight, and she could feel her walls stretching with each thrust, trying to accommodate him. The good news was that unlike some of her previous lovers he could fill her without trying to stuff more of him in her than she could comfortably take.

    Janiece began to feel a little left out of the festivities, and sat down spread legged on the chair Shinju was bent over. Shinju leaned forward a little bit, causing Foe to slam into her just a little harder, and glided her tongue over the Norse girl’s breasts. She teased the delicate pink nipples, first rocking them back and forth with her tongue, then blowing gently on them, then rolling them between her lips. As she teased the slave she decided to torture the master as well. She had amazing muscle control, and as he thrust back into her she just sort of…squeezed.

    Foe grunted as Shinju’s pussy suddenly became incredibly tight. If it hadn’t been from the lack of resistance, he would have sworn she had been a virgin when they started. As it was, the way her slick walls were rubbing up and down his shaft was making any thought more difficult than ‘in’ or ‘out’ a little complicated. He felt his balls begin to tighten in anticipation, and was lost as his entire body shook with his orgasm. His fingers sank almost painfully into her flesh as his cock spurted come deep inside of Shinju. Shinju felt the hot, thick come hit her walls, and her own climax went off in response.

    And with that, it was over. Somewhere in the confusion of pleasure and ecstasy Janiece had managed to come as well. Exhausted, the three of them simply sagged over, Shinju and Foe ending up in a tangled heap on the ground. As the three tried to recover, there was a smattering of applause from the table.

    “A most impressive display,” the demon commented. He and Alda had sat up after they had finished, to watch the others with voyeuristic delight. Even then Alda had remained sitting on his lap, his cock still hard and buried inside of her. Every so often he would caress her clit or shift inside of her, providing a constant barrage of gentle pleasure.

    Foe waved a hand dismissively from his position on the floor. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his body tried to reprioritize blood flow, but it seemed to be the only muscle left capable of activity. It was somewhat hard to breathe, but that had more to do with the way Shinju was lying across his chest. /She/ didn’t seem to be at a loss for energy, and was still fondling his cock as they cuddled. He patted the deck on his other side, and Janiece slid off the chair and into his arm.

    “So what’s next?” Alda gasped as Valen slid his finger over a particularly sensitive spot.

    “Mmm,” Foe mused. “Well, we should probably track down the missing Harry Potter first. The other guy seemed kind of important, but I’m more worried about the way Gor was erased. If the potter kid knows something, then he takes priority.”

    “So, to Hogwarts then?” Shinju asked.

    Foe nodded. “Cal, take us out!”

  2. Out of curiosity, am I the only one who actually read the details of the articles, including the attached one from the NYT? First Item: The intent is to monitor international coomunications routed through the U.S., not domestic correspondence. Also, consider the volume of those communications. It it is far more likely that the programs are going to look for a few key words, flag such messages, and then dump 90% of them as false alarms.

    Second item: According the NYT article, the program was already going on. What the government did was create a framework for how it has to operate, rather than allowing it to remain in the black so to speak. That is what Congress is supposed to do: investigate and limit the actions of the intelligence agencies, and punish them as need be. This isn't the rise of Big Brother, or a move to dictatorship (which would involve heavy military action, and I doubt any politician could muster that kind of power) but simply business as usual.

    I'm afriad I don't understand how the government putting up rules for an intelligence gathering operation is a bad thing...

  3. There should be several programs running around the internet, though they were originally intended for AMV creation, which is sort of similar, I guess. Try looking for http://www.animemusicvideos.org/guides/avtech/amvapp.html The DVDecyrpter file set is probably good for ripping it straight to your computer, and the other files should allow you to alter the format for use with an editing program that can burn it straight to disc. (I will note though, that I have never personally attempted this. I use anime downloads for my footage, which I need to change for this con season.)

    If this works, I only demand one favor in return...a copy of that film!

  4. foe, as to your boss who is behaving inappropriately, in front of WITNESSES no less, I say that you need to do something about that. I don't give a damn what sex the other party is, harassment is harassment, and illegal in the workplace. YOU don't need to tolerate that shit.

    Well, to be fair, she's learned that she needs to be careful, as if she crosses a line I will get back, normally with the toe of one of my boots. If pressed, the bosses will just go, "What kick?" As do the customers, my family, her kids...

  5. Hey, what about us young'uns who have to deal with asshole older coworkers/bosses?

    P (60+)- I can't pull my laptop without him going, "Foe is looking at the naked ladies!" And it is ALL he says.

    N (33+)- Bad enough she runs around telling everyone that I'm either hitting on her or hitting her. No, she also happens to think she's a MILF, which, trust me, she is not. Kind of the opposite, really. Bad enough even the customers her age comment on it. Then there's the fact that she's always trying cop a feel or asking for details of what me and my girlfriend got into over the weekend. Work? What work? I've got to spend all of my time covering for her, because if something goes wrong her customers can't find her because she's outback smoking a cigarette!

    V (40+)- Not that bad actually, save for the fact he acts like he's sixteen. Fault of anyuresm a while back. I treat him like a younger kid brother, and it all works out ok.

    And it goes on and on. I could probably fill a rant on N alone. So to all the old foggies who think the younger generation doesn't have a work ethic...:think: You guys are just as bad!

  6. Not if the person that keeps killing you is in one. I have a thing against that.

    That's why I invited you into my guild, was to protect you from some of the predation. At our level, there's just not enough competition.

  7. I've got 5, all from trying to take on people of equal level to me, which sort of pissed me off.

    Though not as bad as when I managed to kill DrakInuLord. I was level 5 or 6, and I get the message. "The person you have killed is 10 or more levels higher than you, therefore no reward is earned." What's the point of launching a daring attack against a superpower if you can't get rewarded for it?

  8. Everyone should write! It helps to break up blocks and such. Matter of fact, I'll probably do some writing tonight for it. I kinda hoped that the words "Orgy" and "naked" would give someone ideas, but alas...

  9. I was reading through the NY Post this morning on my way to school, when I came across this Opinion Article: http://www.nypost.com/seven/01242008/posto...1868.htm?page=0

    After reading it, I couldn't help but wonder whether or not he had a point. So I sat down and wrote out a list of titles of works we had covered, starting in middleschool and working my way through high school. (College was left out, as we had dealt mostly with essays, rather than fiction pieces.) Wouldn't you know it? He was right! Everything from Shakespeare to Herman Melville, all had unbalanced, mentally troubled, or unethical male centers. The only two books which didn't have troubled men in it were the ones which had strong female leads. Apparently if a guy is the lead, then he has to have problems with his identity and/or morals, yet its ok for women to be perfect!

    I was curious if this was something that held true for others, and what people might have to say in response to the article.

  10. I voted Other as well, as that at least, is a provable fact. Yes, religion has inspired plenty of atrocities, from the Crusades to the current War on Terror. (I deliberately specified those two. They are exact inverses of either in all but execution.) Yet at the same time it has also proven itself to be a great tool for good, in the form of organziations such as the Salvation Army and Red Cross. The Islamic religion inspired many great astronomers, physicians, and philosophers. Heck, even the Indians managed to give us the Kama Sutra! So to try and portray religion as an absolute evil or absolute good is, to me, a flawed idea. As with all of mankind's tools it is more easy to determine its alignment based on the actions and intents of those who use it.

    As for my personal beliefs, I'm a rather religious agnostic. I do believe there is at least one God, perhaps two or three. (Either that or Murphy is some sort of demi-god incarnation of chaos.) Yet I find that the regimented existance of church to be less than satisfying. That's not to say that the Bible isn't an interesting read. (I was raised and confirmed Catholic. Due to the way the ceremony was performed, I managed to get confirmed despite not agreeing with several things.) I'll still toss of a lord's prayer when I pass a church or graveyeard, and give a good word for those who have gone before, but I no longer participate in the pageantry and ceremonies.

  11. I was dismissing the necessity of clinging to the origin. We don't need a belief in god to justify those rights and so the origin is insufficient justification for making such broad statements as "In God We Trust." I do believe we have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but not because Thomas Jefferson said it. I want those rights because I think it makes for a more peaceful and pleasant to live in country. And so, foeofthelance, no you may not have My share.

    In regards to this, all I will ask is one question: Is it bad to cling to those beliefs? I'm not trying to sway you from your opinion; both of us have already made our positions quite clear and simply disagree. It appears to me that you would be more than willing to deny the role faith plays in the inherent belief in those rights. Not that faith is required for them, but that for someone to believe in those rights based on their faith is wrong. There are people who live their lives according to the tenets of their religion, both for the security of mind it brings them to have answers proivded, as well as the comfort of knowing that there is something more to their existance than just the ordinary drudge. Is it wrong for those people to believe in their rights based on their faith? And if so, how is it anymore right or wrong as compared to your own philosophy. In either case the end result is the same, merely reached by different paths.

    As for the rest, we shall simply agreed to disagree. While I heartily agree in regards to voting based on religious beliefs vs. drafting laws based on religion, I simply find that there is too much in reality that hints at a greater being, whereas you seem to see the opposite. Ah well, and tis a shame I can't have your share! :)

    One last question though. If I were to be elected president, and I plan on running hopefully in the '24 election, and changed my name to God, legally, would there still be a problem with printing in God We Trust on money? I mean, hopefully you can trust me, even if I do become a politician. I do want to try and actually solve most of the current problems, and if the best solution for this is to just give athiests a secular God...

  12. Really? I must have missed that... That'll teach me to write at 1 in the morning...

    EDIT: Ok, fixed for now. Folks, can I please ask that the warping to hell and random fistfighting be curtailed for the time being? This is supposed to be a cooperative work, and that doesn't really happen if the first thing characters do is remove each other from the story.

  13. Does this mean, Foeofthelance, that you believe that a faith in god is necessary for believing in the right to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? Your post implied that religion is necessary for those beliefs.

    Not at all, actually! What I was questioning was your apparent dismissal of the origins of those rights, especially through the comparisons to slavery and violence. (The second point on which I also disagree. Personally, I believe that anyone who does not accept that a certain point there comes a time to stop talking and actively defend themselves deserves what comes to them. By that same token, anyone who seeks to impede my own ability to defend myself is actively trying to expose me to danger, and thus any action I seek to take against them can in part be justified. Admittedly this breaks down with the more extreme courses of action...) Faith, as far as I am concerned, is no less a too for the advancement of humanity than philosophy is, and to dismiss it simply because it is founded on the basis of an unseen/unheard/unknown outside power, rather than the fact that we learned to walk on two legs and beat each other with knives and guns instead of sticks and stones, is false. The concepts of human and civil rights have their basis in both of those categories, so being hostile to one or the other just seems wrong to me.

    As to the Texas Constitution, I do in fact believe in a Supreme Being. I call her Mother. For even I was the Governor of the state, I'm sure she'd have no problem showing up to tan my hide! I hold a similar idea when it comes to science. I don't question that evolution or any of the other scientific explanations for the origins of life and the universe. What I question is how that suspposedly proves the non-existance of god(s). As I mentioned before, the definiton of a god is an omniescent being, with unlimited knowledge and power. So why such a being would willingly create a system it is going to have to interfere with every billion years or so just doesn't make sense to me. I've spent enough time looking into time and space and all the various things we think we've discovered, that I sincerely hope that there is something running around out there making sure everything does what it is supposed to. I will question whether or not man is God's ultimate creation. If you had that kind of time and awareness, would you spend so much time concentrating on one little mudball? Granted, we could be some generic experiment to see if life is worth exporting to other planets... :)

    Oh, and what's this about a flame war? No one told me to expect to be going into battle! Give me a moment to dress and arm myself, please! Now, where did I leave that hydrant...

  14. Actually, Shinju, it tends to be more about the way it gets carried out. For right now the biggest proponents of polygamy in America are some very orthodox Mormon sects, which also tend to think the best age to marry a girl is around 13 or 14, even when her husband is in his mid to late 50s. If it was proposed by another group, one with out the Mormon's history, then I think it would likely pass, especially in today's modern world. We've already accepted gay rights. (Actually, the entire gay rights movement is, in my opinion bull. I was fairly we'd taken care of all that back when we passed the Civil Right's act of the sixties. What was the line again? "May not be discriminated against based on sex, race, age, or creed?" I'm sure we can define homosexuality based upon one of those... Either it's genetic, which makes it a sex, or its a personal choice, which makes it a creed...)

  15. Slavery is a part of the heritage of the United States as well, shall we venerate it as well? Heritage doesn't have any innate value beyond what can be learned from it. Many of the people who founded this country predicted that it would only survive a couple of generations before a violent revolution broke out and even almost counted on it. Should our currency read "In Violence We Trust"? Of course not, its ridiculous. These examples are exaggerated and perhaps somewhat unfair but the point I'm making is that not all of the things that were predominant in US culture at the time of this country's founding are values we must cling to.

    Another issue is that when we state "In God We Trust" on items produced by the Federal Government no one here can honestly deny that this doesn't imply that the federal government's decisions are heavily weighed against religious considerations. While some may not see this as a bad thing, I think that, as an atheist, it certainly makes it seem as if I should be excluded from decision making processes. While its true that I'm still allowed to vote, run for office (in most states), etc the message is still there, and its a poor one.

    Warning! Following post is going to be slightly combative! Agaib, can you please explain to me how people expressing faith in a higher power is a "poor one"? You mention the fact that the founding father's thought that the country they created was going to fall apart in a few short years. They were right, it did. The American Confederation ran into a few problems, so they threw a convention and then we became the United States of America. These were religious men. They hoped that somewhere there was a being that was infalliable, and had none of man's weaknesses. They expressed this both in their papers and their actions, and yes, this is just as much a part of our heritage as slavery. And from both things we should learn. From slavery, we learned that we were just as pigheaded and capable of cruelty as any one else, but that when it came down to it, we were not only willing to change the nation, but could surivive such a change. From the faith of the founding fathers we can also take a lesson, in that the rights we enjoy as citizens of America are something so natural, that only a being of infinite power could say otherwise. That faith brought about the line "...the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Those aren't values to worth clinging to? In that case, mind if I have your share?

    In my opinion, the government is no more swayed by religion than they are the power of any other major special interest group. Just because a series of words are printed on pieces of paper does not mean it has much effect on the government in total. Granted, the more conservative aspects will often cloak themselves in the mantle of religion, both as a means of defining themselves and establishing the reason for their views. Yet somehow I just don't see Nancy Pelosi catering to the religious right, anymore than I can believe George W. Bush of catering to Greenpeace. The seperation of church and state was established to protect the citizens from the government establishing a state religion and persecuting because of it. It was not intended to force politicians to forget the basis on which they built their morals. How does our faith prevent you from participating in any form? You already admitted you have the right to vote. You can campaign for whomever you wish, in what ever (legal) manner you wish. And yes, you can in fact run for office in any state you wish, so long as you meet the eligibility requirements. Which, as far as I know, are residency based, not religious. Would you win? No, but only because people prefer to vote for someone who generally shares their view of the world. That's not prejudice or bias against you because you're an atheist, that's simply disagreeing with you.

    As for the topic of evolution, I don't see what the big deal is. I believe in both God and evolution. Its not that difficult. After all, it only makes sense that an omnipresent, omniescient being would build an autocorrect feature into It's creations. Things that need to be repaired are for lesser engineers.

  16. "Cal, can you bring her back? I need some answers first, especially about what the hell is going on here!" He wasn’t sure who the other guy had been, but that was something to worry about later. That staff of his had to have been magical, as mechanical Jumpers could only transport the bearers or the craft they were in. Since the man had hung around after the girl had vanished... Everything seemed to corkscrew as Cal shifted the patch of ground Shinju had been on through forty seven different universes, looking for one where she hadn't been teleported away. She reappeared on her knees, clutching the shattered remains of the pink orb. Shinju looked like she was about to cry, and Janiece was drawing attention again. At least time no one was screaming about her tits though.

    “Cal, privacy screen please,” Foe asked. The air around them shimmered, and the area past faded to a pale shade of grey. They were now, effectively, immune to all forms of electronic eavesdropping, as well as most magical. It had been a parting gift from Elminster for dealing with a particularly nasty zombie plague. Foe turned to the girl and sighed. “Ok, now what is this about your stuff being in Cal?”

    The girl looked at him, her eyes hard as steel. “Well, where else was I supposed to put it? I was looking for something fun to do, so I figure we’ll team up and travel to the stars. Go see if there are aliens or something. And now you have to take me with you, or you’ll be stealing!” She frowned for a moment. “And who is Cal?”

    “I AM.” The voice that rumbled forth from the ship’s speakers was deep and ominous, as if it had issued from some fell being.

    “Cal, knock it off,” Foe ordered. He wondered if the girl had any idea what she was asking. Jumping dimensions wasn’t all fun and games. Meet aliens? Half of them would shoot her on sight, simply for being human. The other half would just try and eat her, most of them successfully.

    “Sorry, I just don’t like strangers thinking they can dump their stuff in me,” the ship replied. “So, to teach her some manners I displaced it all into a star.”

    “YOU DID WHAT?!?” Shinju shrieked. “How could you? That was everything I owned!” She seemed to be on the verge of tears again. She began to beat on Cal’s hull with her fists, screaming, “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!”

    She managed to maintain the fit for several seconds before Cal levitated her about two feet away, and a foot off the ground. “Stop, that tickles,” he warned her. “And that will teach you to ask before simply deciding you can make your home inside another sentient being!”

    Foe pinched his nose as he shook his head. “Will the two of you please knock it off? I’m starting to get a headache.”

    “Sorry, boss,” Cal apologized.

    “Well, he started it!” Shinju added petulantly.

    “Perhaps we should take her with us?” Janiece suggested. “To make up for Cal getting rid of her belongings?”

    “Good idea, Tits!” Shinju said as she turned to Foe. “C’mon, you owe me for my stuff!”

    Foe stopped to think about that. It wouldn’t be the first time that he had had a guest onboard while traveling. Besides, she’d already jumped dimensions once, which meant she was likely to attract a Black Hat. She didn’t seem very well prepared for a visit from one of them. Most people weren’t. “All right, fine. Cal, would it be ok if she travels with us?”

    “I guess so.”

    Foe nodded and turned back to Shinju. “Ok, fine, you can come with us. However, there are certain rules you have to follow, and you have to promise to swear to follow them. If you don’t, I’ll have Cal leave you somewhere unpleasant, which, considering the number of places we’ve been, is probably worse than you can imagine.”

    “I promise!” Shinju quickly swore.

    “Fine, here’s the deal then,” Foe said. “First, you do as we tell you at all times. I don’t want to get my head blown off because you didn’t do as you were told. It stings like a mother fucker. Second, you don’t go poking around inside Cal. You’ll be given a room, as well as access to the usual gigs, but that’s it. Anything you want you can ask for, and he’ll provide it. You go looking where you don’t belong and I swear I will neither look for you nor try to stop what ever you find from trying to eat you.”

    “Um,” Janiece said before hesitating.

    “Oh yeah, and don’t call Janiece Tits, either,” Foe added. “She’s part of the crew as well, and she out ranks you, got that?”

    “Fine, fine, I get it. Spoilsport,” Shinju said with a pout.

    “Look, do you want to come or not?” Foe demanded.

    “I guess,” Shinju answered.

    “Good, in that case, Cal!” Foe called. “I want you to go to platform delta. Use the Serenity protocols. Put this girl in the dining hall, then bounce. Keep her there until I get back. Oh, and take Janiece with you.”

    “Wa-” Shinju began to protest, but never got the chance to finish. There were two loud /cracks!/ and both girls vanished.

    “Now, to see what that other woman wanted…” Foe mumbled as the privacy field collapsed. The elfin woman was still standing there, though she looked slightly confused. Foe didn’t notice right away, as his eyes had been drawn immediately to the rather ample cleavage she was displaying. Her blouse seemed somewhat archaic, with crossing string rather than buttons holding it closed. There was, however, not nearly enough string to hold in her magnificent breasts, and the front of her shirt left little to the imagination as a result.

    “Wasn’t there a ship there a moment ago?” the woman asked. “As well as two other girls?”

    “Maybe?” Foe offered unhelpfully. He wanted to be sure this wasn’t a Black Hat ruse. The damned creatures were more than capable of impersonating a human, and they did so quite often. Granted, she could be another Jumper, but that wasn’t anymore reason to let his guard down. “Who are you?”

    “Oh, I thought I introduced myself already…” the woman said, looking confused again. This time Foe did notice. “My name is Aldatariel Calentaur. I was told to look for a man named Foe, and when I heard that girl call you that… Well, I /swear/ there was a girl there…”

    /Careful, Foe. I’m reading some string flux around her. She’s not from this world./ Cal warned over the implant in Foe’s head. It made life easier when one needed to communicate in space. Unfortunately, with the exception of the various Star Wars universes, there wasn’t any gases to speak through, which made the mental link all that more important.

    “Where did you say you were from again?” Foe asked.

    “Er, I didn’t,” Alda answered. “Why?”

    “I just don’t think you’re one of the locals,” Foe replied. He reached up with one hand and brushed away her long brown hair, revealing one delicately tipped ear.

    Alda blushed. “I’m not, exactly. I mean, I am, but somehow I ended up in my story, and then I came back, and all he said was that we needed to find you, and that’s not making any sense, is it?”

    “No, it isn’t,” Foe chuckled. He decided she wasn’t a Black Hat. If she was, she’d have tried to kill him when he found her ear. The Black Hats could only be subtle up until a certain point. “So who sent you to look for me?”

    “Um…” Alda was clearly hesitating, which only made Foe more curious.

    “Go on…” he prompted.

    “Well, you have to understand, Valen is a bit weird…”

    “Alda, I live in a talking one-dimensional spacecraft. I’ve got everything from a Dire Wolf to a AT-AT parked inside of it, and I’ve had more than a few chances to use them. What could be so weird about him?”

    “The fact that he’s a half demon?”

    Foe began to laugh out loud at the timid way she phrased it. “Well, as long as he doesn’t try and steal my soul when I’m sleeping or anything. Did he say why I’m so important?”

    Alda frowned. “We have to go save someone named Parry Hotter?”

    Foe frowned in return. “I…think I know who that is. Sort of. Hold on a second.” /Cal, two to beam up!/

    There was a sound like thunder as the ship popped back into the parking lot, followed by two more quieter ones as Cal moved Foe and Alda into the dining hall. Janiece was sitting in a chair, clutching a glass of water as if it were a lifeline. Foe soon understood why. Shinju was leaning against the wall, reading a book. She was also entirely naked. Once more Foe found himself admiring an amazing pair of breasts. The far end of a C cup, if he was any judge, with nice dark nipples that seemed to perk right up under his gaze. Her stomach was flat and toned, with a thin strip of hair running up from between her legs.

  17. Zyx, I think part of the problem is how you are trying to define "own". Yes, authors do own their original works. It falls under the Intellectual Property laws, such as copyrights and trademarks. These basically give the author the ability to sell and distribute their work (and there is a good reason we refer to things as works of art) without someone ripping them off big time. Some authors prefer to be strict about their stuff, some don't. AFIK, JK Rowling has admitted to having read some fanfics, would prefer some of it doesn't exist, but also isn't worried about it ruining her books' reputation.

    There is something known as 'fair use', essentially where a work is bastardized either for parody or satire, and this is where fanfic authors like to make their stand. Whether or not it is fair use is up to the courts to decide, but they've generally been fair about, and either way its not a big enough deal for the publishers themselves to go after people/sites such as AFF, who do it for fun and make no profit. The two cases you cited, the first was an attempt at profit, and I think the second may be one of the "leaked" copies Scholastic was attacking before the release of Deathly Hallows. In those cases the publisher has every right to go after those people. First, as a matter of quality control. Copyrights are tricky things, which need to be defended at every turn. One false step can cost the company the right to claim they hold it. (This is, for example, why Marvel puts out a Captain Marvel title every so often. It prevents DC from taking the title for their Captain Marvel.) There's also a matter of quality control, from fan works. Sites like AFF willingly acknowledge that we're using someone elses world for our fics. From the sounds of things, the two you mentioned didn't.

    I've got a fairly long winded tale on the website in the originals section, concerning nthe going ons of a high school. Several people have suggested to me that I script it and market it to the CW or some other teen targeting network. I just might. But if some tried to beat me to it, and trust me it would be rather obvious, I'd be taking them to court to not only get them to stop, but to get any money they may have already made. I wrote the story. I dealt with all the headaches and writer block. Why should I they profit? That'd be like spending 8 hours on an assembly line every day of the week just to let someone else pick up the paycheck.

    Now, can authors ask that people not write fanfics? Sure. Anne Rice did it. People don't like her attitude about it, so they pretty much ignore her requests. She can try and go after every fanfic writer, but that'd be like the RIAA trying to sue every downloader. They go after some, get some publicity, scare a few more, and yet nothing happens in the long run. Other authors have made the same request. I know Larry Niven asked that no one write any more Man-Kzin fanfics after reading one that involved a rather brutal interspecies rape. For the most part I think people have listened, because he asked for the sake of his books being respected, not because he was god. And thats what it comes down to basically. If an author asks that fanfics not be written, all they have to use is the respect that their fans have for them.

    So fair use is good, plagiarism is bad, and violating copyright gets you a whole lot of lawyers on your head.

  18. I don't know. I doubt there's ever such a thing as a bad plot (having read both the Illuminatus Trilogy and Schrodinger's Cat trilogy), just really crappy authors. Take away the rape and the four year old, and its pretty much any other 'sex prevents the plague/demon/apocalypse themed story. I'd wager that half the people here could take the same central ideas and come up with something not only acceptabel, but enjoyable.

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