Guilty... but it was my husband, so as far as bodily fluids go I don't think backwash is a big deal
Has told someone that there was no meat/sugar/milk etc. in something when there was.
^ Is probably very acurate with his figures.
< Knows that the redhead fetish is a popular one... being a redhead.
V What's to know if the drapes match the carpet
Can't have that happen! Alright... how about just movie related outfits? A nice little office number with glasses like in Love Actually might be nice (lucky secretary btw)
Madapple (yes, we are offically genius at this!)
Who said anything about "blame"? I thank you graciously for opening my eyes to wonders of Alan Rickman... oops... I mean Severus.... crap that's not it... ummm well you know what I mean!