^ Probably has Poly pegged on that one.
< Is very happy now because nobody else is going to want to share and they'll leave me alone!
< Is having very dirty thoughts about the Anderson-in-a-box... and wondering... well...
V knows what I'm wondering
^ Has a unhealthy obsession with tormenting Red.
<Has many many many unhealthy obsessions
V Thinks that it's healthy to have so many unhealthy obsessions
Me either. Actually all in all I was a pretty good student when I was one. Skipped class alot, but still pulled off the grades so, meh.
I have never been caught skipping class.
^ Is probably right.
< Doesn't have a problem with that idea at all... is wondering why she was the only one who ended up with a celebrity "friend" in the first place!
V Knows it was totally Poly's fault!