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  1. I wish I had more reviews, but I'm glad I don't have troll reviews. I write for fun, and I haven't posted most of my stories. Just having one reader who genuinely enjoys my stories is enough for me. It would be nice if I had at least one review for every hundred hits. I like feed back to, which I never seem to get. I would like if people said do more of this less of that. I write for the love of writing though, which I remind myself when I get down on not enough reviews. And AFF is a better community than others I've been in, where you felt like you were intruding on someones private party. At least here feels like an open and inviting forum for everyone. At least in my section it's about the quality of what you write and not a popularity contest.
  2. Why is everyone assuming the only reason the author would choose to delete a review is because it's negative? This isn't a problem I have, but I'm sure some authors have readers who get into a dialogue in the review section. If there is something keeping useful reviews from being easily accessible to readers, it would make sense to delete them. The mods seem to have enough to deal with without adding review deletion to it.
  3. Douglas Adams. I'm pretty pleased with that.
  4. 1396
  5. I'm doing the same thing! I decided to rewrite the first story ever wrote when I was a very young teen, and its taking forever! Which is why, this newer, much shorter story seems like it might be alright as it is. It's a weird story that's always been a back up in case I feel like writing something different, so it's slowly grown over...7 or 8 years? lol long time for 24 pages!
  6. I was thinking about posting a story I started writing a very long time ago. So I opened said story, read the first paragraph and realized it doesn't sound like something I'd written. My writing style has changed so much over however many years. True to form, I never actually finished this story on paper, only in my head. So what do I do? It's not so drastic that a reader would notice in a big way, but the transition will likely be noticeable.Do I rewrite the whole thing? Do some touching up? Leave it alone and finish it? Anyone else have this problem?
  7. I was trying to help a friend edit a terrible star wars fan film. It was pretty bad, but the line: "As long as the Jedi are pursed by the Empire..." Made me cry I was laughing so hard. I got a visual of Darth Vader with a purse, going around putting very small Jedi in it.
  8. I've had a lot of pets, and my recommendation is to not get a ferret. For the most part my larger animals have always been afraid of my rodents, until I got a dog who was hell bent on killing my pet rat, which he eventually did. Not only might your cats become obsessed with killing it, but you might get tired of it. I've found having cats and rodents, then dogs cats and rodents, that at a certain point the rodents feel like a burden. When life is insane and busy nd miserable larger pets have a way of making you feel better The ferret, if it is not the only pet, won't rub up against you after a hard day and make you feel loved, it will on the other hand require food, water, cleaning, and perhaps bite you. Stick to the cats and visit the little guys in the pet store. That's my advice.
  9. 1. S.O.S. (Anything But Love-) by Apocalyptica 2. Pain- By Three Days Grace I second the recommendation for within temptation, it's a great band. I listen to pretty much everything but country, so what I listen to for inspiration depends on what I'm writing. Occasionally a song will inspire me and I'll leave it on repeat until I'm done writing. I would suggest you get together with friends to do a music exchange to beef up your library. I do it with my friends every now and again. It definitely keeps my music collection surprising, good or bad lol.
  10. Recently my life fell apart. As lives often do in this economy. Well during this time I did a lot of drinking. One drunken evening I apparently decided to back up everything important from the newer of my 2 computers onto flash drives. My newer computer is now dead, just a few months later. Now that life's getting back on track I thought I would do some writing, only to find the story I was working on had been lost! But wait... I had the feeling it was on a flash drive... thanks drunk me. It was in the wrong file format for my old computer, but that's fixed now. If I did lose something I can rewrite a little. Ever find you've done something mundane and practical while drunk? Also, had you been reading this story, it will be updated soon thanks to alcohol!
  11. I have the same problem! I found the best fix for getting stuck was a co-writer, even if it's a friend who writes a couple pages you have no intentions on keeping, it kick starts things. Another solution, glass of wine, or other drink of choice, to loosen up. It gets you past the over thinking stage. And my last idea, just remove the scene. If your that stuck on it, maybe it's time to edit it out and think up something you're more excited about writing.
  12. I have a feeling there are more people who like, or are indifferent to OC's than there are OC haters. Just like anything else in life, if you like something, and are satisfied with it, you're less likely to review it and talk (or complain) about it than you would be if you didn't like, or were unhappy with it. I don't think it was until I started posting on boards with more authors than readers that I became aware of OCs being an issue. This may be because the other boards I posted on were pretty Star Wars specific, and there are very few female cannon characters.
  13. This is a very well written fuck you to your flamer. It honestly makes me want to write a bunch of abortion fictions just to piss someone off... I'm also the person that hits the big red button that says "do not touch" I won't though, that would require time I don't actually have.
  14. Aside from the main stories (all centered around the OC) and the one AU I wrote the stories with the OC are all pretty brief. where/when the characters are is pretty anonymous. I also tend to use the same cannon characters. I guess that's the problem. I really just need a woman for sex. Does it matter who she is?
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