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Everything posted by taker

  1. Weasly Snipes
  2. ^ KIND of agree there. < I love "Sweetness" by Jimmy Eat World. V Knows if I had one wish, when I walk around that would be my theme.
  3. ^ Didn't know I don't watch bleach and in all likely ness I'll HATE it because of much people love and claim its the best thing since sliced bread.
  4. Bondage Anime I'm not sure if everything there is heterosexual or not and it's pay site. But its for you BDSM lovers out thar. I needless to say have to say I really tlink the free doujinshi site because of the FF and Naruto ones. Don't get me wrong, I still don't condone pedophilia. I STILL am sure I'll be burning in hell before ya'll are.
  5. Madapple: If I give off a jewish vibe or that I seem I know a lot about Judaism, you would be mistaken. If memory serves right it was ~380 rules to dictated their aspects of life. It's doubtful Paul was in for number one. The apostles sspread the word among the jews, 'cept Paul was to spread the word among the Gentiles. Jesus says "Salvation first comes to the Jews then to the gentiles." Paul was the one who was to do that. Common folk, Scholars, etc. have it in for Paul calling sexist, homophobic, etc. Most people JUST DO NOT like the rules, it doesn't suit them. The ones ones with power would could read would change it to suit themslves and their lives. There is NO WAY of us knowing what was interpreted firsthand. God has a hand in this, he told his prophets his messages and laws and has an interest to make sure they were not perverted and we get salvation. There's proof of this in the Dead Sea Scrolls, one of the books found was Isiah, it was almost EXACTLY word for identical to a current day text of Isiah. Nothing major was mistraslated. THOSE ARE FREAKING THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD! God's not going to sit by and let us fuck up.
  6. Not Guilty: I haven't worn a watch since December 2006. G/NG: Wants to be a model.
  7. taker

    I Have Never....

    I have, I suck at it. I have never not had the idea to NAIL Gun a persons eyes open because they mistreated me.
  8. ^ Knows I like V if it's Vagina. < Is sexually repressed V Laughs at my foley
  9. Like I said to the boy who ratted out his hot teacher for having sex with him: WAY TO GO RETARD! (Attept to be funny as saying no) Leon?
  10. ^ Vice-Master of the Obvious
  11. Dirk Richter (Actor who plays Radioactive Man on The Simpsons)
  12. 8/10 VERY Straight to the piont. No BS, just plain their truth.
  13. Agaib: I'm roughly going to say no. You said please to try harder for something, but you didn't say please try harder with your grammar. No seriously, it made sense to me. But I need to stay FOCUSED more. I'm sorry, when a point I think pops in my head I gotta write it down or lose it. But by the time I finish I lost the previous and go to a new one. However because you said BBM is a depressive story, now I really want to see it. I LOVE TRAGEDIES. Leonhart: I can agree and disagree. Not everything I hate I fear. I fucking HATE Paris Hilton with a passion that trascends all notions of good and evil, the thoughts I have of her and mutllating her would be considered illegal and I'm sure God doesn't really like those thoughts so I'm sure I'm going to Hell for them. I HATE Animate Skeletons but I fear them. I fear dogs but I LOVE my little doxies. Foeofthelance: You're not Metallica, so I won't obey. In Metallica's case OBEY THE MASTER... MASTER *Guitar solo* Seriously: That's a clear reference to me, and I interpret that as an challenge. I accept. DENOUNCED IS THE WRONG WORD. PETER (the apostle you're looking for) DENIED Christ three times, he did not denounce him. God had Sodomy and Gamora destroyed because of their acts. God intended man to lay with women, it's even mention "Man shall not lay with man as man lays with woman." I'm 80% sure (haven't read my bible lately honestly) it also includes "Woman shall not lay with woman as woman lays with man." Wait a second, homosexuals CAN NOT get/accept inheritance!? That's ludacis! I can KIND OF see the adoption part because they're afraid they'll bring a child up to be homosexual. All the homosexuals I've met never said they'd bring/force their children to be homosexual. They just said to more or less extent "if I had a child, and my child brough home a friend of the opposite sex and announced them as their significant other, I'd be happy for them. If they're really in love I'll be happy with their choice." same with some straight parents if their child was gay. In closing to you: I agree the Harrp Potter book remarks. Was not all that great. It was GOOD but not great, I'd rate it 7.5/10 stars. Madapple: That's where I must disagree with you about Christians VS Old Jewish Laws/Text. First what 613 other commandments are you talking about? Christians AND Muslims take from the learnings of Judaism, we use their books and laws with our own since the Jews do not recongize Christ as the son of God. Just because we're not directly from Jews (I'm Roman Catholic myself and like FOTL I do the same or like the Jews I'm buddies with I'm Catholic but I don't really practice I.E. goto church). God does ultimately care. He allows us FREE WILL to chose if he exists or not, our Free Will allows to determine if we're a Child of Abraham or of the Body of Christ or Diciple of Muhammed or a follower of Krishna or Pupil of Mao Tzu (Taoism) or Satan's Disiple or a step closer in reincartion of perfect being and become a part of God (Buddism) or even none at all or one I didn't mention. I don't recongize Scientology as a religion, just a bunch of assholes who believe aliens planted us here WELL OVER ONE BILLION years ago (Funny, the oldest part of our Solar System isn't even HALF a billion years old) and I cannot believe they're a recongized church and those cock suckers get tax breaks. Muslims are the same, only they accept he's FROM God, but because son of God would mean God had a physical relationship with a woman, they do not accept Chris as Gods Child. They accept he'll return and slay the Anti Christ. Don't take that as 100% fact, I asked a Muslim Imam (YES A IMAM their equivalant of a Rabbi/Preist/Minster/Pastor). We'll not know which one it means. If Doulos is Masculine Lover or Masculine Slave. Some may accept it ONLY as Slave, others with Lover, and others (like me) who say "I don't give a shit, it'll be answered at a later date." I think the Bumper Stick means the drivers either A: Crazy or B: Bi-sexual or C: A Shitty Uppity Driver. I'm done with my rant until next time. HP Book: The Next should end it, I heard that she left a bunch of loose ends. A friend of mine who has ALL the books and knows them pretty good said "What loose endings? She tied all those endings up by The Half Blood Prince or in the books they originated from." It's a little over hyped, namely because it's supposed to be the last book.
  14. A lot of people call me homophobic. I'm not. Like God, I don't hate them (in God's case they're his children after all) he hates their acts. I have two male friends that are gay (thankfully they don't know each other, I DO NOT need to choice sides if they get togher and break up, FUCK THAT!) and I have no problem with that. I slept with one of them (physically but not sexually) and he didn't to anything to me. Don't get me wrong, when he came out FIRST thing I asked him (after asking how long he's known this) is if he found me attractive. He promptly said "No" and there was that damn ackward silence... then he asked "Why? Were you prepared for that?" I said "No, I had my feelings for a while. I'm not sure which answer I wanted more. If you said 'Yes' that means i'm attractive but you'll eventually want to nail me. You said 'No' which mean you don't want to nail me but I'm not attractive even to men." I honestly don't care to see homosexual acts in general. Sure lesbians give me a bonar, sure I from time to time spank off that. I rather see a happy couple w/o sex honestly. Sex is WAY too over rated, I know. I've had it enough times to know that. If I see two guys kissing, I don't look away but I don't look interested. In other countries people kiss each other on the cheeks as a way of greeting each other. I hug my friends when I see them after a long time or when I leave and I'm feeling depressed. It really pisses me off when people say "i hate fags" because of my two friends they don't know about. Sure me and them have our good times and our bad. But EVERY relationship has fights. When someone says I hate all homos it pisses me off therefore, not alot of people know but my girlfriend/lover (not sure where we are, we're at times BF/GF at times we're not, but we do have sex) is a lesbian or bi-sexual. So how can anyone see how I hate either of those three? My guy friends give me the companionship, comedy, creativity I need to continue my exsistance. My gal pal gives me the physical reltionship I yearn for and I know deep down love that I've been un-actively searching for. I see homophobia as what dem inbreds do by persecuting them for their actions. I don't think homosexual should marry, but I'm not going to kill an assload for no reason or prevent them from a civil union. I believe marrage is between a man and a woman who love each other. Don't get me wrong, there may be gay couples who last like ten years and now the average marrage is something like six years. I know there are heterosexual people who marry for tax benefits. I think homosexuals should be allowed to get the same benefits from a civil union. Otherwise take it off from the people who are married and we'll see a lot less of those. There should be a time table like if you're married over 5 years THEN the benefits kick in. But hey that's jut me. Homophobia should just be the words extact meaning in my book. But hey that's just me. P.S.: I don't want to see BBM unless I'm inclided to see such as a friends watching it yeah. Nothing better yeah. But I won't go looking for it.
  15. Nothing really strikes me frankly, but I'll name the few that do... Fuzzy Love by Cold Silence: I'm still not a yaoi fan boy, but she does a good job capturing her readers and painting good scenes. Very touching story too. Caught in the Act by Debs Dragon: Yeah... We've all been caught or caught our parents taking advantage of their marital rights. Stolen Youth by Debs Dragon: It's not up here but It's still a really damn good story. Frankly its movie quality... if you subtract all the DBZ oriented stuff like Ki and Flying w/o wings or an airplane. I THINK I've seen something like this before when I think about. Good story, the sex wasn't that great (dun like rape) but the story itself picks up for that.
  16. Congrats... What's the fate of your old one? I'm trying to get a new compy myself... it could be most profitable to you if you're interested.
  17. Pink World is where I go namely because I'M FUCKING CHEAP. I like free, otherwise I stop by my local dirty books store and hope there's something to catch my eye. Anime Nation has some hetero and yaoi (for you people into that stuff) none to show but you can buy some. I'll check through my history to find my manga sites I check out. I know one I goto is a Free Dojinshi site that you can view a lot of hetero stuff. Pink World: Contains Posing, Hardcore, Ametuer, Shemale, Bi (Men and Women), three somes, orgies. Updated daily and a lot of spank able material guys and gals.
  18. I tried everything myself. I'm about to re-enlist to get over it. Sure nine months only got a few things out of the way. I'm thinking about doing some tonight. Namely because I like working at night. I'm an Night Owl. Which story are you talking about Vamp?
  19. Frankly my dear, I think you should message her back saying your stories are adult in nature and therefore she should not be reading your material. Losing one fan is better than the headaches that'll come if you don't do anything and she takes it out on you. Hey that's just my opinion.
  20. BZZT: You lost on Family Fued Leon
  21. taker

    The Anything Game

  22. I Can Do Better - Avril Lavigne
  23. Whose he? BOT: Brian Griffin (Family Guy's main character: Peter's best friend... and walking talking dog)
  24. Not Guilty: I'll never goto a pride parade. There's no white pride parade. There's no italian pride parade. There's no heterosexual pride parade. There's BARELY a Soldier pride parade. G/NG: Is a compulisive gambler at heart but says they're not.
  25. taker

    I Have Never....

    Neither have I. I have never had the urge to staple gun someone eyes open.
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