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WillowDarkling last won the day on June 3

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  1. So… now I can cross getting sun/heatstroke off the bucket list, I guess…:blush: 

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    2. WillowDarkling


      Oh, gods, no, I will come in the dead of winter, and still be running around in skirts and as near topless as possible, complaining about the friggin heat… 

      My friend and his girlfriend posted pictures of their daughter in a coat, hat and thick pants in July once, and my first thought was, “That child is going to melt from the heat!” but then realized it as the middle of winter for them… But then I googled the average heat for NSW that time of year, and realized that you Aussies must be like born with some kind of heat resistant coating, or something… Like fire proof from birth… 

    3. Melrick


      Well put it this way, a 15 degree day in winter would be frigging cold.  Not up north though.  It’s tropical weather up there with tropical heat all year round, but further south gets cold.  I don’t know if it’s ever dropped down to 10 during the day here, but if it did then I wouldn’t leave my bed let alone the house.

    4. WillowDarkling


      ROFL. In Iceland, anything above 7°C is t-shirt weather… when you hit 15°C it’s shorts, tank tops and laying around to try and get a tan… And ice cream… 

      ...but, in Iceland ALL types of weather are ice cream weather… including -12°C snow storms… not including windchill factor… we like ice cream… 

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