(No, Pixagi! trust me, you can survive on fan fic alone! )
I am no longer allowed to scream "Its ABBA!!!" whenever "Hung Up" by Madonna comes on the radio
you too huh?
I am no longer allowed to kick my husband out of bed in the morning and say "don't you have a job to go to?" as I turn over and go back to sleep.
^ Should know the "preach" may be a strong word.
< Wanted to grow up to be April O'Neil... then started watching X-Men...
V Wanted to grow up to be a Ninja Turtle
^ Must be killed before he reveals to the world that I loved Rainbow Brite!
< Absolutely loved the Super Mario Cartoons... but nothing will ever top X-Men... ahhhh.... Gambit.....
< Has now drifted into her happy place.
V Also has a cartoon related happy place.