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Everything posted by Jaded_Star

  1. Would they really be able to censor writing though? I can see how, like child pornography, they could find evidence of pictures, videos, etc, but I don't think people will really see any reason to stop reading stories within larger sites, that happen to include smaller breasts. Short of censoring everything that includes any erotica, how would they be able to enforce this? Where there are naked people there will be small boobs.
  2. I do this all the time! Proof reading always starts out well, then my brain goes on autopilot. A lot of errors just seem to go away somewhere between my eyes and my conscious mind. I'll go back and read something, knowing I've posted it somewhere and find all kinds of things wrong, despite having proof read everything at least twice.
  3. Seems to me most anything can be a turn on or a turn off. It's all about how the word is used. If you're really into a story, even if you read your least favorite word, you're likely to ignore it. At least I am. I agree that repeat words are a bummer. I'd say a turn on for me would be creative ways around saying the same word over and over, eluding to something rather than spelling it out.
  4. I think the great thing about boobs is they come in all shapes and sizes. As a bisexual female I tend to like larger breasts, but that's just me. I'd say a C is safe, not too big not too small. I would say though since people tend to like boobs or butt, its good for a fictional character to have one or the other. Really though, why sweat it? What do you like? Isn't that what you really want to write about?
  5. Hi potential beta's! I've never actually had a beta before, not sure why, but I would love to have someone to bounce things off. I really need someone who can tell me if things make sense, or if they are too choppy. I'm open to constructive criticism regarding grammar or writing style. http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093371 This is the in progress story I am looking for a Beta on, after the point posted I'm not too sure if what I have is cohesive enough. I also have a few others which I could really use a muse on. This story is pretty mild, just standard m/f sex, nothing too wild. If you're interested please e-mail me at Obisjadedjedi@aol.com I also have another story that is a continuation of something I started with a friend a long time ago. This portion of the story is 100% written by me, and I've decided it needs to branch out on its own. I need some help editing it, cutting things, adding a new character to replace my friends, and adding in Anakin, who in this version of the world wasn't there. This one has some more graphic moments, a lot of angst, rape, I hope I'm not missing anything. Even though this is a portion of a story, it is still way too long! It needs to be shortened and broken into two separate stories, so help on where to cut things would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Same here. I like going back and reading things I've written in the past, it reminds me of what was going on in my life at that time. I have one story I wrote with my best friend in high school, that one is my personal favorite to reread. There are parts I clearly remember writing with her and talking about, and others portions are a complete blank, I can't even remember if I wrote it or she did. I also have a tenancy to write while intoxicated... those are always interesting to read and edit sober....
  7. Granted I haven't been around here for very long, but it doesn't seem like most people review at all. I know I'm guilty of reading,liking, and not reviewing. If I'm reading a story on a message board I will always review it. I'm not sure why that is, I guess boards just feel more conversational. I figure at least here you have a hit counter, so you at least know people are reading, even if they are too shy to review it, or it isn't there thing. I don't take a lack of reviews personally. I have one on the story I've posted here, and while I'd love more, I will be happy with my one. The alternative is no one reads it at all, which is worse in my opinion than having people read it and not getting any feedback.
  8. I think a lot of people are worried about hurting feelings. I've given reviews on stories I've liked that needed some help in the grammar department, good reviews. I usually add in they should do a little more proof reading. An odd run on sentence or misuse of a word doesn't bother me too much, and if its too bad I find it too distracting to even read.
  9. I used to write a lot of sex scenes when I was a virgin, I rarely got any complaints. I find what's helped me develop more than anything (including actual sex) is reading other peoples work. Look at what you like, wording style of writing, perspective, and try to replicate it in your own way. Reading something you don't like is also helpful. In terms of being afraid to write something, I just have a couple of drinks. Proof reading is required later, but it works. Or just try going all out, think to yourself no one will ever read it but you, and see what you come up with. On another note, the raunchiest thing I ever wrote, which I thought would make people think I was insane, got me the most praise. You never know until you try it. If none of this, or the other suggestions in this post work, try working with another writer. remember you're writing for fun, if you're not comfortable and having fun doing it, who cares what anyone else thinks?
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