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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. ^Will make millions with that idea! < Volunteers to be a guinea pig for the FDA trials of the chocolate and caramel covered elf diet V Is sure the FDA will approve this!
  2. I am no longer allowed to tickle the lawyer of the beavers
  3. Oh that'd be fun! I haven't either... shall we go find one? I have never dared someone to do something really dangerous
  4. Mermaid
  5. Guilty... Takes sick joy in changing other peoples member title
  6. Time after Time (song)
  7. ^ Will have a very messy elf on her hands! < Thinks covering an elf in chocolate and caramel would be quite the adventure and wouldn't mind trying it herself! V Wants to know how many calories there are in a chocolate and caramel covered elf
  8. 2260 that was a good one!
  9. Way to go Nanaea! It's so great to hear about people who are actually raising their kids instead of letting others do it for them! Bravo! On a semi-related note, I am trained as an actor/singer as well (yeah Soulsearcher! Musical theatre rocks!) but, being that the city I live in has a tiny little theatre community, I am working in a book store to pay the bills. As "real" jobs go, its a great one! However, when my husband and I have children (which will hopefully be in the next few years) I will be a stay-at-home mom. Can't wait for that! Writing is something I have always done for fun, and I can't tell you how happy I was when I found a place to share it with the world! I also am an avid comic book collector (like, duh! As if you all didn't figure that one out! ) and I play guitar. So there, that's me!
  10. Maybe This Time (song)
  11. ^ Is on the list for sexbot orders < Is still wondering where she put her perviously chocolate covered Gambit... maybe he's still in bed V Is thinking about what they want covered in chocolate.
  12. Guilty... and I have no good excuse for it either. Is the designated TP roll changer in their home
  13. mud puddle
  14. i have, I love green tea, now that's good iced! I have never stuck my finger in an electrical socket.
  15. I am no longer allowed to question the beavers decree.
  16. Nope... damn, missed my cue again! Melody?
  17. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am just finishing chinese food! I am sorry I could not share with Melody.
  18. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am giving up on pizza. I am lucky my husband brought dinner home! I am going to eat... I am going to be back later! *waves*
  19. Right again! Woohoo! Soulsearcher?
  20. i am no longer allowed to go to the movies
  21. Not guilty... far too talented for that Has preformed/played a sport on an injured ankle.
  22. Me either, but a friend of mine did, right into the orchestra pit. I have never liked iced coffee
  23. Nope. Me again. Soulsearcher?
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