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CloverReef last won the day on March 19 2023

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  1. I want to write. Soooo bad. But I’m in one of those funks where I feel like everything I touch is pointless, even if I know it’s going well. The frustration of it has become a irate buzzing at the tips of my nerves. My skin is crawling, my spine and shoulders feel primed to crack. My typing fingers itch and the words in my head yearn to alleviate them, but every little distraction echoes through my head loud and painful like a gunshot. 

    I just want to scream or break shit or cry, but I can’t do those, so emoting all over my profile was the next best thing. I know what’s causing this, but knowledge apparently isn’t a cure. Damnit. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BronxWench


      ::hugs tightly::

      Words have a great deal of power, I know. But your words deserve to be heard. Try that PWP. 

    3. pippychick


      Oh, damn.. :( *hugs you*

      I vote that you let Bee beat someone up in this PWP…. just think about it. Blackbird, sending someone else to hospital for a change. All righteous and such.

      Or, honestly, anything you want really. Writing really does help if you can bear to get the words down.

      Btw, Kinihiyawan cl? Because I couldn’t find any way to say “cheer up” in the Cree language. The internet failed!

      But I could try this out (which is probably the best I can come up with if it makes any sense):

      tapwi, Ayiman. Kiyam, Ekayakosta. Otâcimow. :wub::hug:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Just double up that disclaimer, because it’s purely coincidental if the scumbag ends up on the wrong end of a PWP snuff fic.

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