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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. That's how it sounded to me. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  2. Speed (movie)
  3. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am hoping Leon goes back and reads what I put up in her rant thread... I mean it, Leon, every word! I am listening to video game music... and I can't seem to block it out. I am going to find my iPod.
  4. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am pointing out that Sam's house sounds a lot like mine. I am practically vibrating from the excitement after watching a special on the new Harry Potter movie!! I am happily daydreaming of Lucius in leather... I am so going to get kicked out of the theatre on Tuesday night. (gotta love midnight showings!_
  5. Just to make the Americans feel better, here's some good ones from the rest of the world! Donald Duck comics were once banned in Finland because he never wore pants In London, England, there is still a law that states London Taxi cabs must carry a bale of hay at all times. In Birmingham, England, it is illegal for a man and a woman to have sex on church steps after sundown. In Victoria, Australia only a licensed electrician is allowed to change a lightbulb and it is forbidden to wear pink hot pants after mid-day on a Sunday! in British Columbia, Canada it is illegal to kill a Sasquatch or Bigfoot if one is ever found. And in my home province, Alberta, Canada a released convict is entitled to a gun and a horse to ride out of town on. There, see, there are stupid laws almost everywhere!
  6. Hmm... no. We're really on a roll here! Leon?
  7. ^ Is half right. < Loves Nightmare Before Christmas, and Corpse Bride, but can't think of any other animated musicals to list... other than Disney ones, but they don't count in my mind. V Thinks they do indeed count.
  8. Guilty... and that's all I'll admit to. G/NG - Has been caught having sex in a public place.
  9. Seth Green
  10. Sculpted
  11. Me either... not entirely sure I'd want to either. I have never ridden a motorcycle.
  12. Do we really want to see that?
  13. Get Naked - Methods of Mayhem
  14. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am agreeing with Trae's assessment of the situation. I am sympathizing with Leon... I've had to fill one of those out too.
  15. Ritz
  16. Because it fell off the desk. Why?
  17. I wouldn't be posting anything. If I were a keyboard...
  18. So would it be okay if I asked you to hop on one foot and sing the Italian national anthem for me? They loved it last night.
  19. Having my ticket for Harry Potter!!
  20. Save Tonight (song)
  21. I am no longer allowed to remind my hubby that I have my ticket for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix... because he knows and he's sick of hearing about it.
  22. I know a great Aussie table wine! Fifth Leg Red or White. Fab stuff... and none to the Aussies I know drink Fosters... it's mostly XXXX (which I love) or VB (Victoria Bitter). But back on topic. I think I'll have to call a few friends... I think one of them down there was looking for work. I'm sure he'd enjoy such a job!
  23. Well, I am in posession of an illegal bathtub... but I always wanted one with feet!
  24. I've heard the stories of those steamers from my family... yeah, they'll do nicely!
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