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Everything posted by dazzledfirestar

  1. (No, Pixagi! trust me, you can survive on fan fic alone! ) I am no longer allowed to scream "Its ABBA!!!" whenever "Hung Up" by Madonna comes on the radio
  2. What will be Elizabeth Taylor's final marriage count? Iced Tea
  3. I am no longer allowed to order out for dinner.
  4. you too huh? I am no longer allowed to kick my husband out of bed in the morning and say "don't you have a job to go to?" as I turn over and go back to sleep.
  5. Who says we've been butt racing naked down the stairs? Three and a half pounds of grease paint.
  6. ^ Should know the "preach" may be a strong word. < Wanted to grow up to be April O'Neil... then started watching X-Men... V Wanted to grow up to be a Ninja Turtle
  7. I am no longer allowed to play the "weak little woman" card with my husband.
  8. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am in agreement. I am pulling for a new law so that I can punish other peoples kids if they won't.
  9. I have... sometimes its the only way to get rid of them! I have never gotten a fake number.
  10. Damn... missed my que! redsliver
  11. I am no longer allowed to say "that's not my problem" to my husband
  12. Vodka
  13. Not Guilty... I still remember all the important theme songs! G/NG - Has faked knowledge of a fandom just to save face
  14. Ukraine
  15. Not Guilty... I'm not that vain! close though.... G/NG - Is an avid Rainbow Brite fan
  16. dazzledfirestar

    I Am...

    I am covered in red and black paint I am going to paint everything denim colored next time so I don't ruin my jeans
  17. Not guilty. Never got caught G/NG - "Borrowed" their parent's car
  18. Backyard (book)
  19. What makes a good side dish for chocolate covered sex-bots? Kleenex and Q-Tips
  20. ^ Must be killed before he reveals to the world that I loved Rainbow Brite! < Absolutely loved the Super Mario Cartoons... but nothing will ever top X-Men... ahhhh.... Gambit..... < Has now drifted into her happy place. V Also has a cartoon related happy place.
  21. Very Good! redsliver
  22. Picnic
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