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Everything posted by CloverReef

  1. I don't like Twilight either. I have nothing against the movie or the books itself, since I haven't seen it. It's just the hysterical fanbase frightens me. I'm a bit hypocritical in that way - I'm probably just as rabid when it comes to Saiyuki... Oh well! But yeah, I think in any trend or uber popular fandom, you're going to come across a higher percentage of new writers, many of which - not all - haven't developed the skill to portray quality characters yet. I think once the hype dies down, though, the badly written characters become fewer and far between, whether it be the author's maturing, learning, or going off to the next hyped fandom. I could just be talking out my ass, but I just find a higher ratio of quality stories in smaller, more obscure fandoms, so it's just a theory! When I started writing fanfiction for Tekken, my writing was terrible, but it wasn't the worst. And I remember once Tekken started getting more media attention, the fandom became swamped with young, hyper teenybopper-type fics it didn't previously have much of. Of course, I don't have a problem with the hype-inspired fanbases either. Even if there are a lot more Mary Sues. There's advantages to it even if the ratios of quality differ. Like Twilight and Harry Potter, and a few years ago, LotR. Fandoms like that are a great place for young budding authors to start out and find their voices, and some more experienced, weathered authors to have a bigger audience to build their own personal fanbase. Did I get off topic? I didn't get much sleep, and I talk a lot when I'm exhausted! Oh well, I hope I made at least a little sense!
  2. CloverReef


    Chapter EIGHT Sana-Chan: LOL! Indeed. Johnny, the king of bad timing. I liked the Pastor too, how could he do this to us?! Oh we're not there? I coulda sworn we were... Well, still, how dare he?! Anyhoo, We'll find out what happened to Cain in... 2 or three chapters! Sana-chan #2: Muffin! I'm watching a seinfield episode about muffins! Cain begging for his life under Stiles? Hm maybe that would be hot! Skye: HA! Expecting mother, I like that XD. Too funny. I wonder how many readers would murder me if I suddenly threw in a bit of Mpreg (put the machetes down, I promise I'm not going to do it!) Anyhoo, I'm really happy you're enjoying Cain. He is one of the funnest chars I've written so far, so I do sincerely hope he's as fun to read. Wynja: Good! I love scaring people! Thanks for the review! Bijou: Yes, but it was just an itty bitty cliffy! I was good this time, I didn't make the cliffy too dramatic and infuriating. Blame Lawrence. Because of him I had to split a scene that wasn't supposed to very long in two! Otherwise the chapter would have ran too long, so yes, let's all blame Lawrence. Am I rambling? I don't have time to ramble! Oh dear... I wanna go back to bed... JtheChosen1 : Yay! This plot was a bitch to work out. If its being enjoyed, then it was all worth it! Hopefully it gets better! Anita: They're all bad! No, I'm kidding... maybe... Kinda... Cain's a good guy! Thanks for the review! Spoonring: I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying yes, that ghost in the basement is related to Lawrence in some way, but I won't say what way! I figured I couldn't have a fic with a funeral home without a scene in a casket. Well I could, but that would be a wasted opportunity! I'm kinda glad you read into what Stiles was saying more than Mr. Hysterical Cain did. Your guesswork is pretty close to the mark! Anyhoo, thanks for the review! JJ: Wow, so many questions, so little time! I like questions because I can be all like "I know that one!" and then answer it to myself and not answer here. Like a gameshow that only I am privy to. What, wouldn't you make out if you were trapped with a guy (or girl) in a coffin and people were talking about killing outside of it? Your review made me giggle, thanks! Lisa: The basement is allllllliiiiiiiiive! Okay, no not really... Not at all. But it would've been fun if it were! I'm just happy there were WTF moments at all. Yay for the little successes! Thank you so much for the review, it was grin-worthy! WhinnieRichards: It's you! I remember you! Ahem, anyhoo... Yes, I'm quite glad people are frustrated. And I hope they remain frustrated as long as it isn't so bad, they press the back button! Sorry, no room left in my C drive to crawl into! It's all taken up by yaoi hentai manga... and other stuff which shall not be named... ever. I'm glad you're enjoying it! I sure enjoyed the flattery! Thanks dear! Anise: I don't even know where to begin. Yes, yes, all your theories do make me want to talk, but I won't!!!!!!! But wow, it never even occured to me to throw Johnny and Lawrence at each other. I thought about Johnny and Stiles, and Lawrence and Stiles, but not Lawrence and Johnny! Now that you mention it, and now that the visual is firmly planted in my lecherous head, it kinda would be hot... I can totally imagine sexual tension between the two fuelled by Lawrence's ridicule and Johnny's shameless teasing. I smell spin-off! No, I'm kidding... Oh Nana, yes Nana. When I first started writing this, Nana was supposed to be a bit of a heroic character, and sturdy support system for Cain - which is reflected in the first couple chapters - but that was before I made the final decision on what this story was actually going to be about. My initial plans were about a genie-type creature. But those plans went out the window in favour of a plot more driven by the living characters and the town's dark history. So the genie went bye-bye and in came the phantoms! The fic almost took a different direction a few times in the eight chapters that are posted, but some of them are embarrassing so I won't mention them XD. So yeah, the plans for Nana's role definitely changed... But whether she's being used or a naughty lady, I won't say! I should start closing chapters with batman-like questions. "Will our heroes get out of the coffin? Will Nana ever get those whiskers waxed? What happened to Johnny in the bathroom?! Find out the answers to these questions on the next episode of HEIRLOOM! Dun dun DUUUN!" Roya: Hi!! I hope our boys dispelled your boredom because that's what they're made for. (Sounds a little sarcastic, but it's not, I swear) Well, that and to screw like rabbits on viagra. LOL I chose monday because it's just after the weekend rush of posts and I thought people could use an escape on mondays! It's not as big a deal during the summer, though since some people don't have school/work on mondays so the weekend rush spills over now! Why am I talking about why I picked mondays? I don't know, I'm still half asleep. Anyway you're so sweet! It's great to hear from you again, hun! Thank you so much for the kind review.
  3. Oh jeez, you clean that stuff up? That must be such a pain in the arse task! I get dizzy just looking at the code from processors.
  4. XD Yeah. That was me at 12 years old.
  5. I won't suggest any ways to help fix the problem. Danyealle clearly knows way more than me in that department XD. But I can at least suggest alternative scene breaks. If what you're using now for scenebreaks isn't working, I find that a simple <hr> never fails to give me a solid horizontal line. it might be difficult to find where you want the scene breaks in the messy code programs create for you. I usually do my own html tags, so I'm not sure if putting the <hr> tag in during the writing process would help at all so failing that, try any symbol. ~~~~, @@@, |||| \\\\/////, etc. One of em's bound to work. Before I knew basic HTML or how to do any form of accepted horizontal lines, I usually did a "... .... ..." for scene breaks. Readers will usually get the hint with just about anything that breaks up the flow of text. Hell even a bunch of Zeros. But of course, use in moderation. If using a strange symbol, it would be jarring to use much more than three in a row. Hope that helps. If I misunderstood the problem, sorry!
  6. LOL if only. I started writing when I was 11. I don't think I really polished my writing skills until I was twenty-two. Of course I slowly improved over the years as anyone would, but when I look back to things I wrote two years ago I'm horrified. Although, I'll probably do the same two years from now... Oh well!
  7. This was funny! I was afraid when I clicked on it that it was going to be another one of those lets-bash-any-character-that's-remotely-interesting-and-call-them-mary-sue rants, but it wasn't, so I'm happy. I just went back to some of my old fics and amazed myself with how badly I had written those chars. I was soooo guilty of many of these crimes back then!
  8. CloverReef


    Chapter Seven! BijouDuMon: Love and hate are one in the same, my friend! I enjoyed that scene with Stiles cleaning Cain up. It was right after an uber hard scene, so I wanted to have fun with something, and I did! I'm glad you enjoyed it too! JJ: Hi! He opened a door to HELL!!!! Dun dun DUN! Well, no, not really, but dramatics are fun! Why does everyone like that horse-toothed weirdo?! Well, I like him too, but that's beside the point. Johnny is pretty fun to write, I don't know why but characters who don't take anything seriously seem the loneliest to me. I always feel like they're hiding something painful... But maybe they're not and I'm just bonkers. That's fun too. Anyhoo, thanks for the review! Lisa: Yay! I figured it could use a bit of lightness before I plunge the unsuspecting boy harem into a dark spiral of a climax! well... Okay, it won't be very dark or much of a spiral. Just kinda like... a rickety elevator down into a dimly lit mall parking lot. Enticing, eh? What I mean by that is, I'm uber glad the chapter provided some humour! Why couldn't I just have said that in the first place? Well I could delete my inane rambling and put that instead, but I won't because it's more dramatic and pointless this way. I'm in a great mood! How about you? Spoonring: Helped that I didn't know what was going on through most of it either, huh? I finally made my decision about where to take this fic after I wrote chapter six! Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it, thanks! Sana-chan: Ha! I'm kinda scared of basements too, but I was before this... Anyhoo, yes bad Nana!! I'm glad you liked it dear! Spex: Ninjas and leprechauns of course! I don't know why I felt the need to answer that, but I did. I had a really weird dream about leprechauns that I just woke up from like 2 mins ago... Thanks for the review! Anise!: Oh wow. My internet just blacked out for a couple hours and I was panicking like crazy thinking they cut me off (I haven't exactly been paying them quite what I should >.>...) And then it came back on and I was soooo excited, I immediately checked my email to find you've reviewed! YAY! Next up is to check my Y!Gallery! Did I get off topic? Oh yes... Heirloom. I think Cain's talent for getting himself into precarious situations is what makes him a little bit more fun than Evening Wear's Oliver. Although Oliver was pretty good at it too I think - I barely remember - but Cain's flamboyance brings a freshness to the writing process for me. The next few chapters were tougher though because it has to start getting a bit serious! Oh no! It's sooooo hard not to have Cain bickering with everyone. By 'hard' I mean I shouldn't, but I write in bickering anyway. ... I got distracted again. *Checks the review again* Oh, Johnny! I'm glad you like their relationship. They were originally supposed to be rivals - Cain and Johnny. Constantly battling it out and having a tense closeness. I set it up that way, but somehow they decided their battles would be secondary to their closeness. I dunno how that happened. Hm, is that it? But I have more typing in me to do! I'm too happy to be hearing from you again - the move went great. Money's a bit tight, and the apartment's TINY, but the forest outside my patio door makes it all worth it! Oooh inspiring! Ciao!
  9. CloverReef


    Chapter Seven has been posted at last! Went through a slump. Took me a month to write chapter eight, but at least that's done now and I got Chapter 9 mostly finished, thanks to a sudden comment from my beta, saying a particular scene needed a little something more. So I added a little something more, and before I knew it, I had 7 full pages and 3k words! Yay! Anyhoo... It's almost five A.M. I'm sitting in the dark in my new apartment, surrounded by the spooky woods... Hello...? Is anyone out there? Oh I know! I'll go polish chapter 9 while I wait to pass out! But... But... what should happen in chapter 10?!
  10. Hm. I've never been in this predicament before (the joys of being fickle, I've only made a sequel once in my 13 years of writing.) but for once I can speak from the perspective of a reader. First of all, it's true, 60+ chapters can seem daunting to some readers if it's a fic they haven't touched before. So in that frame of mind, I'd opt for a part 2. BUT (yay for caps!) the content is just as important as hooking in readers. What I mean is, you could consider waiting until you finish the current plans for the plot with the character going to that other place, and see whether it would feel right to wrap it up there and unleash a sequel, or to keep going in the same vein. You seem to have plenty of time to make a decision, so maybe one will come naturally through the course of the story.
  11. Plot #1:: The main character's gang/peers/colleagues are butchered in a surprise shootout. On his way home in a drunken, depressed stupor, a creature (Any kind of mythical demon-type creature. Incubus or vampires, something of your own imagination, etc) comes to feed on him, but doesn't kill him (Doesn't like the smell of alcohol on him or something?) so instead it kills another passerby. The character gets freaked out and tries shoot it. Creature gets mad and comes after him again, so the main char shoots it in the head and it goes down. He takes off and goes home. Next day he checks the news, but there's no sign of what happened. He just tries to live his normal life until evening. He receives a strange phone call that sounds a lot like the creature he shot. As the creature is observing the character to get him back for that shot, it becomes intrigued and decides it wants him for itself (of course, this is erotica after all!) It makes every attempt to alienate the char from friends and lovers while the char makes every attempt not to succumb to its will and get his life back. Plot #2:: Takes place in the 18th or 19th century. A young man finds himself in the back rooms of a Molly house (the old version of a gay bar) with a man he doesn't know, about to lose his chastity. There's a raid, and he must escape or face the hangman's noose/guillotine. He flees out a window or a back door, but there are officers/soldiers at his heels, so he runs down a pitch dark backstreet. And there, something touches him (doesn't have to be in the pervo sense, but... why not?) You can stop there if you want it to be a oneshot, but here's more anyway if you want a bit longer: A door nearby opens, and whatever touched him within the darkness takes off. The young man realises he had fled onto the estate of a lord (Baron, Marquis, count, etc) The lord takes him in and has servants dress any wounds he may have accumulated during his flight from the molly house. Through some turn of events he acquires a job with the baron (as a servant, butler, errand boy, etc) But he keeps getting these subtle glimpses of that something lurking within the darkness outside the Lord's estate. Story would be about his growing raw, animalistic attraction to the mysterious figure/creature within the darkness and his loyalty to his new Lord. Yay for love triangles! Rules: 1. Let me know if you'll use either of them. You don't have to ask permission or anything of course, I just want to read em! 2. Please keep it slash. I don't mind if there's a little bit of het content as long as the main pairings are same-sex.
  12. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves with Kevin Costner, who was also in...
  13. I'm glad you decided to leave a message then. It's sure to help me a bunch in the future. Thanks everyone!
  14. Thanks ^^ I got through that particular chapter last night with a little help from a glass of iced tea spiked with rum. But I can guarantee I'll get stumped again. This fic is a toughie, lol.
  15. Congratulations! I'll be following in your footsteps sometime this year, if my gold-fish-attention-span permits... Although its kinda scary to learn to drive in a big city like Montreal - the drivers here are INSANE. I say 'insane' with love...
  16. That's a great idea! I just bought a few mangas a couple weeks ago that I haven't gotten around to reading. Maybe that'll help. Thanks, you gave a lot of great advice.
  17. LOL Wine. Man, I wish I had some alcohol handy. Thanks for the advice. I think you're right, my biggest problem is over-thinking every word I put down. I don't think I have any friends up for writing to it, but I may just bite the bullet and blindly write through the scene and try not to look back as I go. If it doesn't turn out, I'll do as you suggested and try a different scene. Thanks!
  18. Okay, so here's my problem. I have a tendency to start a lot of fics, and only rarely complete them. So lately I've begun waiting until at least five chapters are written and if I still write passionately to the story, I begin to post it. It's irritating to most of my friends, and I'm sure its irritating to readers when stories get dropped, and rightly so. My current issue is that I'm stumped with the fic I've been working on for the past six months. There's seven and a half chapters written, but I've been stuck on one scene for the past month. I'm not at a loss for ideas. I have plenty of ideas and aspirations for where I want it to go. I just can't seem to word it right. So I'll write a few paragraphs and then think they're terrible, and delete them. After being stumped so long, I really have an urge to just write something, so I've been getting ideas for other fics. But I'm afraid that if I touch another fiction, the current one will suffer. People really seem to like it, and I really enjoy it - when I'm not stumped - so I don't want to drop it. Gaaaah! It's driving me insane! If you have any advice for what I should do or how I should deal with this, or even your own relative experiences I would be much obliged! ~Clover~
  19. LOL Yes, my morbid curiosity gets the best of me too in the troll section. Especially when other sites are involved. My overly self-centred masochistic side tends to start looking, hoping, and dreading that I'll find one of my own fics being stolen/flamed offsite. I don't want it to happen to me - or anyone else mind you. Being ripped off and flamed is a terrible, inexcusable crime. But sometimes I go a little crazy and want to believe my work is being talked about elsewhere in some shape or form. So yes, I can completely relate, but I guess I'm probably coming from a more narcissistic angle XD... oops!
  20. I think you can do it by going to your author panel, and click on "Edit Profile". There's a password text field there. That's my guess, though I haven't tried it. Although if you're talking about here on the forums, I have no idea.
  21. CloverReef


    A/N: Thanks to Chibishiva, my consistent beta, and Me Me the guest beta who helped me go over chapters 5 and 6. Chapter SIX Paputsza: Yay creepy! You're too kind, thanks for the review! oo: That's not quite the whole story about how Cain got his job. I actually did a scene where Cain gets into it and talks about what really happened, but I cut it during the editing process. Damn me! As for why he isn't taking pictures, I don't think he has a very good relationship with his cameras after all the scandals in NYC. I'm glad you're interested! I always enjoy your reviews, they're energetic! Thanks, ciao! Linika: Hehehe, fabulous! I love that word. I hope you're enjoying it! Thanks for the review! Sana-chan: She certainly is bonkers! Maybe she has gone off the deep end! Who knows?! Well, I know, but I'm not telling! Sana-chan #2: lmao! Nice to see someone still likes Stiles after this chapter! Although he did do a totally shitty thing, I guess I was kinda trying to make him seem like an asshole. But you just cemented it. I should totally give Johnny more screentime. He's fallen by the wayside during this silly storm! Sana-chan #3: I'm all moved and unpacked now! And by the way, that little skit you put in the review was frickin hilarious. You gave me a good laugh XD thanks. I'll be updating again this sunday at midnight. Anise: lmao! Yes, even if Cain had any actual talent, he'd definitely still be a slut. I'm dying to say more about it, and give it all away, but I'll be good and tear my hair out a little. Thats how I keep secrets, I temporarily transform into a nutcase. Ha! Stiles was a total asswipe. Don't worry, Cain isn't going to just forgive him and throw himself at him like that manga I was ranting about a couple weeks ago. I'm a little bit of a hypocrite, but not that bad. That reminds me, I really should use Johnny for the scene I've been writing. I've been blocked for a few days, but maybe he'll help. Thanks for the support, hun! Your review made perfect sense, it even made me want to ramble about things I shouldn't be rambling about, but I smiled a lot while reading it anyway! See you! tmelange: I'm a sucker for cliffhangers and developments so I try to throw in all the twists I can. And it makes me a little giddy when readers get wound up over the twists/cliffies! Well I'm glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for the review! Lisa: Ha! I knew that old man fetish would gross people out. It's just too fun to gross people out... I'm glad you've enjoyed the chapter, and thanks for wishing me luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too! Man it's gonna be hard to move boxes with my fingers crossed... JJ: Cliffies are so much fun, aren't they? They're more fun when they're literal, but for this fic, I'll have to settle for ... non-literal. You may be right about Nana, but... maybe not. But either way, I have no idea what I'm talking about. Thanks for the review! Sorry, I'm out of my mind at the moment so my responses are a little out of whack. KT: Wow, that's a huuuge compliment. Thank you so much, you made my day. I'm really glad you're enjoying it. I know I say that a lot to people, but I mean it every time. Thanks! Kylee: Yes, very exhausting. Today (the 29th) is the last day I have to pack. We're taking all our stuff out of the house tomorrow and then moving on the 1st and third. It's national moving day on the first where I am, so everythings more complicated than it should be. *pulls hair out* AHHH! Anyway, thanks! Rikuhikari: Hehehe, I getcha. I always feel a little jumpy after I read a spooky story and then go to bed with all the lights off, but it still makes me giggle that I caused it in someone else! Maybe I'm a Sadist at heart. Thanks for the review! JtheChosen1: LOL! Well, I was thinking of writing a roadtrip fic. There's a sequel for ya, Cain getting the hell out of the country! Just kidding... Thanks!
  22. Wow. I thought your stories sounded compelling so I started looking the mythos up, and wow. Seriously this is awesome. Whoever came up with that idea is a genius, lol. Anyhoo once I finish watching all the entrys on youtube I'll look around for fanfiction on it.
  23. CloverReef


    Yup. Sex. That's important, right?
  24. CloverReef


    Chapter FIVE oo: Oh good, he made you laugh! That's the most important thing, (that and the creepiness) is that it's entertaining. As for Lawrence, yes he's a bad guy... In Stiles opinion. Whether or not Stiles opinion is their reality, however, is still up for debate. I'm scheming a lot of things! [insert evil cackle here] Thanks for the review! Vintcient: I'm glad you liked it! The plot is becoming a bitch to hold together, but I'll try my best!! Thanks! Lisa: It was a happy one! I gots me a cowboy hat to go with my fedora, paperboy hat, and my derby! I like hats... Anyhoo, enough about me, You fell off your stool! Well then, my work here is done. Well, okay, not completely. I still hopefully have a lot more creeping out to do! My internet is scheduled to be installed a few days after we move. So if all goes well, I should only miss one Monday update for chapter 7. I've got 9 days before I go, so chapter 6 should be on time though. Thanks for your fun review! Wynja: Thanks! Sometimes I think I don't even understand what's going to happen, but I probably shouldn't be admitting that so readily. I'm going to go pull my hair out some more over the chapter I'm on! I was thinking about getting a short 'do anyway. Kylee: Maybe! Maybe that's exactly what he means, maybe it isn't! I'm just so elusive! Nana's involvement will be kinda exposed over the next few chapters, I think... Maybe not. Depends on your point of view, I guess. Anyway, thanks for the review! JJ: Creating mysteries are so much fun, especially when its a mystery in the form of a character like Lawrence. So I'm happy people aren't sure about him yet. Hehehehe Caveman Stiles. I never thought about it that way but yeah, that was pretty primitive of him, wasn't it? I like that word now. Caveman. Thanks JJ! Spex: Eww! I sooo didn't want to make a hot young man in love with an old dead man, but it just kinda happened that way. Yes Stiles certainly does have his reasons, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're good reasons! I'm glad you like Cain! He's definitely on the top five of fun original chars to write - out of my creations, that is. Anyway, thanks! Anise: Yep, there sure is more of an explanation. Kinda. Maybe. Am I being cryptic? No? Oh well, I tried. I love how the desert in the southern states looks, so I really wanted to try and convey that in the story once I got an opportunity. I don't think words can do it justice, especially not a paragraph of 'em, but its worth a shot! Sorry about Lawrence's disappearing act. You're right it is a little weird. I really should put in where he went off to in chapter six, but I'm afraid I'm at a loss as to how, so forgive me for that little bit. I could, however, show Cain wondering about it. Thanks for pointing it out! Yes Stiles is definitely a hypocrite. LOL I think that's a shared plight of 90% of my seme characters; Hipocracy. Pig-headedness is pretty common too among them, I guess. And GINORMOUS packages! Okay not really, but wouldn't it be fun if that was?! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! I'm working on getting more questions answered in the chapters to come as I work up to the climax. Your reviews are always so helpful, I look forward to them thanks! UnLazy: Gotta admit, I like how johnny turned out too. I was going to make him a total meathead, but he quickly became a bit more than that, in my head at least. And yes, I was hoping no one would foresee Stiles' infatuation with a old fart, but apparently a couple people did, damn them! (Just kidding! No damning going on here!) Anyhoo, I'm glad you decided to drop a line! Thanks for the review! Kazu: Other hot guys? Well there's johnny, and there's lawrence... And the ghost is kinda hot. (of course it is, this is a slash story.) Yes, Evening Wear! My unexpected success. I was all like 'I'll never make it past the first chapter', and Oliver was all like 'Oh yes you will, bitch!' and then I was like 'D: that's so mean, I'm not a bitch!' and... well, you get the idea. Anyhoo, I'm glad you enjoy my stories! Sana-chan: Only two more hours to go, dear! I'm going over chapter six as we speak for the last edit.
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