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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. (I'm a redhead too... Its just wrong! No pink for us! We should start a support group. ) Me either I have never been to a support group
  2. Nope... no luck for you! Soulsearcher (I've given up on Melody. )
  3. ^ Is far more practical than I am < Would love to write some of this... but is the middle of a major bout of writer's block. v knows the cure for writer's block and will share
  4. Me either... to my knowledge anyway I have never met the president of the united states. (good thing too...)
  5. I knew the Bride (When She Used to Rock and Roll) (song)
  6. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    i am a fan of cooking with wine. I am enjoying my wine for both myself and Melody
  7. i am no longer allowed to yell "YARRRR... MUTINY!" when my boss walks into the room
  8. pleasure
  9. Not this time. Melody? (she's got to show up eventually)
  10. I am no longer allowed to scream "BAMF" at work and look surprised when i don't disappear in a puff of smoke.
  11. Guilty... but it was a bright pick snow jacket... on a redhead... it was so funny! Has told someone that they were "fine" but they weren't.
  12. Stilettos
  13. ^ Is reading my mind again! < Is aware that the nakedness/chocolate coveredness factors are interchangeable. V Is wondering what else we could have naked and covered in chocolate
  14. Fishnets
  15. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am sure that Melody bet wrong. I am chilling some Sauv. Blanc right now
  16. I am no longer allowed to throw glitter at people who annoy me.
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am now thinking merlot might be a good idea... I am realizing that its 30C out and white might be a better choice... i am incredibly indecisive.
  18. I've just noticed a definate lack of posting in some of the fanfic topics. Specifically Comics (which honestly didn't have all that much action at the best of times... but whatever) and LOTR. Is this happening to the other fandoms too? And obviously there are a few of us left around here So what's going on? Why is it so hard to start up any kind of discussion in the more specific forums? Any ideas?
  19. I am no longer allowed to mock Soulsearcher for watching lifetime movies!
  20. Not this time. Soulsearcher?
  21. Corset
  22. I have... I made Christmas dinner last year... *shudder* never going to do that again! I have never lost my cell phone
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