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Everything posted by CrazyPedantic
This happened in Australia, for those who don't know what I'm talking about. In short an 18 year old girl was murdered when she went on a camping trip or something with a guy she had met on facebook. Apparently it's not the first time this kind of thing has happened. (There's some kind of group or foundation set up by the parents of another girl it happened to a few years ago) The thing is this bloke had created a fake profile and interests in order to reel in young women. He was a predator on the prowl. I just want to make it clear that I am in no way intending to belittle the grieving families of these girls. Being murdered is wrong. Committing murder is wrong. The people who do these sort of acts are sick puppies. In this age of faceless communication where sites such as facebook and my space are the norm, I'm curious as to why common sense seems to have flown out the wondow? I remember back when the internet was first taking off (at least in Australia) back in the mid 90's. I was a teenager then, I remember the whole taboo and suspicion that was cast upon on-line dating sites. Everyone was warned be careful who you talk to and what you say, there might be a psycho on the other end of the keyboard. It appears to me that this idea has gone by the wayside. Of course not everyone on a dating site is a predator. But they are out there. I look at things like dating sites and facebook as things like pubs, concerts and nightclubs. You don't just wander off somewhere with someone you've never met before. They could be a nutter. It riles me up to suggest that there should be restrictions or checks put in place on things like facebook. The predators will get in anyway. What bugs me the most though is that none of these people who do get caught up in things like this demonstrate any common sense. I would never meet up with someone I'd only ever spoken to online unless I was in a very public place and more than likely had a friend with me. The Australian media has spent the last few days suggesting that teenage girls remove their photos off facebook as it encourages predators. I have a better idea, don't agree to "friend" people that you've never actually met. I get stupid requests to be a friend from people I've never heard of. I ask if I know them and they send suggestive messages back, so I ignore the friend request. I remember back when I was a kid about "Stranger Danger" it was a big thing that was drilled into me at both home and school. Is that not the norm anymore? My mother was always insistent on knowing where I was going and who I would be with. If I mentioned a new friend, she'd want to meet them first. When I hit 18 and was legal to drink and club etc. I got a lecture about being smart. Using that oh so uncommon common sense to evaluate whether a situation was going to be safe. (As safe as any 18 yr old will be) I also was told that whether it is fair or not, women are in greater danger of having bad things happen to them at night spots than men. I'm 31 now. I'm so glad I got those lectures. There were times I narrowly avoided very bad situations. Computers and the internet are standard tools in schools these days as well as in the home. Personally I think it's both the parents responsibility and to a lesser extent a school's responsibility to educate the young on the "Stranger Danger" concept in regards to internet predators. Cyber bullying has been considered to be a real form of harrassment, why not this? Sorry I had to get this out of my system, it's made me a grouchy bitch for a couple of days. Yelling at the TV is counter productive. Ranting here, gives me an outlet. Anyone got a comment? Agree? Disagree? I'm interested in knowing. Now that it's after 3am, I'm going to bed. So goodnight onto you all. CP
I don't own a MAC but I've got the 2007 Word on my laptop. I'm Brit born but live in Australia. It took me 5 hours to get the spellchecker to be anything but US spelling. One of my pet peeves is American spelling, it just bugs the hell out of me and I refuse to use it. (I'm not saying that other people shouldn't use just that I won't) I also have the problem of not being very technically minded, and I don't have the excuse of being artistic (I can't draw a straight line ). I randomly stumble on forum topics and add my unwanted two knuts. Having said that I think I might go and give your story a read. Keep on writing, even sporadically is better than none. TTFN
Okay, I read this years ago. It wasn't complete and I have never been able to find it again. Harry gets into the room of requirement just as Voldemort gets inside of Hogwarts. Harry casts some kind of spell that hides the school for a 1000 years. I remember Hermione was trying to stop him before he started the spell. The next chapter happens way in the future where the ruins of Hogsmeade is believed to be found and perhaps that can help the wizarding world locate Hogwarts. There's heaps of description about there not being a wizarding school in Britain for many years. The Weasley family and the Thomas family (as in Dean Thomas) are considered to be the elite of the wizarding world now. There's a short mention about Voldie's old war and blood prejudice, but it appears that this kind of nonsense is no longer followed. Alot of the rich pureblood familys like the Malfoy's died out after Hogwarts disappeared. No one had any idea about what had happened to the school, they assumed it was destroyed with a generation of witches and wizards and Voldemort. This sound familiar to anyone? I would love to know if it was ever finished and where I can find it.
<br /><br /><br />I believe the story you're looking for is called Some Secrets Should Be Told by Shananigans. Here's the link for it. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600012277 Yeah I loved that twist in the last chapter too.
<br /><br /><br />The collection I think you're looking for is by Tas. It's called SLYTHERIN STORIES and can be found here: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544183871 Thanks for the reminder of that, I had to go and read it again myself.
If she had been married to Ron at some point in the past it sounds like Out Of Control by Wildcatcdc. It's a BDSM fic and has Draco teaching Hermione how to be a good submissive. The author's page is here. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296845989 they've taken all their stories down. But there is a link there to their live journal. Hope that helps.
I don't know about anyone else but that's not alot of information to go on. Need more details than just the character names. If you're not sure of the plot details, just write what you remember and someone could easily recognise it. Just a suggestion. Good luck finding what you're looking for.
Sorry gotta disagree with you there. Okay I'm female and straight, but Molly a MILF? Only if you're sporting a bit of an Oedipus complex. Not refering to looks either, she's just way too domineering and overprotective.
Rude and /or Malicious consumers
CrazyPedantic replied to manta2g's topic in Legal Questions/Debates
I worked in retail for 15 years. That's half my life. (God what a depressing thought.) I ended up having a mental breakdown, which was so not fun. In my 15 years I have been verbally, physically and psychologically abused. I've had managers and supervisors that were bullies and made my life hell. I've had customers from hell who will yell at you for no reason. I've had a child's bike thrown at my head, because the idiot who wanted to return it had come to Layby rather than Refunds/Exchanges. I wasn't even rude, merely said sorry sir, the returns counter is at the front of the store, you have to make returns there. It was just lucky that I ducked because the bike went over my head and smashed a glass display panel. At another job I had teenagers (under 16) trying to buy cigarettes and stealing. When I'd ask them to leave they'd abuse me. First off I was a fat ugly slut, then a fat ugly mole and then a fat ugly whore. (I wish, I haven't gotten laid in years!) Then they stood in the doorway and threw stuff at me. I had to chop my hair off, they spat gum in it. I was doing a favour one saturday by working a checkout, something I didn't do often. The checkout supervisor had me in tears because I couldn't remember how to do a particular type of transaction. She was yelling at me and the customer was yelling at me. Yeah I don't like being called stupid. When I worked in a fast food place, I'd have people yelling about everything. People would want things that were sold at other places and expect you to know what they were. SIGH so very annoying. Needless to say, I hate retail and will never work in it again. (Once I'm well enough to work) Overall I'm pretty pleasant to staff. I say please, thankyou, if they can't answer my enquiry I ask if there's someone who can and if not I thank them anyway. I also apologise if my disorganisation holds them up. What I have no tolerance for is the silly idiots who stand there gossiping with their friends and messing with their phones. This one time I waited in a food hall at a chicken place for 10 minutes while the teenager at teh counter giggled and gossiped with her friend. Having reached the limit of my patience I politely interrupted her and requested to speak with the manager. She rolled her eyes and made a big production of going out into the kitchen and brought the manager out. Then she went back to speaking to her friend. If you can believe it the manager was even worse. They didn't think it was worth their attention that the store had no customers because the frontline staff member was too busy gossiping. Needless to say within 3 months that particular store was gone....can't imagine why. Okay my 2cents well and truly expended. -
I know this was posted yonks ago. But I have to say I know how you feel. For six years I lived in a really crappy flat. I had upstairs neighbours, downstairs neighbours and ones on either side. The woman who had her bedroom adjoining mine was a prostitute . A very loud and annoying one, that made it hard to sleep. So I started sleeping on the lounge and the other guy next door would be watching TV all night or playing console games, that once again I could hear through the walls. There were several people who lived below me the most annoying was the psycho nut who would run around the complex screaming his head off in the middle of the night and playing really crap and loud music in the middle of the night. The guy upstairs was really cool, he was as big as a bear and the only problem with him was that he had a balance problem and would fall over quite often. (He would quite often make a big thump, although not as annoying as everyting else.) Just over a year ago I had a mental breakdown. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety, a major factor in my going wonko was where I lived and that I had no peace and quiet and no privacy. I moved six months ago to an old drafty house, got an abandoned cat and now have been steadily improving my mental health. What did the caretakers (landlord, rent takers, maintenence people) do at the flats from hell? Nothing! Not a damn bloody thing for six years. Every set was worse than the last. The only thing I got told was to stay inside and not go out at night. I even got told off for yelling at the psycho music player to shut the fuck up one night. To make things even better the caretakers ran off with about $10 000 of rent and utilities money just after christmas one year. Sure enough the company that owned the complex tried to get us to pay. They had burnt their records before they did the runner. I only got to move because my grandmother had died and left me enough money to move and pay rent for a year. Otherwise I would still be sitting in my version of hell, rocking back and forth and babbling incoherently. Thought you'd appreaciate knowing you aren't alone. I hope you got it all sorted out okay. I couldn't offer any kind of legal advice because I live in an entirely different country.
Thanks for the offer. I've sent you a PM with my email address.
I'm looking for a Draco/Hermione story that I read years ago. It goes a little something like this: - Hermione is Head Girl, Draco Head Boy. While doing patrols one night Hermione comes across Lavender (I think) about to have sex. After a reprimand and lecture they have a conversation where Lavender says she couldn't get pregnant because it wasn't her thrid moon or something to that effect. Not knowing what she's talking about Hermione investigates this moon thing and finds out that sexual education amongst her peers is sorely lacking. After badgering the professors about it, her and Draco are forced into conducting sex education classes, mainly to correct several misconceptions that are prevelant within the walls of Hogwarts. I can't remember the name of this fic, or where it was posted. Please help?
That sounds alot like dynonugget's "How You Need It" It's been taken off AFF but if you go to http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296825751 it links to livejournal where I've heard it may still be posted. Good Luck
Well in that case *thunderous applause* I absolutely loved it, wonderfully snarky.
Um I read all of that Grizzlepot story. Honestly it wasn't that great. Now I see why. Just changing place and people names didn't make a lot of sense. Along with the fact that it was set in 1902, without an explanation as to why. I saw the hall of shame yay for demongoddess. Wow! (I never heard of the original book, reading those excerpts I was shocked.) Grizzle said it was based on it, not ripping it off. The other curious thing was that whatever reviewer told her that it was a rip off and plagerised hadn't had their review left up. Yeah take the advice of the others, read the original, the short bit i've seen is definitely of superior quality. Oh yeah and I saw what's in her profile. Bull!!! She is so not sorry. It reads fake. She thought she could get away with quickly posting then taking down. Definitely not sorry. My apologies, couldn't help the urge to put in my two knuts.
This is not a story, it's a search for a fic. Titled "Help" by Savukan http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600024944 They're looking for 'Out of Control' by Wildcatcdc which has been deleted off the site. I am the queen of redundant information
LOL Thanks. I'm a true original with some very strange tastes. I fly my freak flag high and proud
Okay this is actuallly two stories. The first part is the rape, it's a one shot called The Last Resource by Loisceles. Halloween night during the feast Hermione follows Draco to the forbidden forrest to try and stop him from taking the dark mark while he is intending on going to his death. You can find it here: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544190160 The second part is called Consequences by the same author. It begins the morning after the rape and covers teh rest of the year and the pregnancy etc and the reactions of everyone and that can be found here: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544191161 Hope that helps, even tho this was posted yonks ago.
Another person posted a non story. They're looking for a story. Author name is: mandy titled: Looking for dramione http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600024904 is where to find it. (The story they're looking for is no longer posted. It was taken down last year. Author was dynonugget) I'm such a sad sack for knowing all this useless information. Have a fun day
Help finding another Dramione fic please.
CrazyPedantic replied to Siriusly_Wicked's topic in Harry Potter
I think I know the original story you're looking for It's called: How You Need It. by Dynonugget Summary:Hermione and Ron are married and he's insensitive to her needs, she works at Flourish and Blotts. She leaves Ron and decides to buy herself a house. Draco's parents are dead and he's remodeling the manor. They meet up in the book store and through a few conversations Draco helps her find a cottage and renovates it. Meanwhile Hermione is trying to divorce Ron and ends up falling for Draco. HArry and Ginny are married and suppotful of Hermione. It takes a chapter or two for things to get going. I just tried to find it on here for you, but it's been removed. I have copies of the chapters if this is the one you're looking for. -
Do those close to you support your writing?
CrazyPedantic replied to a topic in Personal Rants & Journals
Hey . I'm not a lesbian, in fact I'm very straight. Also not a fan of slash. But people not supporting is a universal thing Only two people I know haven't ridiculed me for writing. One is a friend I've had for 20 years. I told her and she said "you're such a geek. that is just the sort of thing you would do." She then threw a tim tam at me. Her way of saying what were you worrying about for telling me. The other is a guy I've known for 10 years. He shook his head and said "is there smut in it?" He's a twisted little pervert. Everyone else including my family has ridiculed me for trying. It took me seven years to get the nerve to even post a story. And that was less than a month ago. It does really hurt when people you look to for support don't give it. No one I know has ever read anything I've written. So the criticism was really hurtful . So I like to remain annonymous. Maybe one day my self esteem will recover enough for me to believe -
LOL - All those previous comments gave me a good giggle. I have serial reviewers that say something after each time they read a new chapter or two. They always say something about the chapter they read so I don't really mind so much. Never had the other sort who are just forgetful. I know I've read alot of stories, but when I re-read I generally recognise the story after a few paragraphs or chapters. People are strange. I should know I'm stranger than most.
I know what you mean. Just a short and to the point "Oh my God I love this!" doesn't really tell you anything. It could be a really crap story and they are just gee they posted I'll say something. I much prefer personally to say yeah I liked it. This is what I liked, this is what I didn't. There was a slight error here. I also like to encourage the authors I like. I want them to finish their stories. I rarely rate stories myself. Only ones that are fantastically good. Even then I only rate it once or twice. It really does depend on how long the story is. For a first chapter I can kind of understand those type of reviews, but after that more is better in my opinion. Okay 2 cents spent TTFN
I've been reading on this site for years. It was only last month that I got up the nerve to post one of the many stories I have started writing since I discovered fanfiction. So I registered and picked a random story to start posting. I was terrified of being badly received. :/ There's that many Harry Potter stories out there that I was utterly shocked by my first few reviews. Especially since one of them is an author I am regularly reading. I actually sat there crying after reading the first few reviews. I was so stupidly happy. HeavensAngel28 wrote this: (My first ever review) Well, for your first fic, I think you are doing great. There are only a few things that would seem a little off to me, but that's ok. Your the writer, I'm the reader. So please continue this, and update soon. Thank you for writing it. And I like the Quarantine idea. Haven't read one of these. I love her/his work and was so happy that someone liked mine. My second review by Izzie Mae: I'm really excited to see where this story could go! You definitely have talent, so you can stop doubting yourself, that's for sure. I loved the wordiness, I loved the long chapter. I loved it all. I don't know if you plan to make it into a longer story or if it'll be a shorter one, but I certainly hope that you have a lot of chapters for us in the future because I really enjoyed it and I think there is a lot of potential for a serious, growing plot (especially with the situation you've put Hermione and Ron in). Overall, I found it to be a very interesting idea and take on the "what-ifs" of the original series, so it didn't seem that OOC when you view it with the understanding that the characters have had time to mature (except for Ron, haha) so that wasn't a problem by any means or anything like that. I enjoyed your style and word choice and I love the character traits you build with the nick names. I just about died the firs time I read "Granger love" it was just so sweet without being too much. But now that I've rambled on and on- I apologize- I'll just go with the hope of seeing future chapters (I understand of course if it takes a while since your chapters are so long, which is a delight, not a promblem!) but I'd love to see this story continue. Thank you for the wonderfully pleasant read, Adie Yup that sent me sobbing, almost all over my keyboard. After the crying I was like SQUEE someone likes me. WOW! I always try to give a somewhat positive review. If something is well written but just not to my taste, I'll let the author know that but still praise their writing ability. okay rambling rant over