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Posts posted by RogueMudblood

  1. From your current profile:

    Someone told me that they couldn't review one of my stories on this site, so if you have trouble could you please use the link to Dreamwidth and leave a comment on the top entry to let me know? I'm always happy when I get a review and if the site is messing this up somehow I'd like to know so I can get it sorted out. (It could just have been a glitch, but it's been so long since I had any comments from this site that there's no way for me to know!)

    Can you explain please what the issue was? Did they describe it at all? Because if it was while they were accessing an old link yesterday while DG was getting the URL redirect in place, that could explain it.

    As far as I'm aware, there are no issues that would cause this. Now, if the user as banned from the site, and their complaint was that their profile was removed and they couldn't login to leave a review, frankly, we don't delete without reason.

    If there is a technical issue, we'd prefer to be aware of it rather than users choosing to just post about it on their profiles, to be honest. Unlike some other sites, we pay attention to reports we receive. ;)

  2. Pen Name: RogueMudblood
    Story link: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094780&chapter=7
    Review replies link: www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/49543-review-replies-and-we-continue-on/
    Type of fic: Flashfic
    Rating: Adult +
    Fandom: The Monster Squad
    Pairing: Rudy/Phoebe (As stated in the author's note - and made as clear as possible in the text - this takes place eighteen years after the movie ends, so all parties are adults.)
    Warnings: AFFO, Angst, ChallengeFic, Fingering, H/C, M/F, Oral, UST, Violence, WIP

  3. Actually, Rasengan22 was unwilling to comply with the site's terms of service. S/He was repeatedly warned regarding non-compliant disclaimers.

    Having said that, there were no stories on the profile when it was removed from the archive for an invalid e-mail.

  4. Thankfully not from here, Rogue. :) There's actually quite an improvement in reception of reviews on AFF since I went on hiatus seven years ago, but then again it could be a category thing, since I stick almost exclusively to original works now.

    Glad to hear it!

    A: Thanks Bryosgirl. I do appreciate the fact that I can vent my frustration without being condemned by everyone. To be honest, I never had a reveiw deleted before I came ot AFFnet so it has been quite a horrible shock overall.

    You'll find that those of us in the forums are rather an open-minded - if passionate - bunch. ;)

    Now: as to an example of what I mean on the rules issue -

    This is the disclaimer as it appears now (don't worry, the mods will warn on it, if they haven't already)


    Yes, it's a fanfiction, and the rules for disclaimers are different than in originals. However, given the fact that the author didn't name the fandom, only states that they are not making profit from the characters (neglecting any other element of fandom) and feels a declaration on an adult site that adult content is included is necessary, I know that reviewing this story will likely give me a headache.

    It was one of the rules I made for myself when I started reviewing for the R.A. here in the forums - if you can't get the basics right, it's not worth my time to bother with your story, and I'll move on to the next person. That might sound uppity, but look at it from my perspective: that story is likely going to be hidden or deleted. Why waste my time explaining to the author that the ampersand doesn't belong in prose -ever- and that I'm not quite sure how come (cum) can "quirt"? (It is a word, by the way, which our horse handlers here in the forums will recognize immediately.)

    I'm of the opinion that it's not worth my suffering, so I'll move on to someone who actually wants to know what people think of their writing. By the time you're old enough to be posting here, you should have moved past the "I don't care how I present my stuff as long as it's out there" phase and into the "I'd really like to know if my writing's worth a damn" phase. Sadly, that isn't always the case.

    What I would do is pick one section of originals - say, SciFi (and subsection) - and give concrit there for a week. If the authors there aren't receptive, move to another subsection and so on until you find the niche with people that want well-balanced concrit.

  5. When I started writing again (this time original fiction), I came across a story that the author swore up and down was a "thoughtful exploration of the relationship between a teacher and student". By the third chapter I was ready to gouge my eyes out from the angsty teenage cliche fest. In the review I explained (politely) that so far none of it came across as realistic and suggested that aside from developing the characters it would be worth doing some research on the psychology of the relevant relationship type. Not a day later I got an irate message back from the author, who claimed I was making personal attacks and assumptions. How they got that out of, "Someone interested in a genuine relationship isn't going to do X," I'll never know, but for a few weeks I didn't bother reviewing anything I read, good or bad.

    While I hope that wasn't here, I have the nasty feeling it was. We have a few authors in that section that are the reason some of us call it diva-ville.

    Frankly, if I'm taking the time to write you a review, and you feel it's necessary to take it personally when I - at least once - note that it's a critique of the work, my response to you is going to be along the lines of "if you didn't want my opinion, why did you post it on the internet?"

    If that incident was about two year ago, I already have two immediate candidates come to my mind as the ones who would have reacted that way, both of whom have been banned from the site permanently due to repeated terms of service infractions.

    I have a couple rules when I'm reading here at AFF. One I won't bore you with. ;) The other is simple: does this story conform to the terms of service? If the answer is no, I'm not going to bother. Why? If you can't make your story fit within the simple rules and guidelines of this site (we have a lot fewer than many other sites I've seen), that means you can't take anyone 'hampering' your 'creativity' with things like a disclaimer and chapters that consist of actual story, and other things which irk me as a reader and moreso as a staff member.

    So if you can't take a little bit of rules and regulations, that likely means that you can't take criticism. Good or bad. And that means that we're going down the "how dare you attack me by saying I need to turn on spellcheck?!" road (only probably with a few misspellings in it). I believe in being open and honest, and if I honestly didn't like your story because your grammar left me cringing, I'm going to tell you that. I'm just going to word it more politely. It might take me a half hour (or more) to figure out how to do so, but I will tell you.

    I'm going to comment on your characters' traits and personalities - whether they mesh or don't, especially if it's original fic. Why more there? Because if your characters are inconsistent in their personalities from one chapter to the next, unless your writing a schizo or bi-polar story (truly, someone that suffers from that disorder), then you need to know that so you can develop your writing skills. But if me giving you a character analysis translates into a "how dare you?!" e-mail, PM, IM, Tweet, counter-review, etc, I will not be amused, and you will know it. If you're actually bold enough to leave it on my review board, the whole forum will have access to my reaction, because it will be in my response thread. And, yes, I'll definitely consider it 'using the review board for purposes other than reviewing' if there's nothing there relating to my story and I'll screen it and pop up a thread on it in the staff forums for DG to make a call.

    IMO, if an 'author' can't take criticism, they're not really an author. Think of every published author you like. How many times have they had to suffer slings and arrows? Now think of every published author you don't like. 'Nuff said.

  6. Please re-read:

    I looked through several different things to see if I could find a reason for this. Not finding anything as a staff action.

    If DG can find no record that the staff removed it, that leaves author deletion. Could it be possible that you deleted it and don't recall? Since the title eludes you, is it possible at all that you may not recall having deleted the story?

  7. Demonadine - Thank you for taking the time to read and review!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D I'm trying to keep the aspect of the campy humor that was present in the movie. Even so, I do want it to explore the pseudo-horror aspect as well, so do bear in mind that it will venture into that realm eventually.

    With each of the chapters being short (as determined by the requirements of the challenge), building up to that without losing the characteristics of Rudy and still maintaining an air of mystery has certainly presented some intriguing moments in the writing process for me. It's good to know that the approach I've been using is actually being perceived as intended. :)

    I hope you continue to read and find the piece enjoyable!

  8. Do you mean the sequel?

    Second Sight
    Sequel to Perceived Perceptions. Paaragora is looking to open trade with Trovilla, so Liam has been sent to fetch a very special gift from their new friends. But Danne and Tamall don't want him to make it back home. Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, Bond, BP, Death, H/C, Language, M/M, Oral, Violence, WIP
    Fantasy & Science Fiction > General
    Rated [Adult++] -:- Chapters [13] -:- Published [2007-12-31] -:- Updated [2009-07-19 03:59:43] -:- Edited [2009-07-19] -:- Hits [1025] -:- Reviews [9] -:- Average / Total Vote [+++++ / 11]

  9. I tend to agree. Telling reviewers how to write their reviews will just turn them off even more.

    We shouldn't have to tell people that they need to be civil, or how to be civil for that matter, but we do have to tell them because that ability now evades the general internet denzien. If we didn't have to explain to people what courtesy was, then it wouldn't be an issue to begin with.

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